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第四课时SectionB 1a 1e Unit12Whatdidyoudolastweekend flyakite flykites放风筝fly在此作及物动词 意为 放 风筝等 eg Childrenlikeflyingkitesinspring 在春天孩子们喜欢放风筝 拓展 fly作不及物动词 意为 飞 飞行 eg Birdsflyinthesky 鸟在空中飞行 fly作不及物动词 还可表示 乘 飞机 flyto 意为 乘飞机去 eg SometimestheyflytoShanghai 有时他们乘飞机去上海 fly还可作可数名词 意为 苍蝇 notreally的用法 表示轻微的否定 意为 不很 eg Areyoubusynow 你现在忙吗 Oh notreally 哦 不怎么忙 表示怀疑或不相信 意为 不会吧 不见得 不会是真的吧 eg Heisleavingtomorrow 他明天就要走了 Notreally 不会吧 表示语气很强的否定 意为 真的没有 的确没有 eg DidyouwatchthenewsonTVlastnight 你昨天晚上看电视新闻了吗 Notreally 的确没有 Didyoudoanythinginterestinglastweekend 上个周末你做什么有趣的事情了吗 anythinginteresting意为 有趣的事 形容词interesting修饰不定代词anything应后置 在句中作后置定语 eg Hetoldussomethinginteresting 他告诉了我们一些有趣的事 1 you foryourmathtestlastnight 2 MyfriendsandI kitesintheparklastweekend 3 Sally herhomeworkatTony shomelastnight 4 Isthere interestinginthebook 5 I dinnerwithmyfriendsyesterday Did study flew did anything had 二 单项选择 6 Jennyoften toschoolearly butthismorningshe toschoollate A go wentB went goesC goes wentD went went 7 I averyinterestingbooklastweek A readB readedC readingD reads 8 WhovisitedthefarmlastSunday Eric A doB doesC didD was C A C 9 Imettheoldman acoldspringmorning A onB inC atD for 10 Didyoudo lastweekend A interestingsomethingB somethinginterestingC interestinganythingD anythinginteresting A D 三 句型转换 11 Didyourmotherbuyyouabirthdaypresent 改为一般现在时 yourmother youabirthdaypresent 12 Tomplayedfootballthisafternoon 改为否定句 Tom footballthisafternoon 13 BarryvisitedhisunclelastSunday 改为一般疑问句 Barry hisunclelastSunday 14 Icleaned my roomlastnight 对画线部分提问 you lastnight 15 Theywenttothe beachaweekago 对画线部分提问 didthey aweekago Does buy didn tplay Did visit Whatdid do Where go 四 语法填空 原创题 DearJulia Myfamilywereverybusylastweekend OnSaturdaymorning myparentswentshopping MybrotherHenry16 play basketballwithhisfriends I17 study formymathtestathome Intheafternoon Iwent18 thebeach OnSaturdayevening myfamilyhaddinnertogether Thenwewenttothe19 movie OnSundaymorning mybrotherandI20 clean ourrooms Intheafternoonmygrandparentsvisited21 Wewerehappy22 see them Theyhaddinner23 us Afterdinner we24 watch TV At8 30p m Iwenttobed25 Iwasalittletired Yours David played studied to movies cleaned us tosee with watched because
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