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2019 2020学年人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 9 Whatdoes he look like 1 3 课时导学案 第一课时 Section A 1a 1c 班级小组小组评价教师评价 学习目标 1掌握 P49 单词和短语 2look like 的问句及回答 3Is have 的用法区别 4使用宽泛描述的形容词 学法指导 1听录音机自学P49 单词 2通过跟读录音机用红笔勾出重要的短语 句型和疑难点 3独立自学完成Section A 1a 4听听力完成Section A 1b 背诵 1b 学科组长检查并做好记录 5小组合作完成SectionA 1c 编对话 并写在本子上 准备课堂展示 6描述人的外貌 7使用宽泛描述的形容词 8读 P49 独立完成预习案 学科组长检查并做好记录 目标疑难点解析 1 straight adj 直的 1 adj 直的 n straight hair 直发curly hair 卷发 我的朋友凯西留着直发 My friend Cathy has straight hair 2 adv 笔直地 径直Go straight 直接走 2 tall adj 高的 1 tall adj 高的她是个高个子女孩 She is a tall girl 他住在一栋高楼里 He lives in a tall building 2 tall 与 high tall 指人 动物 树 建筑物等高 反义词short a tall man building tree high 指山高 物价 速度 温度等高 反义词low a high mountain high prices 3 medium adj 中等的 中型的这是一件中号外衣 This is a coat of medium size 4 height n 高度 身高adj high 询问身高用what 不用how much 你身高多少 What s your height 那堵墙有多高 What s the height of that wall 5 thin adj 瘦的 1 thin adj 瘦的反义词 fat 她的脸很瘦 Her face is very thin 2 thin adj 细的 薄的反义词 thick 厚的 粗的 6 heavy adj 重的 1 heavy adj 重的反义词 light 这个箱子很重 The box is very heavy 2 heavy adj 体胖的 重的他妹妹有点儿胖 His sister is kind of heavy 3 heavy adj 大量的 猛烈的表示雨 雪很大 副词 heavily 现在雨下得很大 It s raining heavily now 将有一场大雪 There will be a heavy snow 7 build n 身材 1 build n 身材指人的体格 体型 也指某物的构造 造型 他体格很健壮 He is of strong build 他中等身材 He is of medium build 2 build v 建筑 建造building n 建筑物builder n 建造者 他们想建一座新房 They want to build a new house 8 She s of medium height and she has long straight hair 她中等身高 并留着长的直发 1 be of medium heigh build 中等身高 身材 2 sb have has hair 某人留着 头发 My mother has long hair 9 What does he look like 他长什么样 1 询问外貌用 What do does sb look like 吉姆长什么样 What does Jim look like 他们长什么样 What do they look like 2 回答 sb be adj fat heave thin tall short He s tall Sb have has n He has curly hair Sb be of medium height build She is of medium build 3 look like 与 be like look like 形容人的外貌What does he look like He is tall and thin be like 形容外貌 形容性格 品质 What is he like He is friendly 4 What does he look like He is tall 他长什么样 What is he like He is kind 他是什么样的人 What does he like He likes monkeys 他喜欢什么 Eg He s tall A How is he B What does he look like C What does he like He s lazy A What does he look like B What does he like C What s he like He is tall 提问 he Jim is of medium height 提问 Jim They have long hair 提问 they 10 is has with They are talking about the tall boy with curly hair with 翻译为 有着 句中已经有了动词talking about 表达 有着 不能再用动词has 比较 The tall boy has curly hair 无动词 表达 有着 用动词 has 练 1 Jim lives in a small house 有着 an interesting garden 2 Do you remember John a pop singer 戴着 funny glasses 3 Do you know the tall man 有着 a big nose is adj 介词短语be of medium height build be tall short has n has black hair v with n pron 不作谓语 eg She of medium build and she long hair He tall and he curly brown hair He tall curly brown hair The girl flowers in her left hand is my sister She very short and she good looking He of medium height and he thin 重点句型及短语 What does your friend look like She s of medium height and she has long straight hair She s of medium build of medium height really tall short thin heavy She has long straight hair short hair curly hair straight hair 预习总结 把预习过程中出现的问题或疑惑归纳出来 小组讨论交流 归纳出小组存在的问题 第二课时 SectionA 2a 2d 班级小组小组评价教师评价 学习目标 1掌握 P50 单词和短语 2描述人的外貌 3形容词的用法 学法指导 1听录音机自学P50 单词 2通过跟读录音机用红笔勾出重要的短语 句型和疑难点 3听听力完成SectionA 2a 2b 4小组合作完成SectionA 2c 编对话 并写在本子上 准备课堂展示 5自学熟读并背诵Section A 2d 学科组长检查并做好记录 6读 P50 独立完成预习案 学科组长检查并做好记录 目标疑难点解析 1 Is David tall or short 戴维是高还是矮 选择疑问句 结构 一般疑问句 or 选择答案B 回答不用yes no 用完整的句子回答 Eg 你喜欢苹果还是梨子 我喜欢梨子 you like I like Do you like black white Yes I do A and B or C but D so Do you like black white Black A and B or C but D so Tom has straingt hair 用 curly 改为选择疑问句 Tom hair Is Peter tall or short A Yes he s tall B No he isn t C He s short 2 I may be a little late 我可能会晚点儿 1 may be 可能是may 是情态动词 表示可能性 可能 也许 V 原 她上学可能会迟到 She school 2 may be maybe may be 作谓语 放主语后He may be at home maybe 副词 也许 可能 作状语 Maybe you can move the chair He maybe knows He Maybe he is at home He at home There something interesting in the tree A maybe B may be C may D have Do you have any plans for this weekend I m not sure I go climbing Mount Yuntai A must B need C may D may be 3 be a little late 晚一点 迟到一会儿 be late 迟到 a little 有点儿 a bit kind of adj adv 作状语 un There is a little milk in the cup 4 a little little few a few Cn 复数Un 肯定a few 有几个a little 有点儿 否定few 几乎没有little 几乎没有 a little cn 单数一个小的 a little g irl 一个小女孩my little son 我的小儿子 Eg There is still rice in your bowl There is water in my cup I want to get some She is new here so she has friens here She is new here but she has friends here Hurry up There is time left Don t hurry There is time left Hurry up There are minutes left Don t hurry There are minutes left A little B a little C few D a few There is milk in the fridge Please buy some on your way home All right A much B many C little D few 3 Just meet him in front of the cinema first 就和他先在电影院前见吧 1 cinema 电影院movie house movie theater 电影院 2 去看电影go to the cinema go to the movie theater go to the movies go to a movie go to see 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