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常见中国式英语错误及改正(二)第十一词: Afford意思是买的起,付得起、花得起时间、金钱、精力等。但是Afford只能表示能力,不表示意愿。例如我们可以说Im willing to pay, but I really cant afford it,而不能说Im willing to afford it。用好这个词,我们的水平就会提高一个档次,让你的同学打心底里佩服。我们来看一些例子:1、这顶帽子贵得也太离谱了,我买不起。Chinglish: This hat is extremely expensive, I cant buy it.Revision: This hat is so expensive that I cant afford it.2、这个村子里好多儿童都上不起学。Chinglish: Lots of kids cant go to school because theyre poor. (意思表达出来了但是不精练)Revision: Plenty of kids in this village cant afford to go to school (cant afford education).3、抱歉,我跟你玩不起。Chinglish: Sorry, I cant play with you.Revision: I cant afford to play games with you, sorry.这100词到底要写多长时间,我也不知道。现在工作太忙了,老板要知道我偷偷干别的,还不炒了我,所以我还得慢慢写,I cant afford to lose my job, because Im the bread-winner and I have a big family to support.总评:使用频率:造句功能:西方思维:第十二词 Deserve这个词字面意思是“值得”、“该受到”,可褒可贬。用到的场合其实挺多的。几个例句就可以解决问题。1、你是老鼠戏猫,真是自作自受!Chinglish: Youre like a rat teasing a cat. (下面不会了)Revision: I think youre playing with fire. You deserve it!2、那个好心女孩终于嫁给了她的心上人。她是有好报。Chinglish: That good-hearted girl was married to the man in her heart at last. She was good so she had a good end.Revision: That good-hearted girl married her prince finally. She deserved it.3、你竟敢这样对我?找打啊?Chinglish: How dare you do this to me? Do you want me to beat you?Revision: How dare you do this to me? You deserve a kick in the ass!4、你很有能力,你应该找到更好的工作才是!Youre very able. You deserve a good job.这个词比较微妙,个人喜欢这个词,不多说了。If you think that I deserve some applauses or flowers, why not let me know about it:)总评:使用频率:造句功能:西方思维:第十三词 Frustrated表示心情沮丧、灰心丧气时,老外偏爱frustrated这一词。我们喜欢是sad, lose ones heart等表达法。没说过frustrated一词三次以上的,那么英语还不算入门(别骂我啊,我只可是考虑再三才说滴,没说过的话,现在说也来得及)。用法特别简单。当你觉得灰心丧气时,forget about sad, use this word instead.例句:1、没有一个女孩子给我写过信,我真是沮丧极了。Im so frustrated that no girls wrote me.2、公司业绩总是不好,总经理真是心灰意懒。Chinglish: The total manager is very sad because the achievement is not good.Revision: The general manager is so frustrated for the poor performance of his company.If, if lots of people come and shout to me:Coolmax, your English is so poor and limited! Ill be extremely frustrated :_)再说一遍,以后要常说 frustrated哦!说多了,你就有老外的感觉了。总评:使用频率:造句功能:西方思维:第十四词 Indifferent这一词表示冷漠、无动于衷的意思。很容易用,用起来就让人觉得地道。既然这么好用,我们就该多用,用过了也没事。其名词形式是indifference。例句:1、为什么对这次海啸受害者有些人却无动于衷?Why some people are so indifferent to the victims of this tsunami?2、他对别人对他的侮辱与嘲笑不屑一顾。He was indifferent to insults and scorns thrown at him.When I was very young, I liked a girl named Xiaofang very much, and I tryied all means available to please her, but she was still indifferent to me. At last I became utterly frustrated and lost my patience.Its not my story any way:)总评:使用频率:造句功能:西方思维:第十五词 Promise许诺,承诺。西方人很神圣的一个词,我们不可不用,也不可滥用。“君子一言,驷马难追”啊!对于Promise一词,我们用真诚的心来使用它。例句:1、君子一言,驷马难追A promise is a promise. (最简单、最朴实的语言,蕴藏了多少艰辛!)2、我保证我再也不犯这种错误了。I promise I wont make this kind of mistakes again!说话算数哦!再说一遍,不可不用,不可滥用,好神圣的一个词。对于老外,哪怕是你随口答应的,也一定要办到!现在已经有老外控告我们中国人老说谎了!例如一起合影,有学生随口答应给老外一张,结果老外等来等去,就是没人给送。其实文化不太一样,我们委婉谢绝或说点便宜话,但是他们看不出来的。总评:使用频率:造句功能:西方思维:第十六词 Hurt“受伤”或“疼痛”的意思。可能是生理上受伤,更表示心里上受伤。很红的一个词,失恋的人必备词汇。唉,我们的传统英文教育就是那么回事,学了10年英文,不知道“我手指疼”怎么说的大有人在。先看几个例句:1、对不起啊,我是无意伤害你的。Chinglish: Sorry, I didnt want to harm you on purpose.Revision: Sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you.2、哦,天哪!你竟然不理我了。我受伤了。Chinglish: Oh, God, you dont notice me! I am injured.(Injure一词一般不用于心理方面的伤害)。Revision: Oh, God, how come you start to ignore me! Im hurt.3、别动我,我右手大拇指指疼。Chinglish: Dont move me! My right thumb aches. (动某人的话也可以用 touch)Revision: Leave me alone! My right thumb hurts.At last I want to remind some friends that we should never tell a woman that she is fat. She would be hurt or even offended if you do that.总评:使用频率:造句功能:西方思维:第十七词 Mislead其形容词是Misleading,被动形式是be mislead。意思是误导。我们国人不太爱说,但是爱好政治与辩论的老外整天把这个词挂在嘴上。所以我们要学。这个词不难用,关键是思维方式不同。我们先看几个例句:1、你没有意识到这份报纸在误导民众吗?Havent you realized this newspaper is misleading its readers?2、我觉得你是被宣传误导了,也许是被了脑子了。I deem that youre mislead by the propaganda and maybe youre brainwashed.So, my only wish reagarding this thread is that
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