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Unit 1My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.【教学目标】1. 学生能理解、运用词汇:evening, late, worker, early, taxi,能认读词汇factory。2. 学生能运用“My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.”这类语句来谈论家人上班的时间。3. 学生能够在图片的帮助下,运用skimming等阅读技巧获取文中有效信息,并能理解家人工作的辛劳。【学情分析】五年级学生刚进入高年级,对阅读学习是个新知识,在教学中渗透阅读方法。通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式提高学生的语言综合水平。在大量的语言实践中提高学生的思辨能力及信息捕捉能力,并通过学生熟悉的活动,发展学生的思维能力。【教学重难点】运用“My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. Hes a policeman.”这类语句来谈论家人的职业及上班时间。【课前准备】1.单词卡片/时间展示图;2.教学光盘或其他录音机设备;3.教学课件。【教学过程】Step 1:Warm-up 1. Enjoy the song: Whats the time?2. Review the expression of the time.Step 2:Presentation andpractice1. Teach the new sentences: My mother goes to work at half past five every morning. Shes a taxi driver.2. Watch the cartoon and try to find: What are they talking about?3. Read Paragraph1 and answer the questions:(1) What time does Damings father go to work?(2) What does he do?4. Read Paragraph2 and choose the answers:(1) What time does Fangfangs father go to work? A. At six oclock every evening. B. At half past six every morning.(2) What does he do?A. Hes a nurse.B. Hes a worker in a factory.5. Read Paragraph3 and fill in the blanks.Damings mother goes to work at_ every night. Shes a _.6. Listen and imitate.7. Retell the dialogue with the key words.Step 3:Production1. Pair workA: My uncle goes to work at eight oclock every morning.B: What does he do?A: Hes a doctor.Word Bank:(参考词汇)mother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt.nurse, teacher, policeman, worker.2. Writing:Let students imitate the model and write about their families.3. Make a poster.4. Make a report. Step 4:Homework谈论家人的职业及上班时间。【板书设计】Module 7Unit 1My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.evening late worker earlytaxiMy father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.My mother goes to work at eleven oclock every night.【教学反思】教师在单词或词组的教学中,不能只是教读单词或词组。要循序渐进的插入本单元的重点句子,让学生在记单词或词组的过程中熟悉句子。这样能满足不同学习水平的学生的学习要求。根据学生的个人素质、性格特点、记忆力、反应速度等,因材施教,分层要求,以求通过最有效的激励机制促进学生进步。最后,在今后的每一节课中都要灵活运用所学句型,请学生造句,培养学生的创新意识。4
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