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追求女友函October 13, 2020Dear Noriko,亲爱的范子:Hi, I hope you havent forgotten me already. You sat next to me on the bullet train from Kyoto to Tokyo last week. We talked for the entire trip and we had lunch together after arriving in Tokyo. I just wish it hadnt been my last day in Japan. As I told you on the train, I was in Japan for two months. Why couldnt I have met you earlier?嗨,希望你还没有把我忘记。上个星期从京都到东京的子弹列车上,你就坐在我隔座。我们一路上交谈着,到了东京后还一起吃午餐。真愿那不是我在日本的最后一天。我在火车上曾告诉过你,我来日本已有两个月时间。为什么我不能早点遇见你呢?I remember that you told me you didnt have a boyfriend. I also hope Im not mistaken in thinking you seemed attracted to me. I hope you are willing to go out with me the next time Im in Japan. Actually, the other day my company offered to assign me to Hong Kong permanently, but I turned them down because I would rather go to Japan again and see you. Please write and tell me how you are doing. Im eager to hear from you again.我记得你告诉我,你没有男朋友。我也希望我认为你喜欢我的想法没有错。希望我下次到日本时你愿意跟我约会。事实上,前几天我的公司主动派遣我长期在香港工作,但被我拒绝了,因为我宁愿再到日本去看你。请写封信告诉我你的近况。我渴望再获得你的消息。Sincerely,Michael Lee李麦可敬上2020年10月13日字词解说:1. deny vt.否认例:The government official denied that he was planning to resign.(该政府官员否认他打算辞职。)Little Johnny denied breaking the window.(小强尼否认打破了窗户。)2. attraction n.吸引力(不可数)3. After all 毕竟/终究,例:You have to help even if you dont want to. After all, you promised.(纵使你不想,也必须帮忙。毕竟,你曾答应过。)4. give 放弃例:After Tim failed the Joint College Entrance Exam three times he gave up.(提姆考大学联考三次都失败后就放弃了。)5. flatter 使受宠若惊;馅媚,阿谈,奉承be flattered受宠若惊的例:That guy always flatters the boss.(那家伙老是阿谈老板。)Im very happy and flattered that the boss has promised me a pay ratse.(老板答应给我加薪,令我既高兴又受宠若惊。)6. be sure of+V-ing/N确信例:Ted is sure of being accepted by that university.(泰德确信被那所大学接受了。)7. feelings fiatrz n.感情(恒用复数)8. go on a date with sb和某人约会例:I hear Wendy went on a date with John last night.(我听说温蒂昨晚和约翰约会了。)
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