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精品文档专利权属协议Patent ownership agreement 甲方:Party A: 乙方: Party B:主合同名称、编号: 。The Name and Number of Main Contract:主合同涉及产品型号、名称: 。Product model & product name involved in the contract: 主合同涉及专利(申请)号: 。Patent (application) number involved in the contract:为保证双方的长期友好合作,维护甲、乙双方的合法权益,经双方协商一致,就专利申请权、专利权等其相关事宜达成如下协议内容:To guarantee the long-term good relationship between Party A and Party B and protect legal benefits for both parties, through friendly negotiation, both parties have agreed to enter into this agreement under the terms as below: 一、本协议中所含部分名词或者短语解释如下:1. Definitions1.1本协议所称专利:专指主合同存续期间产生的专利。1.1 This agreement due to Patents, what mean the patents only produced during the validation period of the main contract. 1.2专利申请权:是指公民、法人或者其他组织依据法律规定或者合同约定享有的就发明创造向国家相关部门提出专利申请的权利。1.2 The right to apply for patents: It means the individual, legal person or other entity have the right to submit the patent application to the related national departments on invention & innovation in accordance with the related law and regulation or the contract terms. 1.3专利权:国家有关部门授予专利权人在一定期限内生产、销售或以其他方式使用专利的排他权利。专利分为发明、实用新型和外观设计三种。1.3 Patent right: It is an exclusive right granted to the patentee by the related national department to have right of exploit the patent by means of manufacturing, sale or other ways in a given period. It includes invention patent, utility model patent and design patent.1.4专利使用权:是指公民、法人或者其他组织依据法律规定或者合同约定在一定地域内一定期限内生产、销售或以其他方式使用专利技术或者专利产品的权利。1.4 Patent license right: It means individual, legal person or other entity have right to exploit the patent technology or patent product by means of manufacturing, sale or other ways in the specified regions in a given period according to the law & regulation or the contract terms.二、甲乙在合作期间,双方同意就产生的专利申请权和专利权的归属按照如下几种方式确定:During the period of cooperation, the division of ownerships of patent application right and patent right are decided in accordance with the following ways agreed by both parties.2.1 符合以下情形的,专利申请权和专利权全部归属甲方:2.1 The patent application right and patent right shall be owned by Party A in the following conditions:(a)最初的创意来自甲方,并由甲方自主开发。The original idea comes from Party A and realized by self-development of Party A(b)最初的创意来自双方讨论的结果,甲方完成技术开发,并有图纸或者样机等技术载体。The original idea comes from the conclusion after discussion between both parties. Party A completes technology development and possesses drawings and prototype etc. as technology carrier.(c)最初的创意来自乙方,甲方完成技术开发,并有图纸或者样机等技术载体。The original idea comes from Party B, but Party A completes the technology development and possesses drawings and prototype etc. as technology carrier.(d)最初的创意来自乙方,乙方提供了技术意见、图纸或者样机等,甲方完成技术开发。 The original idea comes from Party B who has provided some technical suggestion, drawings or sample as well, but Party A completes the technology development.(e)乙方完成技术开发,并有图纸或者样机等技术载体,甲方提醒其申请专利两个月后,但其仍未向官方部门申请的,视为乙方放弃专利申请权以及所有的专利权,甲方获得完全的专利申请权和专利权。甲方随后申请的,须告知乙方。-甲方行使继任的专利申请权时,须告知乙方。Party B completed the technology development and possesses drawings and prototype etc. as technology carrier. If Party B has not submitted the patent application to the related official departments two months after being reminded by Party A. As Party B to give up the right to apply for a patent and all patent rights, Party A has the full right to apply this patent based on having Party B been notified.(f)乙方不经甲方同意,自行将甲乙共有的专利申请权,以乙方名义申请专利或者自行将专利申请权转让、赠与给第三方的,视为乙方违约,甲方获得完全的专利申请权和专利权。乙方行为造成甲方损失的,须向甲方赔偿。Party B shall breach the agreement If Party B applies the patent in his own name or assigns or bestows the patent application right owned by both parties to the third party without authorization of Party A, the ownership of patent application right and patent right will completely belong to Party A . Part B shall bear the loss caused to Party A. (g)甲乙双方共有的专利申请权,乙方不配合甲方完成专利申请,视为乙方放弃,甲方获得独有的专利申请权和专利权,甲方在成功获得专利权后,可以补偿乙方。For the patent application right owned by both parties, if Party B does not cooperate with Party A to finish the patent application and it will be considered that Party B has given up the rights, Party A will completely own the ownership of patent application right & patent right. After being granted with this patent, Party A can compensate Party B. 2.2 符合以下情形的,专利申请权和专利权全部归属乙方:2.2 The patent application right and patent right shall be owned by Party B in the following conditions:乙方提供技术和图纸,甲方未参与技术和图纸修改,未参与修改完善,甲方未将图纸或者样机等技术载体化。Party B provides technology and drawings while Party A has not participated in the improving of technology and the modification of drawings, in addition, Party A has not completed the technical carrier such as drawings or prototype etc.2.3 符合以下情形的,专利申请权和专利权归甲乙双方共享,未经甲乙双方同意,第三方不得享有专利申请权、专利权,不得使用该专利技术或者销售该专利技
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