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Unit 2 Heros Lesson 4 Superhero同步辅导与测试难句解疑1. But people all over the world will always remember him as a superman.但是全世界的人民将他作为一个超级英雄而铭记。be famous for 以而著称;be famous as 作为而闻名;remember as(be remember as) 作为而(被)铭记;remember for (be remembered for) 因而(被)铭记for 用来表示原因, as 接职业身份类名词。例: Edison was famous as an inventor for his great inventions.爱迪生是一位以其伟大发明而闻名于世的发明家。Martin Luther King will always be remembered as a hero for his great contributions in fighting against racism.马丁路德金为反对种族歧视作出巨大贡献的影响将用为世人怀念。类似的词组还有:be known as 作为而为人所知;be known for 因而有名。2. Since that moment I have never thought of giving up.从那一刻起,我再没想过放弃。give up 放弃(接宾语或不接宾语)The doctor has warned him many time to give up drinking.医生多次劝告他要戒酒。give up 的用法:1) 递上去,传上去 hand up, pass up He gave the books up to her. 他把书往上递给她。 2) 放弃,认输,让出 stop trying to do something or answer a question He has given up smoking. 他戒烟了。 He gave up teaching only two years ago. 两年前他才离开教学工作的。 He has given up his job. 他辞去了工作。 You mustnt give up studying foreign languages for even a day. 你们学习外语一天也不要中断。 She gave up her seat to an old man. 她把座位让给了一位老人。give off的用法表示发出,放出,同emit,end out 等-The moist fertile land gave off the fragrance of fresh earth.湿润肥沃的土地散发出香气。注意:以下动词词组的区分: Give away 赠送Give in 投降;屈服Give off 散发,发出Give over 交给,让给Give up 放弃Give out 分发,散发3. The five men and two women crew, which included the first Indian born astronaut, all died.五男二女,其中包括第一位印度籍宇航员,全部遇难。include 包括,包含1) 用作及物动词,后面要接宾语或用于被动语态My plan includes most of your suggestion.我的计划包括了你的大部分建议2) 常用分词短语起补充说明作用,included 是形容词(过去分词), 意为“包括在内的”,置于名词之后。Many schools were praised at the meeting, including our school.Many school were praised at the meeting, our school included.会上许多学校受到表扬,包括我们学校。练习一、 根据一下提示写出本课的单词和词组:1. 超级英雄 2. 超人 3. 灾难 4. 促进,提升 5. 伤害,损伤6. 犯(错误),干(坏事) 7. 关系 8. 反应 9. 离婚 10. 质量11.残疾的 12. 自信的 13. 奥运会的 14. 羽毛球 15. 钦佩,羡慕16. 潜水,跳水 17. 奖章,勋章 18.完全地,绝对地 19. 得分20. 单独地,独自地 21. 达到某种状态 22. 恢复健康,度过难关23. 放弃 24. 自杀 25. 融洽相处,进展 26. 参与,参加27. 太,极为 28. 别胡扯 29. 沮丧,消沉 30. 涉及,参与31. 慈善,施舍二、翻译句子1. 卓别林是一位因在许多喜剧电影中的出色表演而著称的艺术家。2.“9.11”事件使纽约市民遭受重创。3. 伊拉克人民饱受战争之苦。4. 你的英语学得怎么样了?5. 你和同学相处如何?答案:1. Chaplin was famous as an artist for his excellent performances in many comedies.2. The citizens in New York suffered a lot from “9.11”.3. People in Iraq have been suffering greatly from the war.4. How are you getting on with your English?5. How are you getting along with your classmates?三、用适当介词填空:1. Readers can get _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.2. How is little Tom getting _ at school _ his classmates?3. Ive got _ all my difficulties.4. The new law got _.答案 :1. on/along 2. on/ along, with 3. over (get over 意为 克服,完成)4. through (get through 意为 通过,度过,用完)四、用include的正确形式填空:1) The price _ postage.2) All kinds of food _ in the shopping list.3) There are many different kinds of moon cakes _, coffee, chocolate and even ice-cream moon cakes.4) There is a lot of eating, drink and dancing, the famous Greek circle the famous dance _.Keys:1)includes 2) are included 3) including 4) included
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