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课程名称 so that such that 教学目标 Enablestudentstomasterso that such that 教师姓名 刘艳敏工作单位 方家庄中学 so that such that 如此 不同 Wow thiscoatissonicethatIfeelgreat It ssuchabeautifulhatthatIlookpretty 如此 以至于 Q Doyouwanttoknowhowtouse so that and such that Ourteacherissokindthatwealllikeher Shegetsupsoearlythatshecancatchthebus Heissobusythathedoesn thavearest 请你观察以下三组句子 总结so that 和such that的用法 TherearesomanypeoplethatIcan tfindyou ThereissomuchnoisethatIcan tsleepwell TheyaresuchnicecoatsthatIwanttobuythem Heissuchakindmanthathehasmanyfriends Wehavesuchbadweatherthatwebringanumbrellawithusallthetime 总结 so that 和such that 都意为 如此 以至于 引导结果状语从句 so that 中间接 such that 中间接 注意 当名词前有many much few little等词修饰时 要用 若名词前的little解释为 小 的 意思时 则仍用such 而不能用so 例如 Itissuchalittlesheepthatitcan trunfast 它是一只小绵羊 它不能够跑得快 形容词或副词 名词或名词短语 So不用such 单数名词复数名词不可数名词 注 当that前是单数可数名词且该名词前面有形容词修饰时 so与such可以互换 即 such a an adj 名单 so adj a an 名单 Forexample Sheissuchagoodteacherthatweallloveher 她是一位好老师 我们都爱她 那么当that前名词的形式不一样时 such有什么用法呢 Sheissogoodateacherthatweallloveher Forexample Itwassuchfineweatherthattheyallwentswimming Theyaresuchniceapplesthatwewouldliketoeatthem 当that前是不可数名词或复数可数名词时 则必须用such 不能用so来代替 请你用so that 或such that填空 Heis acleverboy everyteacherlikeshimverymuch 2 Thesongis popular mostpeoplecansingit 3 Thereis muchmilkinthefridge youdon tneedtobuyit 现学现用 easy suchthat sothat so that difficult 1 这部电影非常有趣 我想再看一遍 It s Iwanttoseeitagain 2 这个小女孩太小了 她不能照顾她自己 Thelittlegirlis shecan tlookafterherself 3 这本书里单词很少 我们都看得懂 Thereare inthebook weallunderstandit suchaninterestingmoviethat soyoungthat sofewwords that 根据中文提示填空 moredifficult 看图写句子 such that carry so that get It ssuchaheavyboxthatIcan tcarryit Theboyissoshortthathecan tgettheapples 你能把以上两个句子改为同义句吗 TheboxissoheavythatIcan tcarryit Heissuchashortboythathecan tgettheapples Welearn Wecan 1 so that 和such that 都意为 如此 以至于 引导结果状语从句 2 区别 so that 中间接adj adv such that 中间接n 名词短语3 当名词前有many much few little等词修饰时 要用so that 4 当that前是单数可数名词且该名词前面有形容词修饰时 so与such可以互换 即 such a an adj 名单 so adj a an 名单 当that前是不可数名词或复数可数名词时 则必须用such 不能用so来代替 Use so that and such that tomakesentences Summary Thankyouforlistening
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