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生活大爆炸第2季中英字幕1200:00:00,300 - 00:00:03,050好了 最后一个部件All right,thats the last servo.200:00:03,740 - 00:00:09,020人家看到的 是全方位运动 销毁终结切割器Behold the Mobile Omnidirectional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator.300:00:09,030 - 00:00:12,340或者 Mont-EOr.MONTE.400:00:13,020 - 00:00:17,610装有铰接式锋利锯齿 聚碳酸脂磨刀和转动轮Featuring one articulated razor-sharp killing saw,one polycarbonate grinding and flipping wheel,500:00:17,620 - 00:00:23,110从上到下为钢制金属板外壳 其马力足以将110磅的机械steel-armor plate exoskeleton top and bottom,and enough horsepower to drive a 110 pounds of mechanized death600:00:23,120 - 00:00:27,230彻底毁灭 只需短短4.8秒from zero to holy crap in 4.8 seconds.700:00:27,240 - 00:00:30,600如果说我爱我们的机器人杀手 是不是大罪过?Is it wrong to say I love our killer robot?800:00:31,020 - 00:00:34,990跟对我爸爸一样 我既爱它又怕它As with my father,I both love and fear it.900:00:35,000 - 00:00:38,180好了 废话少说 我们来搞点破坏All right,enough chitchat. Lets destroy something.1000:00:38,320 - 00:00:40,3001 2 31,2,31100:00:40,310 - 00:00:43,340好了 让谁先来尝尝猛械的厉害Okay. What shall be first to taste the wrath of Monte?1200:00:43,350 - 00:00:45,420也许我们该从小的东西开始1300:00:45,430 - 00:00:51,200好吧 也许今天我们最终可以搞清楚 这个魔法球里有什么了1400:00:52,190 - 00:00:53,480我四岁时就做过了Did it when I was four.1500:00:53,500 - 00:00:56,920是个二十面体染色物在蓝水里漂浮Its an icosahedral dye floating in tinted blue water.1600:00:57,380 - 00:01:01,130老兄 说之前给个剧透警告好吧Man,call spoiler alert before you say things like that.1700:01:01,700 - 00:01:03,550烤面包机怎么样?How about the toaster oven?1800:01:03,560 - 00:01:05,490烤面包机咋得罪你了?What did the toaster oven ever do to you?1900:01:05,500 - 00:01:07,970三年级时 我又咋得罪吉姆马林斯了?What did I ever do to Jimmy Mullins in the third grade?2000:01:07,980 - 00:01:10,900他照样用我的拳头朝我的脸打了一拳He still punched me in the face with my own fists.2100:01:11,570 - 00:01:15,720抱歉 可爱的小呆子 你在错误的时间出现错误的房间Sorry,you little nerd,you were just in the wrong boys room at the wrong time.2200:01:16,790 - 00:01:18,980同志们 护眼镜Gentlemen,goggles.2300:01:18,990 - 00:01:21,150这可是个历史性的时刻This is an auspicious moment.2400:01:21,180 - 00:01:24,130就像罗伯特奥本海默和尼尔阿姆斯壮Like Robert Oppenheimer or Neil Armstrong,2500:01:21,180 - 00:01:24,130制造第一枚核武器和第一次登月2600:01:24,160 - 00:01:28,700我们得编句合适的台词 来纪念这个有历史意义的科学事件we need the appropriate words to mark this historic scientific event.2700:01:29,830 - 00:01:32,700死吧 烤面包机 去死吧!怎么样?How about Die,toaster,die?2800:01:33,630 - 00:01:35,740我看行Thatll do it.2900:01:57,790 - 00:02:00,080好啦 接下来砍什么?All right,whats next?3000:02:00,600 - 00:02:03,770不了 我今晚要呆在家里洗衣服No,I think Im just going to stay in tonight and do laundry.3100:02:33,600 - 00:02:37,030噢 耶 这门被猛械毁了Oh,yeah,this door got the full Monte.3200:02:37,410 - 00:02:38,790莱纳德?Leonard?3300:02:38,800 - 00:02:40,750怎么回事?What the hell?3400:02:41,270 - 00:02:42,980机器人杀手 我们造的Killer robot. We built it.3500:02:42,990 - 00:02:45,250是吗 它差点杀了我Yeah,well,it almost killed me.3600:02:45,270 - 00:02:48,340它要是想杀你 你早死了If it wanted to kill you,youd be dead.3700:02:52,240 - 00:02:54,930那么 它到底想杀谁?So,who exactly does it want to kill?3800:02:54,950 - 00:03:01,450抱歉 难道你不知道即将举行的 南加州机器人格斗循环邀请赛?Im sorry,are you unaware of the upcoming Southern California Robot Fighting League Round Robin Invitational?3900:03:03,210 - 00:03:07,450知道吗 从我去年搬来以后 不是所有的邮件都被转寄掉You know,since I moved last year,not all my mail has been forwarded.4000:03:09,020 - 00:03:10,600这可是件大事Its a big deal.4100:03:10,630 - 00:03:14,370会有颁奖宴会还有舞会Theres an awards banquet and a dance afterward.4200:03:14,380 - 00:03:17,740也许你会想跟我一起去Perhaps youd like to come with me.4300:03:18,690 - 00:03:22,140我相信其他人看见女生 肯定会很兴奋I know the other fellas would be really excited to see a girl there.4400:03:23,460 - 00:03:25,620如果就我一个女生去 怎么能叫舞会呢?How is it supposed to be a dance if Im the only girl?4500:03:25,640 - 00:03:28,520好吧 也许这么说有点夸张Well,that may be a slight exaggeration.4600:03:28,540 - 00:03:31,130你是唯一可以上的女孩Youd be the only doable girl.4700:03:33,670 - 00:03:36,220你是头猪 霍华德Youre a pig,Howard.4800:03:36,230 - 00:03:39,190可以上是在赞美你 没别的意思How is doable anything but a compliment?4900:03:39,210 - 00:03:40,800霍华德 我们还是搞机器人吧Howard,why dont we just work on the robot?5000:03:40,820 - 00:03:41,960拜托 莱纳德 现在不是时候Please,Leonard,not now.5100:03:41,980 - 00:03:45,960又一次 佩妮和我开始了 我们的双人探戈Once again,Penny and I have begun our little tango.5200:03:46,440 - 00:03:48,150我们的探戈?Our tango?5300:03:48,170 - 00:03:51,270肉体的博弈 性欲的推拉The carnal repartee,the erotic to and
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