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高二英语高二英语 ModuleModule 3 3 LiteratureLiterature 外研社外研社 本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Module 3 Literature 二 教学目标 本模块题材内容为英国古典文学中的狄更斯作品及其生平 我们应了解上述内容 并掌握有关词汇 培养相关语言技能 三 语言点归纳 19 be filled with 填满 充满 The room soon filled up with students 那房间很快就挤满了学生 The room was filled with laughter 房间里充满了欢笑声 20 be used to doing 已习惯 已适应 I am used to eating cold food 我已经习惯了冷冻食品 He is quite used to hard work 他很习惯做艰苦的工作 21 The bowls never needed washing as the boys cleaned them with their spoons trying to eat every bit of soup 粥碗从来用不着洗 因为孩子们非用汤匙将它们刮得重又明光铮亮了才住手 试图 吃掉每一点粥 句子中的 as 意思为 因为 引导原因状语从句 又如 They all stayed indoors that day as it was stormy 那天他们都没出门 因为有风暴 归纳 as 可引导的从句还有 1 引导时间状语从句 He noticed someone nodding to him as he got off the bus 下车时 他注意到有人冲他点头 2 引导方式状语从句 He told them to watch carefully and do as he did 他要他们仔细观察并照着他做 3 让步状语从句 Old as he is he works as energetically as young people 他虽然上了年纪 干起活来跟年轻人的劲头一样大 4 引导定语从句 As is announced in today s paper he is to visit China next Monday 今天报纸有报道 他下周一将访问中国 22 Boys usually have excellent appetites 男孩子的胃口通常都很好 appetite n 食欲 胃口 欲望 爱好 例如 quicken one s appetite 开胃 刺激食欲 pamper one s appetite 拼命吃个痛快 to lose one s appetite 食欲不振 have a famous appetite 胃口极好 23 Oliver who was desperate with hunger and misery 奥利弗已经被饥饿和苦难逼的什么都顾不上了 desperate adj 不顾一切的 拼死的 绝望的 例如 a desperate illness 绝症 a desperate situation 危险境地 the desperate look of hunger 饥饿者脸上那绝望的样子 a desperate cry of help 绝望的呼救声 a desperate situation 严重的形势 a desperate remedy 非常手段 a desperate enemy 做困兽之斗的敌人 24 No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon 孩子的话刚出口 大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋 no sooner than 表 一 就 刚 就 该短语为时间从属连词 引导时间状语从句 主句通常用过去完成时 从句通常用 一般过去时 不论在主句还是从句中 一般都不能用一般现在时和一般将来时 no sooner 位于句首时 要用倒装语序 例如 No sooner had he arrived than he went away again 他刚到就又走了 He had no sooner arrived than he was asked to leave 他刚刚到达 就被要求离开 25 The managers of the workhouse were having a meeting when Mr Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement 理事们正在开会 本伯先生一头冲进房间 情绪十分激昂 in great excitement 十分激动地 in 抽象名词 可以做状语 表示伴随状态 又如 He stared in complete astonishment at the child and 他盯着孩子 完全惊呆了 类似的词组还有 in surprise in peace in silence in despair in anger 26 A young woman suddenly screamed Oh my dear brother and threw her arms round his necks 一个年轻女子突然尖叫道 我亲爱的兄弟 接着搂住他的脖子 scream v 尖声喊叫 咒 尖叫声 喊叫声 例如 scream with laughter 高声大笑 strangle a scream 压制尖叫声 a scream rent the silence 一声尖叫打破了寂静 a scream that froze my blood 使我毛骨悚然地尖叫 He immediately began to scream with pain 他立即因痛苦尖叫起来 Reading Practice 27 But its wealth was distributed unfairly among the population 但它的财富却分配不公 distribute v 分发 分配 散布 分布 分类 分区 例如 distribute leaflets 分发传单 to distribute books to students 给学生发书 distribute seeds over a field 在田间播种 distribute grass seed over the lawn 把草种播撒在草坪里 Local politicians used to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys to needy families 地方政客们过去常给穷人家分送感恩节火鸡 Distribute this among you 把这个分给你们 28 Every chapter of his novels describes the sights sounds and smells of the city and provides a social commentary of London life 他的小说中的每一章都描写了这个城市的景象 声音和气味 并且提供了一种伦敦 生活的社会评论 chapter n 书籍 章 例如 introductory chapter 绪论篇 chapter head 每章正文前的标题 章标题 in the preceding chapter 在前章 a chapter of accidents 一连串的不幸 in the following chapter 在下一章节 a dark chapter in a book 书中难懂的一章 the most brilliant chapter in the history 历中上最光辉的时期 29 Close by are the Law Courts where lawyers and their clerks carrying piles of paperwork would hurry to the trials 紧挨着的是法庭 律师和他们的秘书抱着大堆文件 急匆匆地去参加审判 carrying piles of paperwork 是现在分词短语作状语 表示伴随 归纳 现在分词作状语表示时间 条件 原因 结果 让步 程度 例如 Turning to the left he suddenly found the shop he was looking for 他向左拐 突然发现了他要找的商店 时间状语 Disturbed by the noise we had to finish the meeting early 由于受到噪音的干扰 我们不得不早点结束会议 原因状语 Being ill he went home 因为生病 所以他回家了 原因状语 Working this way If they work this way they will reduce the cost 如用这种方法 他们将降低成本 条件状语 If bitten by Bitten a snake you should send for help and not walk 如果你被蛇咬了 你应该寻求帮助而且不能走动 条件状语 Born a free man he was now in chains 尽管他出生时是个自由人 但现在却戴镣铐 让步状语 They went out of the hall talking and laughing 他们又说又笑地走出了大厅 伴随状语 He dropped the plate breaking it into pieces 他把盘子弄掉了 打得粉碎 结果状语 语法知识 倒装句和强调句型 一 倒装句 倒装是一种语法手段 用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分 从句子结构 上看 倒装句可分为完全倒装和部分倒装 1 完全倒装 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前 是整个谓语动词 而非助动词 谓语形式不 作变化 例如 In came the teacher 比较该句的正常语序 The teacher came in 完全倒装主要分以下几种情况 here there out in up down now then away 等副词置于句首时 例如 Down fell the rotten branches from the tree There appeared to be a man in black in the distance 注意 在这些句子引出的倒装句中 当主语是普通名词时用完全倒装句 但当主语 是代词时 主语和谓语的位置就不能颠倒 例如 Here comes the postman Out he rushed 不能说 Out rushed he 在含有直接引语的句子中 例如 Where were you born asked the man 为了句子的平衡 例如 Under that tree sits a beautiful girl who is dressed in white Lucky is he who has been enrolled into a famous university 如不倒装 句子的语序为 A beautiful girl who is dressed in white sits under that tree He who has been enrolled into a famous university is lucky 不难看出 不倒装的句子显得头重脚轻 2 部分倒装 部分倒装是只把谓语的一部分 如助动词 情态动词等 放到主语前 或把句子的强 调成分提高 例如 Not until yesterday did little John change his mind L
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