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Unit 3 All about Me 教材分析Lesson 14 Are you short or tall?通过对Mr. Wood询问学生的身高引出本课内容,结合“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”句型学习本课课文,让孩子们整体把握句型“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”的用法。 教学目标【知识目标】1、学习本课新单词;2、理解句型“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”;3、通过学习句型“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”如何描述身高。【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”,有条理地与同学交流。【情感目标】 教学重难点通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,教会学生用使用句型“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”,培养学生对“身高”表达的应用能力。【教学重点】(1) 本课单词(2) 句型“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.”【教学难点】本课单词 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities(3) Please describe where they are with“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.” How old is he?He is 2.26 meters tall.How old is he?He is 1.58 meters tall.Step 2.Learn the textListen and watchStep 3.Watch the cartoon and answer the questionsT: Do you know how to express “How tall + be + 主语”? (课文导入)2Questions:(1)Who is the first?(2)How tall is Kim?(3)Who is the second?(4)How tall is Danny?Step 4.Read and retellMr. Wood:Lets get to work,class!Kim,youre first!_Kim:I dont know.Mr. Wood:Youre 1.4 meters tall.Danny:How tall are you?Kim:_Mr. Wood:Danny,youre the second._Danny:Im 3.1 meters tall.Mr. Wood:No,Danny. Stand on your feet,please.Danny:Oh,Okay. Mr. Wood._Mr. Wood:Youre 1.3 meters tall.Jenny:Shes tall and hes short.Step 5. Can you describe them with“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall”?Show some pictures of people,and describe them with“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall”Step 6.PracticeShow some pictures of people,and describe them with“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall”.Step 7.Lets do itGroup work. Measure and say.Step 8.GameMeasure and tell how tall your friend is with “主语+be+数字+meters tall”.Step 9.Homework1. Recite the text and words.2. Practice the sentence“How tall be+主语?主语+be+数字+meters tall.” 教学反思 3
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