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6月英语四级模拟测试(恩波)(3)A) held on B) held backC) held out D) held up42. What shes saying about the market may be true, but Im _ to give it a closer look.A) opposed B) attemptedC) inclined D) consented43. The old lady _ through the key hole at her new neighbours.A) stared B) glancedC) gazed D) peeped44. He would see Sarah tonight, and a _ of her face suddenly came to his mind.A) scene B) visionC) sign D) symbol45. Do you think its fair to keep a bird _ in a cage all the time?A) restricted B) confinedC) limited D) enclosed46. He was badly injured; only the very finest treatment could have _ him through.A) brought B) stoodC) saved D) supported47. Our psychology professor is a man of Italian _.A) birth B) sourceC) origin D) breed48. Fuel scarcities and price increases _ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.A) persuaded B) enlightenedC) imposed D) prompted49. Nowadays a large number of people buy _ Christmas trees instead of real ones.A) artificial B) man-madeC) fake D) false50. The doctor _ me that the discomfort would disappear in a couple of days if I followed his advice.A) assured B) ensuredC) confirmed D) insured51. Metal must be hammered and cooled rapidly to _ internal stress caused by heating.A) retain B) relieveC) release D) refresh52. It was felt that he lacked the _ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.A) engagement B) commitmentC) persuasion D) obligation53. When you write an essay, please remember not to _ off the point.A) wander B) dropC) stroll D) kick54. British and American justice works on the _ that an accused person is innocent until hes proven guilty.A) terms B) premiseC) situation D) condition55. The old lady was _ to the young man who helped her find her lost grandson.A) touched B) cheerfulC) grateful D) generous56. Professor Wheelock is always very _ to the reaction of the audience when he gives lectures.A) sentimental B) sensitiveC) sensible D) positive57. When we sold our ranch and moved to town, mother had decided _ opening a day nursery.A) to B) atC) for D) on58. I feel quite confident in _ Mr. Smith to you for the vacant post of research assistant.A) submitting B) proclaimingC) recalling D) recommending59. What you say now is not _ with what you said last week.A. permanent B) persistentC) consistent D) insistent60. Mr. Russell is a good teacher, but he often gives _ lectures.A) excellent B) extensiveC) sound D) tedious61. After criminals were caught, they were accused and put on _.A) death B) tortureC) trial D) sentence62. I bought this seventeenth-century necklace at a quite _ price.A) cheap B) dearC) expensive D) reasonable63. In his speech the Minister of Industry said that industrial exports went up for five _ years.A) successful B) continualC) successive D) continuous64. Many of us tend to _ our success to external causes such as luck and opportunity.A) attribute B) subjectC) restrict D) prescribe65. Cardinal Newman holds the view that knowledge is the _ condition of expansion of mind.A) appropriate B) indispensableC) inevitable D) unavoidable66. Mr. Smith had an unusual _: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.A) profession B) occupationC) position D) career67. I believe they are the most _ people we have in China.A) hopeful B) likelyC) prospective D) promising68. I have a number of _ to make about the management of the hotel.A) claims B) complaintsC) accusations D) grumbles69. He played very badly and I think your criticisms were completely _.A) entitled B) justifiedC) hopeless D) disappointed70. Over the years my father had gradually _ a collection of precious stamps.A) absorbed B) gatheredC) accumulated D) collectedPart IV Cloze ( minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Never a very confident man, Hanley was happy to leave all 71 for the exhibition to his agent, a young man 72 the name of Green, who had a 73 for organization. Green had been to Hanleys studio(画室)and, 74 the help of Handleys wife, had 75 the pictures for the exhibition. He had hired the hall and had 76 supervised the hanging of the pictures. Most important of all, he had 77 to it that all the invitations went to the right people: critics, reporters and of course people with money to s
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