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安徽省2013届高三英语一轮复习单元测试题 一 Unit 1 Lifestyles 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词 使句意完整 正确 1 They ve made an u request for international aid 答案 urgent 2 After all it is s work raising a child 答案 stressful 3 Whether by d or accident his timing was perfect 答案 design 4 In her spare time she serves as a v for the 2012 Olympic Games 答案 volunteer 5 The Chinese Red Cross S has offered to send help and relief to the disaster area 答案 Society 6 These people are very efficient 有组织的 有条理的 and excellent time managers 答案 organized 7 We should seize the opportunity and meet the 挑战 to push China s sustainable 可持续的 development strategy to a new stage 答案 challenge 8 It had been a tense restless day with people 催促 her all the time 答案 crowding 9 Some 300 papers were 提交 at the conference 答案 presented 10 I heard a faint sound in the 远处 答案 distance 选择合适词组的适当形式填空 go off take up be reduced by switch over be filled with suffer from take place wake up stand for complain about 1 This program is boring Can you the TV 答案 switch over 2 Being an explorer Tom found that his life challenges and risks 答案 was filled with 3 Many friends often to me their mothers 答案 complain about 4 The gun and she was killed 答案 went off 5 WHO World Health Organization 答案 stands for 6 Mary isn t well She often headache 答案 suffers from 7 The air conditioner much space in the room 答案 takes up 8 Some elderly people are easy to but hard to fall asleep 答案 wake up 9 Great changes have in China in the last twenty years 答案 taken place 10 In order to attract more customers the price of this product 20 答案 is reduced by 单项选择 1 the Internet is of great help I don t think it s a good idea to spend too much time on it A If B While C Because D As 解析 本句中 while引导的是让步状语从句 句意 虽然因特网很有用 但我认为把 太多时间花在它上面不是好主意 答案 B 2 Pop music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our language A as B which C that D where 解析 such that 引导的状语从句句型 句意 流行音乐是社会中如此重要的一部 分 以至于它甚至影响了我们的语言 答案 C 3 Which do you prefer your weekends playing computer games or watching TV A spending B to spend C being spent D spend 解析 句意 周末时你是喜欢玩电脑游戏还是喜欢看电视 which 作prefer 的宾语 to spend 是不定式作目的状语 答案 B 4 Do you know where my blue coat is Don t bother to look for it I m sure it will some day A turn out B turn on C turn up D turn over 解析 turn out结果是 原来是 被证明是 turn on打开 turn up出现 显现 来 到 turn over 打翻 句意 你可知道我的蓝大衣在哪 不用特地去找 我敢肯定某天 它会出现的 答案 C 5 If a person works too hard we usually say he is A a workaholic B a couch potato C a bookworm D an executive 解析 句意 如果一个人工作过于努力 我们通常称之为工作狂 couch potato终日 懒散的人 bookworm书呆子 executive董事 行政领导 答案 A 6 We tried to find a table for seven but they were all A given away B kept away C taken up D used up 解析 句意 我们想找一张7个人坐的桌子 但桌子全都被人占了 give away 出卖 赠送 keep away 远离 take up占据 use up 用光 答案 C 7 I want to leave now I can t nothing useful here A stand to do B stand doing C stand being done D stand to be doing 解析 stand 作 忍受 讲时 后可跟名词 代词或动词ing 形式 I 是动作的发出者 因此 do 必须用主动形式 句意 现在我得走了 我受不了在这干些无用的东西 答案 B 8 The room smoke so she opened the window to let some fresh air in A fills with B was filling with C was filled with D was full with 解析 fill是及物动词 意为 充满 注满 be filled with be full of 句意 满屋子都是烟 所以她打开窗户让新鲜空气进来 答案 C 9 Have you some new ideas Yeah I ll tell you later A come about B come into C come up with D come out with 解析 本题考查动词短语的用法 come up with 想出 提出 come about 发生 come into 进入 come out with 说出 发表 出版 句意 你想出了一些新的主意吗 是的 随后 告诉你 根据句意 答案应选 C项 答案 C 10 These community schools provide good quality education for children who would have no opportunity to attend school A still B anyway C otherwise D rather 解析 句意 这些社区学校给那些可能没有上学机会的孩子们提供了较好的素质教 育 otherwise 是虚拟语气的标志词 此句中含有虚拟语气的句子 故选 C项 答案 C 提升能力达标 单项填空 1 I hope that you can remove the difference between you and Susan and become good friends If only Susan had the same idea A My pleasure B It s a pleasure C By no means D By all means 解析 情景会话 My pleasure 和It s a pleasure 不客气 By all means without fail certainly 当然 当然可以 By no means 绝不 根据 If only Susan had the same idea 答案应选 D 项 表示完全同意对方的劝谏 答案 D 2 2012 安徽皖南八校联考 Amazingly Zhuo Jun got the first place for the China s Got Talent 中国达人秀 last night So wonderfully in the show that he deserved it A did he perform B had he performed C he performed D he had performed 解析 考查倒装句式 so that 引导的结果状语从句 若so adj adv 位于句首 句子要用部分倒装 由于对话双方都在谈论过去的事 用一般过去式 答案 A 3 Modern plastics can very high and very low temperatures A hold B stand C carry D support 解 析 hold 支 撑 住 承 受 的 重 量 stand 经 得 起 承 受 carry 搬 support 支持 句意 现代塑料可以承受很高和很低的温度 答案 B 4 from heart attack for years Professor Wang has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes A Suffered B Suffering C Having suffered D Being suffered 解析 本句中状语是for years要用现在分词的完成式 句意 经受了多年心脏病折 磨的痛苦 王教授无论走到哪里都不得不带着药 答案 C 5 2012 安徽皖南八校联考 I downtown to the shopping centre soon Could I get you something No thanks I will do eshopping A was just going B am just about to go C have just gone D am just going 解析 考查时态 此处是进行时表示将来动作 be about to do sth 表示打算或安 排即将发生的动作 它通常不与时间状语连用 句意 我很快就要到城里购物中心 要我 给你带点什么 谢谢 不必了 我将在网上购买 答案 D 6 Just as Professor Scotti often it su
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