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Unit 2 Module 10 Words and Expressions班级姓名学号时间评价Learning Aims:1. Learn some phrases by heart.2. Master the usage of some important words and expressions.Learning Important and Difficult Points:1. The usage of some words and expressions account for, take advantage of, in vain, submit to, take to, suspect, head, exchange and so on.Learning Methods:1. Learn some phrases by heart.2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.Learning Procedures:第一部分:自主探究I. 识记短语1. on the move在旅途中,在迁徙中2. look at 思考,考虑,研究3. account for占据的比例,是的原因,对做出解释或说明4. ones (own) flesh and blood亲骨肉,亲人5. law firm律师事务所6. go bowling打保龄球7. brain drain 人才流失8. take advantage of 利用9. word of mouth言传,口口相传10. make use of 利用11. in vain徒劳,徒然12. have something in common 在方面有共同点 13. in rags 衣衫褴褛14. submit to 服从,顺从,听任15. in terror 处于恐惧状态16. in part 部分地17. in large numbers 大量地18. take to开始从事,喜欢,沉溺于II. 重点单词或词组用法探究1. account for: 占据的比例,是的原因,对做出解释或说明原句回放This group accounted for nearly 18 percent of the states population. 句中 account for 的含义是 占据的比例 _ _ 。小试牛刀!1) 来自日本的进口货物占进口总量的40%。Imports from Japan accounted for 40% of the total.2) 你如何解释你不请假而长期缺课的行为?How do you account for your long absence from classes without asking for leave?3)恶劣的天气可能是人少的原因。Poor weather may account for there being so few people.4) I wonder why he is acting so strangely these days.Recent pressure at work may _ his behavior.A. account forB. explain forC. make forD. stand for拓展请说出下列各句中单词account 的含义:1) You can open an account at any bank in China. 帐号2) Ill give you a brief account of my job. 描述,说明3) His girlfriend is angry only on that simple account.由于那个原因4) We would like you to stay at home, taking your health into account. 把考虑在内5) We are late on account of the bad weather. 由于,因为6) On no account must you tell them about our plans. 绝不2. submit: vi. 顺从,服从,听任;vt. 使顺从,使服从;递交,呈递原句回放By refusing to submit to any government, the Roma cannot vote, but they also cannot be forced to pay taxes. 句中submit to的中文含义是顺从,服从 。小试牛刀!1)他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。 They refused to submit to the unfair decision.请写出下列各句中submit 的含义:2) He submitted the report on the matter to the committee.递交3) I submit that the requirement is not fit for you. 申明,陈述4) We will have to submit ourselves to the courts judgment. 使顺从5) The majority of the people in the town strongly _ the plan to build a playground for children.A. considerB. supportC. confirmD. submit6) We cant _ our fate. Instead, we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.A. submit toB. correspond toC. subscribe toD. compromise to3. take to: 开始从事,喜欢,沉溺于原句回放Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behavior, such as stealing, and were usually the main suspect when anything went missing. 句中take to的含义是开始从事 _ ,go missing 含意是 不见了,失踪 。小试牛刀!1)David 第一次在Jane的生日聚会上看到Lucy就喜欢上了她。David took to Lucy the first time he met her at Janes birthday party.2)他退休之后开始从事写作。He took to/up writing after he retired.拓展请写出下列有关take 的短语含义:1) take care小心 2) take down 记下_ 3) take it easy 别紧张,放松点4) take over 接管5) take up 占据,开始从事6) take apart拆卸,拆开,把打得一败涂地 7) take in 吸收,理解,欺骗8) take off 起飞,脱下,事业腾飞,开始流行 9) take on 呈现,承担,雇佣10) take ones time_不着急,慢慢来11) take after 长得像巩固练习1)五年前他开始练习弹钢琴。He took up practising playing the piano five years ago.2) The gym instructor created all kinds of exercise which _ various special interests of groups of people.A. referred toB. catered toC. got toD. took to3) After his father died, he _ the company.A. took toB. took upC. took inD. took over4. suspect: vt. 怀疑;n. 嫌疑犯, 嫌疑人原句回放Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behavior, such as stealing, and were usually the main suspect when anything went missing. 本句为简单句 (简单句/复合句/并列句),其中Unable to practice their traditions在句中做原因状语 ,其中时间状语从句是when anything went missing 。 小试牛刀!
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