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Book4 UNIt5一、短语1.be famous(well known) for 2.be famous as 3.no wonder4.be modelled after 5.the law of jungle 6.table cloth7.in advance 8.advanced technology 9.get close to10.come to life 11.go outing 12.admit doing13.various kinds of 14.be familiar with 15.make your dream come true16.wander around 17.have fun doing 18.prepare for19.be prepared for 20.preserve the kingdom from disorder21.make sb king 22.minority group 23.take a journey into space24.survive an airplane crash 25.meet face to face with 26.for a break27.space-age parks 28.science and technology-based theme park29.provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb 30.brand new experiences31.up-to-date information 32.together with/as well as /along with33.hands-on learning 34.try scientific experiments35.the group admission rate 36.within easy reach of 37.come ready to do sth 38.be ready to do sth 39.present sth to sb 40.10 minutes walk41.at the first crossing 42.on a tour of二、复杂难句1.With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing whereever there is a disneyland.2.One day,news came that Britains old king had died without a son.三、语法(一) 合成名词合成名词常见的构词方法如下:名词+名词:football classroom形容词+名词:shorthand(速记法) blackboard动词+名词:breakwater(防浪堤) pickpocket(扒手)副词+名词:downfall(衰落;垮台) outbreak(爆发)v-ing+名词:sleeping-pill waiting-room名词+v-ing:handwriting sunbathing动词+副词:get-together breakthrough另外,还有一些其它方式构成的合成名词:go-between(媒人,中间人) good-for-nothing(无用的人, 懒惰的人)2. 合成形容词合成形容词常见的构词方法如下:形容词+名词+-ed : good-tempered(脾气好的) noble-minded(思想高尚的)形容词+ v-ing: good-looking easy-going(随和的)形容词+过去分词: ready-made(现成的)名词+v-ing: peace-loving epoch-making(划时代的)名词+过去分词: heart-felt(衷心的) handmade名词+形容词: duty-free(免关税的) self-satisfied(沾沾自喜的)副词+过去分词: well-known widespread副词+ v-ing: hard-working far-reaching(意义深远的)3. 合成动词合成动词常见的构词方法如下:名词+动词:brainwash sleepwalk(梦游)副词+动词:outweigh overcome形容词+动词: safeguard(保护)blackmail(敲诈)(二)派生词1.various a variety of 2.amuse amusing amused amusement3.attract attractive attraction 4.preserve,reserve,conserve;preservation,reservation,conservation5.tour, tourist, touristy,tourism 6.fantasy fantastic 7.crafsman crafsmanship8.engine engineer 10.long,length,lengthy 11.settle settler settled12.athletic athlete 13.major majarity minor minority14.translate translation translator 15.admit admission admissible16.indoor indoors;outdoor,outdoors 17.history,historical historic前缀: (1) dis-: disagree, dislike, disappear(2) in-(il-, im-, ir-): incorrect, impossible, irregular, (3) un-: unhappy, unable, unfit,(4) non-: nonstop, nonverbal (非语言的) (5) re-: rewrite, review后缀: (1) 构成名词:-er, -ese, -ist, -ian, -ment, -tion, -ness, -th.buyer, Chinese, socialist, musician agreement, collection, illness, truth(2) 构成形容词: -al, -an, -ful, -ing, -y, -less national, American, careful,exciting, cloudy, useless(3) 构成动词: -fy, -is (z)e: beautify, realize(4) 构成副词: -ly: badly(5) 构成数词: -teen, -ty, -th thirteen, sixty, twelfth写出原词unchangeable adj _ dislike v _ impossibility n _unfriendly adj_ overwork v _ misunderstanding n _athletic adj_ misread v _ translator n _填写表格NounverbAdjectiveAdverbamusementamuseamusingamusinglyadmitimaginesettleequipattract(三)词语辨析preserve,reserve,conserve1reserve 留作后用,保留,预定,可指保留座位、权利和意见等,主动去防止,去保存,去储备的意思(1)to ask for a seat, table, room, etc. to be available for you or sb else at a future time 预订,预约(座位、席位、房间等) sth (for sb/sth) VNId like to reserve a table for three for eight oclock.(2)to keep sth for sb/sth, so that it cannot be used by any other person or for any other reason 保留;贮备 sth (for sb/sth) VNThese seats are reserved for special guests.Id prefer to reserve (my) judgement(= not make a decision)until I know all the facts.(3)to have or keep a particular power 拥有,保持,保留(某种权利) VNThe management reserves the right to refuse admission.2conserve 为减少浪费而进行保护,有抵御外界损害力量的意思,全方位环形抵御(1)to use as little of sth as possible so that it lasts a long time 节省;节约 VNHelp to conserve energy by insulating your home.(2)to protect sth and prevent it from being changed or destroyed 保护;保存;保藏 new laws to conserve wildlife in the area3preserve 不光保留,还强调收藏,使东西完好无损,也是被动的保有某种状态,侧重于状态的无变化(1)to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that sth is kept 保护;维护;保留 He was anxious to preserve his reputation.(2)to keep sth in its original state in
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