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河北省(冀)高中新课标Book1-Book8各单元词组、短语归纳与整理(2012-3-21)第一册Unit1 Friendship1. add up加起来 eg. Add up all the money I owe you . She added up the bill. 她合计了下账单。 #add up to 合计达到#add to ; add to 增加;添加eg. Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night . Her colleagues laughter only added to her embarrassment. Have you anything to add to your earlier statement? 你对你先前的陈述还有什么要补充的吗?add vi. continue to say 补充说(完型考点)2. calmdown 使平静下来;使镇定下来 calm down 冷静下来;平静下来辨析:calm vt. & adj. Stay/Keep calm in face of danger and emergency.quiet adj. 安静的 keep quiet 保持安静vi. quiet down 安静下来辨析: quietly 和 silently 和secretly After cleaning his mothers hands, John quietly washed all the remaining clothes for her. He went secretly to Guangzhou to look into a murder case. The police told the criminal that he had the right to remain silent.3. have got to 不得不;必须4. be concerned about 关心;挂念concern n. 关心的事,感兴趣的事the major concerns 主要关心的事public concern公众关注的事There s a lot of public concern about /over the safety of food . show concern about 对.关注,关切,关心 5. walk the dog 遛狗walk vt. & n. & vi. take a walk go for a walkwalk up to sb.=go up to sb.6. go through 经历;经受;做完,完成7. set down 记下;放下;登记set down=write down =put down 记下,写下8. a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套9. on purpose 故意purpose n.效用;意义I dont think children should waste their time at school doing things which dont have any real purpose.multipurpose 多用途的for the purpose of 出于。目的10. in order to do sth. 为了(可以置于句首,句中)to do so as to do (不能置于句首!)以上三个均引导目的状语!11. at dusk 在黄昏时分at dawn 在黎明时分at night at midnightat noonat school12. face to face 面对面地facetoface adj. a facetoface job interviewhand in hand ; arm in arm ; shoulder to shoulder13. no longer/ not any longer 不再。辨析:no more= not any more 14. suffer from 遭受; 患病suffer great losssuffer the consequences 自作自受suffer from a bad cold/headache/cancer15. get/be tired of 对。厌烦16. pack sth. up 将(东西)装箱打包17. get (well) along with 与。相处;进展=get on (well) with18. fall in love with sb. (at fisrt sight) 与。相爱be in love with sb. 19. join sb.in doing sth.参加,加入到某人做某事的活动当中去join sb.join sb. in sth.join in sth. join in doing sth.eg. Come and join in our game . join vt. 加入某个机构,组织成为其中一员join the armyjoin the Leaguejoin the clubUnit 2 English around the world1. because of+ 名词或名词短语 因为;由于辨析:because 的用法:引导原因状语从句He came late in the morning because of the heavy traffic. He came late in the morning because there was a heavy traffic on the way. 2. come up (to sb.)走近;上来;提出3. at present 现在;目前=nowadays4. make +adj.(little/full)use of 利用;使用=make the most of 5. such as 例如。;像这种的such + a/an +adj. +n. +that从句 “如此以致于”such+ adj. +n.s/ 不可数名词+ that 从句辨析: so +adj. /adv. +that 从句so +adj. +a/an +n. +that 从句It is so difficult a problem that no one can work it out . 6. play a +(adj.)part /role (in) 扮演一个角色;参与;发挥。作用Unit 3 Travel journal1. ever since 从那以后eg. I have never seen him (注意时态)ever since. Since conj. & prep. 自从。以来#主句(have done)+ since从句(did)#It is / has been +一段时间 +since从句(did)since conj. 因为;既然Since weve got a few minutes to wait for the train, lets have a cup of coffee.2. be fond of 喜爱;喜欢3. care about 关心;忧虑;惦念take care 小心;珍重take care of sth./ sb. 4. change ones mind 改变主意make up ones mind(s) to do sth. 下决心;决定做某事mind doing sth. eg. Would you mind sparing me a few minutes ?absentminded 心不在焉的5. give in (to) 投降;屈服;让步6. as usual 照常as is reported/ said/ knownas expected/ planned / told /promisedeg. He didnt finish his assignment as expected. as before 向以前一样As is said , Mr. Smith has gone abroad for business affairs.It is said that he got the first prize in a chemistry contest held last month. Unit 4 Earthquake1. right away 立刻;马上=immediately adv. =right now 2. as if =as though 仿佛;好像(虚拟语气)He speaks English as if he were a native speaker. He acted as if he had known the secret. 3. at an end 结束;终结put to an end 结束。4. in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪5. dig out 掘出;发现6. a great/good number of +n.s 许多;大量的Unit 5. Nelson Mandelaa modern hero1. out of work 失业=lose ones job2. as a matter of fact 事实上=actually =in reality3. blow up 使充气;爆炸4. in trouble 在危险,受罚,痛苦,忧虑等的处境中in dangerin spacein nature5. turn to sb. (for help)求助于;致力于6. lose heart 丧失勇气或信心辨析: lose ones heart to sb. 倾心与某人lose ones temper 发脾气lose ones way 迷路= get lost lose oneself be lost in 如: Lost in thought, I didnt know what my teacher was saying at all. lose ground 失去支持;不得人心lose interest in 失去对。的兴趣lose courage 失去勇气lose weight -put on weight lose ones life 失去生命lose ones mind 发疯lose sight of 看不到。lose patience lose confidence7. come to power 当权;上台power n. 权力;势力,影响力;电力 eg. a power struggle ; a power cut(停电); a power station/plant (发电站,发电厂)powerful adj. 辨析 strong adj. vt 给。提供动力,使
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