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岷县二中2020学年度第一学期月考试题高二英语1、 阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节 :从A、B、C、D 中选出最佳答案。AMost people want to work, but it has become more difficult in todays world to find work for everyone. The economy of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not possible, and so more people are out of work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in short time. Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine can often do the work from forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs.1.It was _ for people to find work before than today.A.not possible B.difficult C.more difficult D.easier2.If the economy of the world grows by 4% each year, _.A.people will have no jobsB.people can still have jobs as beforeC.4% of the people will have jobsD.97% of the people will have jobs3.One machine can do as much work as _.A.40% of the people B.4% of the people in the worldC.40 people D.75,000 people4.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Machines are taking work instead of people.B.Now more people are out of work.C.Machines need more money and longer holidays.D.Most people want to have jobs.BThe English language started about 1500 years ago in England. Three groups of people came to the country. They were the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. These three groups brought their languages with them to England. After some time, the three languages became one new languageEnglish. The name English comes from the Angles. They lived in most of England. England means Angle Land or Country of the Angles.The language that we speak todayModern Englishis not the same as the English that people used 1500 years ago, including Old English(before ll50)and Middle English(up till 1500). That languageOld Englishsounds different, and it has some different rules of grammar. There were only a few thousand words in Old English. But Modern English does come from Old English, and it is still like it in many important ways.5.When did Modern English start? A.About the year 1150. B.Around the year 1500.C.Between the 12th century and the 16th century.D.About 1500 years ago.6.How many languages did Old English come from?A.One. B.Two .C.Three. D.Four.7.According to the passage, Modern English differs from Old English in _.A.grammar B.pronunciation C.words D.All of the aboveCNow Id like to talk to you about your final exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. Remember to bring two of three pens in case you run out of ink. And unlike the midterm exam, this test will not include multiplechoice questions; it will consist entirely of essays(文章). Youll have to answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive (全面的), which means youll be responsible for all of the subject matters we covered in class this term, I would suggest you review your midterm exam as well as textbooks and your class notes. The final exam will count as 50 percent of your grade of the course. The research project (项目) will count as 20 percent and the midterm exam 30 percent. Ill be in my office almost all day next Tuesday. If you run into any problems, please drop in. Good luck to you and Ill see you on Tuesday.8.When will the final exam take place? A.On Tuesday B.On a Wednesday C.On a Thursday D.On a Friday9.What will be included in the exam?A.There will be only multiple-choice questions.B.The exam will contain both multiple-choice and essay questions.C.The exam will have an oral and a written section.D.There will be only essay questions.10.Why does the teacher call the exam comprehensive?A.It will be easy to understand.B.Students will be tested on all the material discussed in class.C.It will cover topics from a wide variety of subjects.D.Students must complete all parts of it.11.The underlined phrase run into probably means_.A.go into B.meet somebody unexpectedlyC.come up against something with force D.come acrossDA few days ago my wife sent me out to buy something. When I came home, I handed her a paper bag and said, “Here are the apples you wanted.” She looked in the bag, and then she looked at me. “I told you,” she said slowly, “to buy some eggs.”I felt worried about myabsent-mindedness (心不在焉,健忘) , so I went to see a doctor. He was a very kind man. “I have seen many people like you. Its nothing to worry about,” he said. “If you know you are absent-minded, you are all right. But if you do not know youre absent-minded, you may be really in trouble.”“Many famous people were absent-minded,” the doctor
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