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Lesson8Superhero role角色Helenwishedtoplaytheleadingroleinthemovie 2 nowadays现今 如今Nowadays childrenpreferTVtoreading 3 disaster灾难 大祸 大不幸1 Thetyphoonbroughtdisastertothecoastalarea 沿海 2 Unluckily thedisasterhappenedtohisfamily 4 expect期望 指望 预计1 Weareexpectingaguestforlunch 2 Iexpecthimtocomehere Iexpect that hewillcomehere 3 Youare finishitontime 5 remarkable不平常的 非凡的 显著的1 Heisreallyaremarkableman 2 Hissuccessisquiteremarkable expectedto 6 breathe 动词 breath 名词 呼吸 breathein吸入breatheout呼出breathesomefreshair呼吸一些新鲜的空气breathedeeply takeadeepbreath深呼吸 7 promote提升 促进 增进 促使1 Hewas tocaptain 2 Milkpromoteshealth 3 Itwillpromoteunderstandingbetweenthetwocountries 8 1 Itsimportance me Iwas itsimportance 2 Themoviemadejustalittle onme 3 First isalwayswrong 4 an ceremony journey9 encourage鼓励 激励Theteacherencouragedhisstudentstostudyharder promoted impressed impressed with impression impression impressive 10 depress 动词 使愁苦 使沮丧 depressed 形容词 depression 名词 1 Themoviedepressedme 2 Afterseeingthemovie Ifelt 3 His cametoanendafterhereadtheletter 11 injure 动词 injury 名词 损害 侮辱 毁坏1 He hisarmintheaccident 2 IhopeIdidn t yourfeeling 3 Afterthe hefeltworriedabouthishealth 12 pullthrough度过难关 恢复健康 克服困难It snoteasyforsuchanoldmantopullthrough 13 1 MissLeemarriedMrGreenlastyear 2 Shegotmarriedtoarichman 判断下列句子的正误 1 Whendidshegetmarried depressed depression injured injure injury V 2 Shemarriedwithateacher 3 Shewasmarriedwithateacher 4 Shemarriedateacher 5 Shewasmarriedtoateacher 6 Theyhavegotmarriedfortenyears 7 Theyhavebeenmarriedfortenyears 8 They got marriedtenyearsago X X V V X V V amarriageceremony婚礼ahappymarriage幸福的婚姻thefreedomofmarriage婚姻自由 14 divorce离婚 离异He hiswife Hewas hiswife 15 disabled 形容词 disability 名词 残疾1 Hewas afterthedisaster 2 Hesufferedfrom divorced divorcedfrom disabled disability 16 involve使某人陷入 卷入1 Don tinvolvemeinsolvingyourproblem 2 Hegotinvolvedwiththecharitywork 17 confident 自信的 确信的 confidence 信任 信心 自信 1 Weare ofvictory 2 Hefelt ofpassingtheexam 3 Don tputtoomuch inwhatthenewspaperssay 4 Heisa athlete 5 Youhavewonmy 6 Wehavefull thatweshallsucceed 18 inspire 激励 激发 1 Fatherinspiredconfidenceinhisson 2 Weareinspiredbyhisbravery confident confident confidence confident confidence confidence 19 brave 勇敢的 形容词 bravery 勇气 名词 1 Bebrave 2 Heisreallyabravesoldier 3 Heisfamousforhisbravery ItissaidthatsheisoneoftheOscarwinners butIdon tunderstandwhyshedidn tappearattheOscarc 2 Wewillneverforgethisspeech foritisi 3 Theymarried2yearsago Butdoyouthinktheirm happy 4 Whatisther betweenthegirlandtheboyandthegirlstandingnearby 5 Thehurricane 飓风 causedalotoflosses 损失 soitwasad toourcity 6 Theygotmarried2yearsago butlatertheyoftenquarreled Intheend theyd eachother 7 Heisap youngman Everyonelikeshim 8 Thed studentgoestoschoolinawheelchair 9 Hisbusinessfailedandhec suicide 10 Whichismoreimportant q orquantity 数量 eremony mpressive arriage elationship isaster ivorced opular isabled ommitted uality 11 TheOlympicGameswillp understandingandfriendshipamongcountries 12 Hewantedtoplaytheleadingr inthefilm 13 Thesedays heissufferingfrom 沮丧 14 Hehasmade 不平常的 非凡的 progress 15 Iwillcomeandhelpyoutomorrow 好极了 16 Youare 期望 tocome 17 Youmay 呼吸 somefreshair 18 Wearealways 鼓励 byourteacher 19 Afterthe 伤害 hethoughtofgivingup 20 Howdidhe 反应 toyourvictory 21 His 残疾 causedmuchproblem 22 Heisquite 自信的 ofit Don tworry 23 GuoJingjingisafamous 运动员 romote ole depression remarkable Terrific expected breathe encouraged injury react disability confident athlete WasReeveasuccessfulactor Whatwashismostfamousfilmrole 2 Whatterriblethinghappenedtohimin1995 3 Didthedoctorexpecthimtolive 4 Whatarethespeecheshemadeabout 5 Hasheeverthoughtofgivinguporcommittingsuicide 6 HowwasReeveandhiswife srelationship Didtheygetonverywell 7 HowdidReeve sparentsreacttotheaccident 8 Whatwashedoingnowadays 9 HowwouldyoudescribeReeve Whatkindofpersonishiswife ChristopherReeve Supermanrole Ithasbeen5yearssinceshe him A marriedB gotmarriedwithC marriedwithD marriedto2 rolesheplayedinthefilm NowondershehaswontheOscar A HowinterestingB HowaninterestingC WhatinterestingD Whataninteresting3 Hewasillforalongtime buthewasableto A cometoB pullthroughC comeoverD pullin4 Don tgetyourself insuchthing A involvingB involvedC tobeinvolvedD involve5 Howdidyou thatyourwerewrong A cometorealizeB comeandrealizedC gotorealizeD goandrealized A D B B A 6 Ican t hisname A thinkabout forthemomentB thinkof formomentC thinkabout forthemomentD thinkof foramoment7 Whichteamdoyouthinkwillwin I Bulltowin fortheyhavebeendoingbetterthantheothersincetheendoflastyear A wishB hopeC expectD think D D C 苏醒 复苏经受 遭受沮丧对 做出反应度过难关 康复自杀与 相处靠自己逐渐理解被卷入到 筹集资金提高生活质量想到 想起放弃干取得显著的进步鼓励某人做某事 cometo sufferfromdepression reactto pullthrough commitsuicide geton onone sown byoneself cometounderstand getinvolvedin with raisemoney improvethequalityoflife thinkof giveupdoingsth makeremarkableprogress encouragesb todosth 他们结婚是否已经5年了 Havetheybeenmarriedfor5years Havetheybeenmarriedsincefiveyearsago 2 你和你的姐妹相处得怎么样 很好 Howareyougettingonwithyoursister Very
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