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高二英语 Module 9 Unit 3 Phrases 1 the French national flag 法国国旗 2 starve to death 饿死 3 rid of get rid of 消除 去除 4 make up 构成 化装 编造 5 have a say 有发言权 6 date back to 起始于 可追溯到 7 have a link with 与 有联系 8 correspond to 与 相一致 9 resign oneself to 听任 顺从 10 relate to 与 有关 11 for instance 例如 12 on a special occasion 在某个特殊场合下 13 a unique identity 一个独特的身份 14 be more than just 不仅仅是 15 along with the values 和价值一起 16 at the start of the French Revolution 在法国革命的 初期 17 rid society of inequality 消除社会不平等 18 be outspoken about 对 直言不讳的 19 tolerate not having a say in the government 容忍在政府没 有发言权 20 win by being passive 通过被动而获胜 21 split from 与 分离 22 fight for independence from Britain 为脱离英国而战 23 become official 生效 24 sth dating back to dating from the 13 th century 起始与13 世纪的东西 25 have a link with 与 有联系 26 considerate nature of the Indonesian people 印度尼西亚人体 贴的本性 27 equator goes through the country 赤道穿越国家 28 like in many other countries 象在别的国家一 样 29 be regarded as a symbol of purity 被认为是纯洁的 象征 30 a land colonized by Britain 被英国殖民的土 地 31 bloom throughout the year 一年四季开花 32 be named after 以 命名 33 instantly fall in love with 迅速爱上 34 it would be some time before 一段时间之后才 35 be in the red 财政赤字 36 be white as a sheet 因为害怕而脸色苍 白 37 concentrate on sth 集中注意力 38 feel blue 不开心的 忧郁的 39 be green with envy 嫉妒的羡慕的 40 attend the ceremony 参加典礼 41 wear a military uniform 穿一套军服 42 ride on horses 骑马 43 a medium for expressing the feelings 表达感情的载体 44 take a look at 看一看 45 be associated with 与 联系 46 for this reason 由于这个原因 47 on the negative side 在反方面 48 it is thought to be 被认为是 49 convey the positive meaning 传达积极的含义 50 make a profit 获利润 51 get married in a white dress 穿着白色礼服结 婚 52 in some cases 在一些情况下 53 be arbitrary about 对 随意的 54 make a statement about 对 做出陈述 55 by sewing sth together sew sewed sewn sewed 通过把 缝在一 起 56 calm sb down 使某人 平静下来 57 take hold of my arm 抓住我的胳臂 58 take a deep breath 深呼吸 59 suit sb 适合某人 60 turn up 调高 出现 61 put up 张贴 62 show up 出现 显露 63 show off 炫耀 64 get over 克服 越过 65 make for head for 向 前进 66 make allowances for 考虑到 体谅 67 make ends meet 使收支相平衡 68 make certain that 确保 69 more than 与其 不如 70 more than concerned about 对 很关心 71 more often than not 经常 72 base sth on sth be based on 基于 基础 73 go against sb sth 反对 违背 74 go ahead 请便 继续 75 be get fed up with 对 厌倦 76 go for sth 喜欢 去找 努力争取 77 go in for 爱好 78 go over sth 检查 复习 79 go through 经历 体验 80 go without 将就着过 81 go wrong 出问题 82 pull away 开走 83 as a matter of fact 事实上 84 go out 出去 熄灭 85 retire from the company 从公司退休 86 be of no practical value 没有实际价值 87 be hit on the head 被打中头部 88 cure sb of sth 治愈 89 admit doing having done sth 承认做了某事 90 object to doing sth 反对做某事 91 the time suits me best 这时间最适合我 92 relate to 理解 与 相关 93 be connected with 与 有联系 94 take the place of take one s place 替代某人 e about 发生 96 break out 爆发 战争 火灾等 97 it occurred to sb that 突然想起 e up with 提出 e out 出版 100 in return for 作为 的回报 101 be unhappy about 对 不满意 102 put sb to death 宣判某人死刑 103 along with 和 一起 104 draw a conclusion 得出结论 105 substitute with 用 来替代 106 on occasion 偶尔 107 split into 分裂成 108 stand for 代表 象征 109 at random 随意的 110 be conscious about 对 有意识的 111 persuade sb into doing talk sb into doing sth 说服某人做 112 regard consider take look on think of treat sb as 把 当作 113 under color of 在 的幌子下 114 off color 身体 不舒服 115 It is inappropriate to do sth 做 不合适 116 lead to fundamental changes 导致根本性的改变 117 remind sb of sth that 提醒某人做 118 desire to do desire sth desire sb to do 渴望 要求某人 做 119 at the start beginning of 在 开始 120 try make efforts to do 努力做
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