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高考英语代词经典例题剖析考点预测一、 经典例题剖析1 . (2020 四川卷 32) Little joy can equal _ of a surprising ending when you read stories.A. that B. those C. any D. some【解题思路】本题考查一组代词的用法。句意:几乎没有什么乐趣能比上在阅读故事时。读到一个出乎意料的结局。That 作代词可以代替前面的不可数名词或可数名词单数形式,并且特指。此外that代替前面的joy.【答案】 A【失分陷阱】清楚joy为不可数名词。That 为代词在此进行替代。2. (2020 湖南卷 27) To save class time, our teacher has _ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework. .A. us B. we C. our D. ours【解题思路】本题考查在具体语言环境中代词的应用。 句意:为了节省时间,我们老师让我们(学生)在课堂上做完一般练习,另一半作为家庭作业。 根据句意可知题干中的has 为使役动词,后面需要代词宾格与students 一起做宾语,us 与students 为同位关系。【答案】A【失分陷阱】has 为使役动词,后面需要代词宾格与students 一起做宾语,这是学生选错的主要原因。3. (2020 陕西卷 16) There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and borrow ?No, Id rather buy in the bookstore.A.it;one B.one;one C.one;it D.it;it【解题思路】本题考查的是代词的用法。句意; 这本书在图书馆还用一本,你去借吗?不,我宁愿去书店买一本。因为图书馆里只有一本同样的书,用it 表示同类事物。在第二个空中,用one表示某一本书,因为书店中应不只有一本同样的书。【答案】 A【失分陷阱】考试应注意文中的隐藏含义。4. (2020 山东卷 24)_ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.AThis BThat CWhat DIt【解题思路】要求掌握只有it 充当形式主语这一知识点。句意:他总是改变主意,这一做法很令我担忧。句中It充当形式主语,真正的主语是the way,其后又有定语从句 he keeps changing his mind 修饰。【答案】D【失分陷阱】了解it 在主语从句中的应用,充当形式主语。5. (2020 辽宁卷 27) The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _ in the newspaper.A. it B. those C. one D. that【解题思路】考查代词的用法。此考点是高考常考知识点,要求学生掌握 that, those, it, one 及the ones 的用法。句意:网上的信息比报纸上的信息传播的要快得多。根据句意。前后比较的内容都是“information”,但指代不同的内容,A 选项it 指代同类同物。B,C,D 三个选项所指代的是同类不同事物,但“information”时不可数名词,故B,C排除;因此选D。【答案】 D【失分陷阱】it与that 替代有所不同,注意区分,这里非常容易出错。二、 方法总结与2020年高考预测(一) 方法总结代词在具体的语境中运用起来往往具有很大的灵活性,高考英语试题对代词的考查更是灵活多变。我们应从以下几方面入手来把握代词的解题规律1.明确指代。在解答代词题目时,我们应首先分析前后文,明确代词所指代的对象,从而避免误判。具体说来应从以下几方面考虑:(1)代词指代的是人还是物;(2) 代词指代的是可数名词还是不可数名词;(3)代词指代的是特指还是泛指概念;(4) 代词指代的概念是表示两者之间还是三者或三者以上。(5) 代词所表示的是肯定还是否定概念。2.理清逻辑。需要通过分析上下文所蕴涵的逻辑关系才能做出正确判断。具体说来应从以下方面去考虑:(1) 代词所表示的范围;(2) 代词表示的是全部否定还是部分否定。3 吃透语境。有些试题考查的是代词在具体语境中的灵活运用,这样的题目须分析具体的语境才能选出正确答案,忌死抠语法。(二) 2020年高考预测各地在对单项选择的语法考查中对代词则百考不“厌”。分析各类考题尤其是高考题,可以看出对代词的考查一直是一个热点,且考查手法更加灵活,要求更高,所以在2020年高考中,代词仍将为考查的热点。不定代词one, the one, ones, the ones与指示代词this, that, these, those, it 的用法区别、代词的肯定与否定、全部与部分的用法以及反身代词的惯用语(例如help oneself, please yourself, by (for, of) oneself, enjoy oneself等将会是未来高考的命题重点。三、 强化训练(一) 单项选择题1、- Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I cant find a repair shop.- I know nearby. Come on, Ill show you.A. one B. it C. some D. that2、The Parkers bought a new house but will need a lot of work before they can move in.A. they B. it C. one D. which3、Some people would rather ride bikes as bike ridding has of the trouble of taking buses.A. nothing B. none C. some D. neither4、- Which of the two books do you want?- I want . Please show me .A. none; another B. all; the other C. neither; the other D. neither; another5、Who can you turn to in time of danger, it not .A. any B. us C. we D. ours6、- There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need one.- Keep looking. is sure to turn up.A. One B. It C. That D. This7、The best job is which uses your skill in doing something together with your interest in the subject.A. something B. the one C. one D. it答案解析1、A one用来代替刚提到的人或一种可数的物,it也指刚刚提到过的事物,但指同一个,C、D显然不符合题意。2、B it在句子中的指代The Parkers所买的房子。在英语中,如果所指的是同种事物要用代词it和they(them);如果指代的是同一类事物要用代词one和ones。3、B nothing是不定代词,不能放在介词of的前面:neither(两者)都不;some与句子的意思不符,都不能作为答案。None of the trouble of taking buses没有乘公共汽车的麻烦。4、D 答语意为:“两本我都不要,请给我另外一本。”其他三个选项不定代词表达的数上或意思上与问候语相矛盾。5、B turn to sb. 表示“向请求帮助”。从句是个省略句。If not us即if you dont turn to us.6、A 此处one特指上文提到的“the one I need”。7、C 该句中缺少一个先行词,A,B项也可做先行词,但引导词应用that,因此正确选项为C。(二) 根据汉语提示用代词填空1There isnt _ (一些)water in the cup.2The old man lives in the house by _ (他).3_ (没有人)of the students is able to work it out.4I like _ (它)in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright .答案解析1 any any用于否定句指代一些。2himself by oneself 固定短语,意思是独自,靠自己。3none none 可以指代人或物,可以与of短语连用。4It it指代天气。(三) 改错题1.In face that is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.2Both teams were in hard training, either was willing to lose the game.3I d appreciate that if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.4The mother didnt know how to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.5Life in the city is quite different from one in the country.6Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Camb
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