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黑龙江省某高级中学高三英语语法专题训练:第6讲动词及动词短语高考真题体验1(2020山东高考)Do you have enough to_all your daily expenses?Oh yes,enough and to spare.AcoverBspendCfill Doffer解析:考查动词辨析。问句句意:你有足够的钱来支付你所有的日常开销吗?cover意为“足够支付,支付”。答案:A2(2020山东高考)Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to_,so she left.Ashow off Bgo upCfit in Dcome over解析:考查动词短语。show off炫耀,使突出;go up上涨,提高,增加;fit in相处融洽,合得来;come over过来,顺便拜访。句意:艾米参加了一个绘画组,但是似乎(和那些人)合不来,所以她又退了出来。显然C项符合句意。答案:C3(2020全国卷)I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget onCget to Dget through解析:考查动词词组。get along“相处融洽,进展”;get on“继续,进行,上车”;get to“到达,开始”;get through“穿过,通过,读完,打通(电话)”。句意:我试着给她办公室打电话,但是没有打通。因此只有get through符合句意。答案:D4(2020湖北高考)Would you please_the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?Alook aroundBlook intoClook up Dlook through解析:考查动词短语辨析。从题意判断选D,表示“审核、仔细查看”,语意为:你能不能帮我看看这份试卷,看有没有明显的错误?A“环顾,到处看”;B“调查,浏览”;C“查找,向上看”。答案:D5(2020浙江高考)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones character.Abring up Btake upCbuild up Dpull up解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的品质。build up ones strength“增强体力”,符合语意。bring up“提出,养育”;take up“占去,继续”;pull up“(使)停下(住)”。答案:C名校模拟检测1(2020山东潍坊一模)Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may_the shocking ending.Agive away Bgive outCgive up Dgive off解析:后半句意为“泄漏了令人震惊的结局”。give away“泄露”;give out“发出光、热等”;give up“放弃”;give off“发出气味等”。答案:A2(2020辽宁光明中学月考)It was foolish of him to_his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.Astick to Brefer toCkeep to Dpoint to解析:句意:在那次重要考试中他竟愚蠢地看他的笔记。他因此而受到了惩罚。refer to这里作“参考,求助于”解。答案:B3(2020北京一零一中学月考)Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you_yesterday?Atried on Bput onChad on Dpulled on解析:句意:你能告诉我你昨天穿着的鞋在哪里买的吗?have on“穿着”,表示状态。答案:C4(2020山东枣庄二模)Shortly after the book Uncle Toms Cabin_,the Civil War of America_.Acame about;broke awayBcame out;broke outCcame on;broke upDcame up;broke down解析:书的发行、出版用come out;战争的爆发用break out。答案:B5(2020辽宁沈阳二中二模)The government has_food and clothes of high quality to the people in the disasterhit areas.Asupplied BarrangedCadjusted Dprovided解析:supply与provide都可以表示“供给、提供”,不过provide的常用句型为provide sb.with sth.和provide sth.for sb.,而supply的常用句型为supply sb.with sth.和supply sth.to sb.。答案:A6(2020天津南开中学模拟)It looks as if they are going to_us 3,000 dollars for the concert hall.Awant BcostCdemand Dcharge解析:charge sb.some moneyfor sth.意为“为向某人要多少钱”。cost主语通常为物。答案:D7(2020天津高三模拟)What was the trouble with you the day before yesterday?When I practiced running on the playground,my strength_and I fell onto the ground.Agave away Bgave inCgave off Dgave out8(2020福建厦门外国语学校月考)The market hasnt_the trade depression during the economic crisis.Acome up with Brecovered fromCbenefited from Dput up with解析:come up with“提出”;benefit from“从受益”;put up with“容忍、忍受”;recover from“从恢复”,由此可知,B符合句意。答案:B9(2020北京东城区二模)What made you_him of having taken the money?His unusually frequent purchase.Asuppose BthinkCimagine Dsuspect解析:suspect sb.of doing sth.表示“怀疑某人做某事”,符合语境。答案:D10(2020河南省实验中学高三检测)I met an old friend of mine on the beach in our hometown of Far Rockaway,where we_together.Abrought up Btook upCgrew up Dpicked up解析:考查动词短语辨析。grow up长大;bring up养大,抚养;take up从事;pick up接收,拾起,学会。A、B、D三项都为及物动词短语。再者,由题干中的old friend可知是一起“长大”的朋友。答案:C11(2020北京一零一中学高三检测)Youd better wash the shirt in cold water,or the color will_.Alose BrunCgo Ddie解析:考查动词辨析。四个选项中只有run可用来表示颜色“消褪”。答案:B12(2020浙江台州中学联考)The government has_the parents to work with teachers in the education of their children.Aasked for Bcalled forClooked for Dpaid for解析:考查动词短语辨析。call for“要求,提倡”;ask for“请求,恳求”;look for“寻找”;pay for“为付钱”。句意:政府已经提倡父母和老师一起来教育孩子。根据句意可知,答案选B。答案:B13(2020山东省实验中学高三检测)To the great disappointment of the poor workers,a great part of their wages were_by the boss for no good reason.Akept away Bkept offCkept up Dkept back解析:考查与keep搭配的动词短语辨析。keep away避开,离开,使不靠近;keep off使不接近,不靠近,不提及,不触及; keep up保持不变,持续,维持好的状态;keep back使后退,使离开,抑制(情感),隐瞒,克扣。由该句话的意思可知,此处表“克扣工资、薪水”。答案:D14(2020北师大附属实验中学高三检测)Because of the rare snowstorm,the power supply of the city_.The local government was trying its best to restore it.Acut off Bbroke offCturned off Dput off解析:break off“中断”,是不及物动词;cut off“切断,使中断”,是及物动词;turn off“拒绝”;put off“延迟,延期”。答案:B15(2020山东泰安市高三检测)Are you _ with doing a lot of homework every day?Sometimes I am.But as a student, we have t
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