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Unit 20 New Frontiers.单句语法填空1We have invited a famous actor to give _ the prizes.2He held on to a branch until we came _ his rescue.3The guards permitted me _(bring) my camera and tape recorder.4Oh,Mum,just a few minutes.Hurry up,Harry.Or by the time you pack your belongings,the flight _(leave)!5If every one of us donates a days pay _ the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.6Of the two possibilities,the former seems more likely than the _7The manager doesnt permit _ (smoke) in his office.8There is no doubt _ what has happened.9There is no doubt _ wealth brings happiness.10By the time Jack returned home from England,his son _(graduate) from college.答案1.away2.to3.to bring4.will have left 5to6.latter7.smoking8.about9.that10.had graduated.单句改错1 He is working in a post office,and on the meanwhile he is a writer too.2Robert tried to take up the business for his wifes sake. _3Aspirin is a certain cure of headache. _4Before coming here,please call me on advance. _5She rescued from a burning building. _6Many support the former alternative,but personally I favour the later._7My interests come into conflict with you. _8Marys father will not permit her staying up late. _答案1.onin2.upover3.offor4.onin 5she后加was6.laterlatter7.youyours 8stayingto stay.完成句子1It is reported that some workers on strike _(与警察发生了冲突)2Without good equipment,we _(就不可能做得好)3_(毫无疑问) you will pass the entrance examination.4By next Christmas we _(将已经在这儿) for eight years.5Two men _(被打) in the restaurant last night.答案1.conflicted with the police2.couldnt have done it well3.There is no doubt that4.will have been here 5got beaten.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1公布损失评估后,源源不断的捐款被送到了灾区。(declare,assess,donate)_2捐款被用来帮助那些处于饥饿状态的人们。(assist,starvation)_3这时,每个人都意识到人们之间已经没有了歧视,人人生而平等。(aware,discrimination,equal)_4毫无疑问,人们在灾难面前表现出的这种大爱可以弥补一切矛盾和隔阂。(there is no doubt,make up for,conflict,estrangement)_5同时,人们之间重新建立起来的这种原始的、朴素的情感会激励我们奋发有为。(meanwhile,primitive,emotion,enthusiastic and press on)_答案1.After the declaration of assessment of the loss,constant donation was sent to the disasterhit area.2The donation is used to assist the people in starvation.3On this occasion,everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.4There is no doubt that the great love shown in the face of disaster can make up for all the conflicts and estrangement.5Meanwhile,the primitive,simple emotion set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.二、加入适当过渡句,连句成篇【参考范文】After the declaration of assessment of the loss,constant donation was sent to the disasterhit area to assist the people in starvation.On this occasion,everyone was aware that there was no discrimination and that everyone was born equal.Meanwhile,the primitive,simple emotion set up among people will inspire us to be enthusiastic and press on.
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