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Unit 1 How to be a Successful Language LearnerText A Learning to Think All Over Again1 substituted 2 analogy 3 represented 4 associated 5 challenge 6 converted 7 concept 8 reduced 9 image 10 bundles 11 choose 12 pointed 13 instead 14 various 1 get away from 2 put together 3 getting into 4 broken into 5 a great deal 6 Over and over again 7 depend on1 took 2 go 3 take 4 go 5 go1 what caused the fire2 what site of shoe your father wears3 what looked like a ball4 what our family and friends do for us5 what she had bought for his birthday1.Translation翻译1.What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks. 2.In terms of previous working experience, John is the best choice for this position. 3.My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts. 4.With the help of his family and friends, Tom build up his publishing business bit by bit. 5.Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge.6.This company has a very good public image. People always associate its product with high quality and good service.Text B Learning Grammar by Feel1 recognized 2 later on 3 fall back on 4 slightest 5 alternative 6 figure out 7 conviced 8 complicated 9 struck terror into 10 oral 11 sound 12 Follow 13 doubts 14 master1 然而,对于一个正在学习母语的三岁孩子来说,语法一点儿也不可怕,因为他能在不知不觉中掌握它。2 虽然我的同事们并不信服(这种新方法的效果),但还是同意让我尝试一下,因为他们知道万一我的方法失败了,过后他们总有机会再去教那些规则。3 但是另一组学生只能依赖规则,所以就得用心去琢磨每一个句子。4 这使他们相信,至少对一些学生来说,除了讲解语法之外,口头练习也是一种不错的选择。Unit 2 ParentsText A A Father, a Son and an Answer1 back and forth 2 destination 3 terminals 4 distinction 5 are not supposed to 6 bet 7 rotten 8 racial 9 board 10 inexpensive 11 delight 12 ride 13 pretended 14 increasing 15 valuable1 come up with 2 turned out 3 hold on to 4 take over 5 picked up speed 6 head for1 reboarded 2 invaluable 3 inarguably 4 interracial 5 unlikelyText B Father and Biscuits1 oversleeping 2 disappointed 3 grades 4 parental 5 figure 6 fuss 7 have it in for 8 sack 9 attitude 10 come by 11 changed1 有趣的是,当我们的年龄渐长的时候,我们对父母的看法会改变。2 他们逼着我们吃蔬菜,我们还不想睡就逼着我们上床,对我们的成绩大惊小怪,教训我们这一切都是因为他们真的爱我们。3 当我转弯要开过他的房子时,我看到一个身影站在寒天的雨中,手里拿着一个袋子。4 是表达感激之情的时候了。感谢父母的爱,感谢这世界上最纯真的爱。Unit 3 Childrens EducationText A Were All Here to Learn1 mechanic 2 confused 3 qualified 4 interview 5 scarce 6 outstanding 7 severe 8 license 9 elementary 10 transferred 11 praise 12 arrive 13 is settled 14 officially 15 roll1 close down 2 mop up 3 get by 4 out of the question 5 talk over 6 get in the way 1 traveling around the globe by air 2 eating more apples and vegetables 3 Going to work on foot 4 Saving energy 5 Learning to rid the bicycleText B A Teachers Story1 clumsily 2 exclaimed 3 took delight in 4 slumped 5 spray 6 bold 7 took pains 8 has affected 9 wrap 10 withdrawn 11 noticed12 required 13 ashamed 14 was missing 1 实际上,汤普森夫人常常用一支粗粗的红笔来批改他的试卷,划上大大的叉,在试卷上端写下大大的“F”(不及格),并以此为乐。2 按照汤普森夫人所在学校的规定,她必须查阅每个孩子的档案记录。3学生给她带来了圣诞礼物,这些礼物都用鲜艳的纸包着,还扎上美丽的丝带,只有泰迪的除外。这时她感到更难受了。4 她看到是一个手链,上面的一些宝石已经脱落了,还有一瓶香水,里面的香水只剩下四分之一。一些孩子见此情形开始大笑起来。Unit 4 The Generation GapText A My Daughter, My Friend1 apology 2 responded 3 relationship 4 abilities 5 argument 6 spilled 7 mood 8 tradition 9 tremendous 10 rudely 11 touched 12 fail 1 figure out 2 pull through 3 bring out 4 added to 5 light up 6 at least 7 a touch ofText B Dear Daughter1 sparkled 2 temptation 3 harm 4 robbed of 5 hidden 6 familiar 7 alcohol 8 wisdom 9 drug 10 humor 11 excited 12 sharing 13 choices1 当你为某事兴奋不已并希望和我分享这事的时候,你的眼睛里就闪烁着喜悦的光芒,我会怀念你这样的表情。2 在汽车撞上墙壁的那个夜晚,一切都戛然而止。3 我们美丽的宝贝如今只剩下一个失去了灵魂的躯壳。4 智慧就是学会面对这些诱惑,想想上帝和父母会让你怎样做,然后说“不”。Unit 9Text AVocabulary1 crippled 2 bare 3 porter 4 ignored 5 rubbed 6 coaching 7 treatment 8 retire 9 discipline 10 senior 11 encouraged/had encouraged 12 is supported 13 suffered1 retire from 2 died of 3 lives on 4 qualified for 5 learned about 6 looked up toText B1 private 2 resigned 3 is researching 4 injured 5 established 6 disaster 7 comfort 8 due to 9 following 10 has served/served 11 equal, equal 12 insist 13 has provided/provides1 她医治受伤的宠物,又照顾从谷仓顶上摔下来而受伤的弟弟。2 他们想少付她工资,因为她是女性,但她坚持要他们付给她与男性职员相同的工资。3 她请求人们捐钱资助,并开始用床单和毛巾做成绷带给伤员使用。4 克拉拉巴顿这一位妇女的奉献及慷慨施助产生了深远的影响。Unit 101 vision 2 advantage 3 symptom 4 barely 5 contrast 6 exception 7 formative 8 despair / despairing 9 quit 10 origin 11 promise 12 medicine 13 ordinary 14 are/were/have been hired1 turned down 2 feel like 3 far from 4 fired with 5 care for 6 mix up Text B1 risk 2 willpower 3 creative 4 consequences 5 leading to 6 have accepted 7 assessed 8 craft 9 explored 10 ambition 11 introduce 12 has combined 1 激情是一种能激发有创造力的人的东西。2 我知道的成功人士,都能够评估并承担风险,并且接受由此而引发的后果,不管是成功还是失败。3 坚持需要自律。自律就是去做你知道应该做的事情,即使你不想做它。4 这个工具还可以用来探索人生,在你灵魂深处寻求你活在这个世上的理由。Unit 11Vocabulary1 intensive 2 leisurely 3 occasion 4 landed 5 stacks 6 Reluctant 7 swaying 8 took in 9 pulled into 1o unloading 11
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