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Unit 5 学习 目标 1 过去进行时态 2 练习巩固while 和 when的用法 3 学会谈论过去发生的事 学习重点1 过去进行时态 2 学会谈论过去发生的事 学习难点 学会谈论过去发生的事 学 习 过 程自主空间 预习与交流 A 自我预习完成3a B Write a short article about the important event in 3a 合作与探究 Step 1Talk and Retell Students talk about their articles in groups Retell their articles in class The teacher corrects them Step 2 Finish Self Check 展示交流 点拨升华 1 过去进行时态 2 练习巩固while 和 when 的用法 3 学会谈论过去发生的事 当堂练习 一 单项选择 1 Millie a picture when Mr Green came in A draw B will draw C drew D was drawing 2 I saw him in the library yesterday He a book at that moment A reads B is reading C was reading D will read 3 Could you tell me what he said just now Sorry I what was happening outside A have bought B was thinking C thought D think 4 He dressed quickly he put his shoes on the wrong feet A so as B such that C so that D such as 5 I called you yesterday evening but you were not in Sorry I in the shop with my mother A am B will be C was D have been 2 二 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 6 I can t complete understand what you said 7 When he woke up the wind die down 8 I had trouble think clearly because I was very afraid 9 When the rainstorm sudden came I was sleeping 10 John wasn t here then He watch a cartoon movie in his room 三 句型转换 1 Was David reading a book 作否定回答 No 2 Ben was helping his mom make dinner in the kitchen 对画线部分提问 Ben in the kitchen 3 Dr Martin Luther King died on April 4 1968 对画线部分提问 Dr Martin Luther King 4 My mother was cooking when my father came back 用 while 缩写句子 my mother my father came back 5 His father was in the library at that time 对画线部分提问 his father at that time 四 书面表达练习 请根据表格提供的信息 写一篇70 词左右的英文短文 描述昨晚八点钟停电时 以下四个人的情况 可以适当发挥 Mr Zhang watch a basketball match listen to the radio later Sally play the piano stop to have a rest Tom do some reading go to bed later Mrs Wang in the lift 电梯 can t get out 课堂小结 1 我的收获 2 我的困惑
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