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2020考前冲刺英语专题15 短文改错 【高考预测】短文改错题旨在考查考生发现、判断、纠正语篇错误的能力。它要求考生具备扎实的语言功底,相当高的语言运用能力;此题涉及到词汇、语法、惯用法、篇章结构、行文逻辑等各个方面。但是,这种试题并不是检测语法知识的,而是检测考生写作能力中的校验能力。这种能力是进行书面表达的必备能力,写作的成效需要良好的写作程序的支持,而在写作程序中,检验能力是不可缺少的要素。把短文改错当作语法练习是对高考中短文改错的误解。一、短文改错题的解题步骤1.通读全文,掌握大意短文改错不是单句改错,每一句的语意表达,结构选择是受土下文制约的。如谓语动词时态的选择,代词的指代功能等都要依照上下文的线索进行判断。因此,考生应立足:于上下文,正确理解作者意图,把握短文的题材、体裁、时态主线,人物和主要情节等,从整体上把握全文。2.整句理解,逐行推敲通读全文,了解文章大意、写作方式之后,要细致分析每一个完整的句子。应把主要注与时间状语或上下文的时态保持一致等。2.连接手段的错误高考英语短文改错命题的一个重要方面就是考查连接手段。连词使用不当会造成上下文无法衔接。英语中的词与词、句与句必须使用并列或从属连词将其连接起来,要判断句与句之间的关系是并列、转折、选择、递进还是让步,从而选择相应的连词。若为复合句,首先判断属:厂何种从句,然后根据主从句之间的关系判断连接词的使用是否准确或是否有遗漏或多余的现象。3.平行结构的错误在表达相互平行的概念时,要使用相同的语法结构,即动词与动词对应,形容词与形容词对应,分词与分词对应,不定式与不定式对应,短语与短语对应。它经常借助于并列连词and,or,but或连词词组not only.but also.,not.but.,either.or.,neither.nor.,as well as等。4.非谓语动词形式上的错误主要考查不定式符号to的多余或遗漏;to是介词还是不定式符号的辨认(后跟动词原形考生对名词单复数的掌握情况。8.词语搭配的错误主要考查介词与动词、名词、形容词的固定搭配;副词与动词的固定搭配;及物动词后多介词或副词以及不及物动词后缺少介词,英语中的一些固定句型及习惯搭配等。9.词性分辨的错误词在句中的位置及与其他词所形成的修饰与被修饰的关系决定了其正确形式,词在句中不同的句法功能要求使用与之相匹配的词性。10.行文逻辑上的错误短文改错中的行文逻辑错误是最难改的一种错误。因为要识别和改出某种错误,考生必须细读全文,在理解短文中心思想、掌握全文逻辑发展顺序的基础上,作出正确判断。下面,我们以典型例题试题中几道有代表意义的短文改错题来分析一下这些种类的错误形式。1. (2020精选模拟)短文改错My car just wouldnt move any further. It was complete1.dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold2.wet night. I decided walk around a little before accepting Id3.have to spend the night in the ear. Maybe I can find a4.telephone. Actually, I didnt have to walk far before I5.found a small house standing on a field with a light6.shone from the sitting room. I knocked at the door and7.was delighting when a pleasant old man opened the8.door but listened to my story carefully. He said he had9.no telephone, and it wasnt one within walking distance,10.but offered to come and look at my car.去分词做表语。9.but改为and.连接手段的错误。两个动作之间不是转折关系。10.it改为there.一致关系的错误。这里当是表示“存在有”的there be句型。2.(典型例题改错)My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named himJack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us1.in a tree outside our bedroom, calling “Hello” as we lay in2.bed in a morning. He also passed Hello to the cats when3.they came into the room. We often played a trick on himself.4.Wed throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away5.and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch6.the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and7.sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack8.were his musical ability. Leaving him at home all day, we9.would return at night to hear that hed picked up from theradio in the day.10.试题分析8.去掉for.多余词汇的错误。按照文章的意思是表示转折的but,而不是表示“要不是”的but for。9.were改为was.一致关系的错误。主语是表示单数意义的the most wonderful thing.10.that改为what.连接手段的错误。宾语从句中 pick up 缺少宾语。3.(2020精选模拟)Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over1.the world men and woman, boys and girls enjoy sports. Since2.long ago, many adults and children called their friends together3.to spend hours, even days play games. One of the reasons people4.like to play is that sports help them to live happily. In otherwords,5.they help to keep people strong and feel good. When people are6.playing games, they move a lot. That is how sports are good activities7.for their health. Having fun with their friends make them happy.8.Many people enjoy sports by watching the others play. In American9.big cities, thousands sell tickets to watch football or basketball games.10.试题分析10.sell改为buy行文逻辑上的错误。根据文意是“买票看球赛”。4. (2020精选模拟)短文改错Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often1.broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself,2.and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls,3.a car maker, was very interested in Royces car, but soon4.Rolls arid Royce go into business together. One of their first5.model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the6.worlds record by drive 14,371 miles without breaking down7.once. After the drive, it was cost just over 2 to put the car8.back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver9.Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”.10.试题解析9.This改为It.一致关系的错误。这里是形式主语it10.regarded后加as固定搭配的错误。短语regard as意为“把认为看作”。5.短文改错There are advantage for students to work while1.studying at school. One of them was that 2. _they can earn money, for the most part. 3.students working to earn money for their own 4. _use. Earning their own momey allow them 5. _to spend on anything as if they please. 6. _They would have to ask thier parents for 7. _money or for permission to do things by 8. _the money. Some students may also to save 9. _up for our college or future use. 10. _试题分析1.advantage改为advantages.名词单复数错误。此处 advantage表示“利益,益处”,可数名词。6.短文改错Dear Mr. Brown,I am writing to than
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