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IDENTITY ALWAYS PRESUPPOSING DIFFERENCEArticle byCEG journalists: Yang ChengJiang Ling2005.2ReturnEnglish VersionoYang: In the modern world, globalization has become one of the hottest topics. Under the trend of globalizing, many fixed cultures have been greatly influenced. And the cultural diversity has been affected by this trend. What is your opinion of such a phenomenon?Lucia: Since the age of the great discoveries, civilizations and cultures have been influencing one another, mixing in a way or other. This is not a phenomenon typical of the so-called post-modern age. Of course, the process of globalization and financial capitalismstrengthened theinfluence of the dominant cultures, those from the industrialized countries, over theperipheral ones. Cultural diversity, different cultural identities, struggles to subsist, to maintain their uniqueness before the pervasiveness of the American culture. I believe, together with some important theoreticians, that we are facing something new and challenging: the decline of strong national identities and the emergence of hybrid identities. That may seem a reason of concern for some,however, it is a significant change in history. How many wars have been waged and disputes arisen in history out of the will to affirm and impose a particular country national identity? Its enough to recall Nazi Germany. A hybrid identity would be a mix of intrinsic elements with foreign elements.If we look around, thats what we seeeverywhere. Do you think the Chinese are really less Chinese because MacDonalds has settled here?You know, Brazil is a multicultural country. Brazilian identity was built mainly by the contributions of Portuguese people, indigenous people and Africans from many different cultures and languages. Italians, Arabs, Spanish, Germans, Hungarians, Polish, Jews - just to name some - have also contributed to make our society a true melting-pot . Brazilians are renowned for their openness, their relaxed attitude and their creativity. Of course, American culture is a strong presence in Brazil but the Brazilian style continues to be a very special and easily identified one. Our food, our music, our cinema, our architecture, our way of being Latin Americans should resist the tendency of homogeneity of our globalized World.oYang: Brazil is world-widely famous for its football culture, traditional dancing Samba, sculptures, etc. These have brought certain affects to other countries culture. In the meanwhile, Brazils national culture has been influenced by culture from other countries. We hope to see, how does Brazil view the relationship between national culture and foreign culture? Is foreign culture a benefit or threat to national culture?Lucia:Of course I wont deny foreign culture may be a “threat” to national culture. Thats the reason why it is necessary to have institutions and channels in the media that care for the protection of national diversity, for the expression of the “spirit” of the country. This is one of the main roles of a government. Considering the amazing diversity of China itself, with its 56 ethnic groups, and the richness of these cultures, minorities should be given all the means to protect their tangible and intangible heritage. I think one of the great challenges at present is to see the dialogue between cultures in a more open way, taking into account that identity always presupposes difference. It can be a good way to practice tolerance, a virtue so essential in our world. oYang:On May 26th, 2004, a Brazilian art exhibition “Amazon-Indigenous Life” was held in Chinas Palace Museum. We can see that Indian culture is a treasure to Brazilian culture. Taking this exhibition as an example, would you like to tell us how the Brazilian protect and develop Indian culture? Can traditional culture be connected with modern life, without losing the inner spirit of traditional culture?Lucia:Presently there are in Brazil approximately 700.000 indigenous people, distributed in 220 different ethnic groups, with 180 different languages, according to recent data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics). Besides the national institution to deal with indigenous issues, FUNAI, there are many NGOs working together with the Indians to help them protect their culture and way of life. The representatives of the indigenous communities have been struggling to get special schools for their people, special education where the Indians can learn their history and are able to preserve their cultures. The awareness of the importance of an indigenous pride, an indigenous struggle for survival in the best possible ways is more and more acute among the Indians. Many political leaders and some Indian intellectuals are already official spokesmenfor their people.Of course, the dialogue of traditional cultures with urban, industrialized societies is a difficult one. But one cannot stop the wheel of history. It is an enormous struggle and n
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