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Unit6 Doyoulikebananas Teacher MisYan banana s a hamburger s a tomato es a Frenchfries an orange s Ice cream a strawberr y ies a pear s salad apotato potatoes broccoli 不可数 adumpling dumplings abirthdaycake cakes noodles peaches awatermelon watermelons apeach achicken chickens chicken 不可数 fish a fish es fish 不可数 oranges Let shaveabigmeal 让我们大吃一顿 strawberries Frenchfries icecream tomatoes strawberry pears bananas hamburgers 可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 1 2 3 4 定义 是可以计数的名词 可数名词前可以用a an限定 表一个 可数名词前可以用one two three 限定 可数名词有复数形式 可数名词复数形式的构成1 加 s 1 s在清辅音后读 s 2 s在浊辅音后读 z 3 s在元音后读 z 4 以音素 s z 结尾的 读 iz desks apples trees oranges 以 s x sh ch结尾的 加 es es读 iz boxes watches 以f或fe结尾的 改f或fe为v再加 es ves读 vz knives wives 可数名词复数形式的构成2 改y为i再加 es ies读 iz families dictionaries 以元音字母加y结尾的 加 s s读 z boys keys 以o结尾的 有生命的事物加 es es读 z tomatoes potatoes 以辅音字母加y结尾的 无生命的事物加 s s读 z photos radios 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词 1 2 3 4 定义 是指不能计数的名词 不可数名词前不可以用a an限定 不可数名词前不可以用one two three 限定 不可数名词没有复数形式 注意 some既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式 也可以修饰不可数名词 特别提醒 不可数名词作主语时 谓语动词用单数 不可数名词的数量表示法 数词 容器词 单位词 of 名词e g acupofteaabottleoforangejuicefourglassesofwateratinofbeer milk tea meat water uncountablenouns bread 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数名词 定义 在某些情况下能计数 在某些情况下不能计数的名词 e g 1 achicken一只鸡chicken鸡肉 2 anicecream一个冰淇淋icecream冰淇淋 指成份 3 asalad一碟沙拉salad沙拉 指成份 chicken ice cream salad 既可数又不可数名词 fish hamburgers tomatoes Frenchfries oranges bananas strawberries eggs apples carrots pears water milk bread icecream salad chicken Groupwork tea meat vegetables Ilikehamburgers Doyoulikehamburgers Yes Ido Let shavetomatoes Oh no Idon tliketomatoes Whataboutice cream Soundsgood Idon tlike Ilike Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido Ilikebananas Doyoulikestrawberries No Idon t Idon tlikestrawberries like作及物动词 意为 喜欢 后面可接名词或代词 表示喜欢的人或物 如 Ilikemyfather 我喜欢我爸爸 2 like后面可接动名词 动词 ing 表示喜欢做某事 强调习惯 爱好 如 Doyoulikeplayingbasketball 你喜欢打篮球吗 3 like后面可接动词不定式 todo 表示偶尔喜欢做某事 强调某次具体行为 如 Ilikeplayingtennis butIliketoplaysoccernow 我喜欢打网球 但是现在我想踢足球 Ilikebananas Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido No Idon t Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Pairwork A Doyoulikehamburgers B Yes Ido No Idon t A Doyoulikesalad B Yes Ido No Idon t 1aMatchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture 1 hamburgers 2 tomatoes 3 oranges 4 icecream 5 salad 6 bananas 7 strawberries 8 pears 9 milk 10 bread d i f h b g c j e a Listenandnumbertheconversations 1 3 1b A Doyoulikesalad B No Idon t A Doyoulikebananas B Yes Ido A Doyoulikeoranges B Yes Ido 2 3 1 Listening 1c Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido Doyoulikesalad No Idon t Practicetheconversationabove Thenmakeyourownconversations Doyoulikeoranges Yes Ido Pairwork Doyoulike Yes Ido No Idon t Practice hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges icecream salad bananas 2aListenandcirclethefoodyouhear 2bListenagain Fillintheblanks tomatoes tomatoes icecream icecream havev 有 吃 喝 第三人称单数形式为has 例句 Ihaveanappleeveryday 我每天吃一个苹果 Doyoulike Yes Ido Ilike No Idon t Idon tlike Doeshelike Yes hedoes Helikes No hedoesn t Hedoesn tlike Doesshelike Yes shedoes Shelikes No shedoesn t Shedoesn tlike Practice Dotheylike Yes theydo Theylike No theydon t Theydon tlike Doesshe helike Yes she hedoes She Helikes No she Hedoesn t She Hedoesn tlike Pairwork A DoesBob Billlike B Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Foodinterview 食物调查 Report ZhaoJunlikessalad butLiuLIdoesn tlikeit LiuLilikestomatoes butZhaoJundoesn tlikethem It shisbirthday birthdaydinner 2d 1 It s birthday A Jack sB Bill sC John s2 doesn tlikesalad A TomB JackC John3 Johnlikesburgers salad applesand A strawberriesB pearsC banana Readthedialoguein2d Thenchoosetherightanswers B C A Reading Jack Hey John sbirthdaydinnerisnextweek Let sthinkaboutthefood Tom Sure Howaboutburgers vegetablesalad andsomefruit Bill Soundsgood Johnlikeshamburgers Jack Oh Idon tlikesalad Bill ButJohnlikessalad andit shisbirthday Jack Yes you reright Whataboutthefruit Tom IthinkJohnlikesstrawberriesandapples Bill OK Let shavestrawberriesandapplesthen tomatoes西红柿tomatoes是tomato的复数形式 Explanation 以字母o结尾的有生命词 其复数形式在词尾加 es 如图 Mysisterlikestomatoesverymuch 我姐姐喜欢吃西红柿 口诀 黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯 potatoes negroes 黑人 heroes tomatoes 2 Howabout 相当于Whatabout 意为 怎么样 是一个用来征询别人的意见 向别人提建议的交际用语 about是介词 后跟名词 代词或动词 ing形式 Howaboutnineo clock 9点钟怎么样 Ilikestrawberries Howaboutyou 我喜欢草莓 你呢 Whatabouthavinghamburgers 吃汉堡包怎么样 fruit tomatoes oranges strawberries pears bananas Exercises hamburgers salad milk ice cream food bread 二 选词填空 Doyoulike strawberry strawberries 2 Herearesomenice tomatos tomatoes 3 Let s have has applesandbananas 4 Johnlikes milk milks andbread 5 Sam don t doesn t likevegetablesalad 6 Let splayvolleyball Sounds sound good 三 根据图片提示完成句子 1 youlike Yes Ido Ilike too 2 yourfatherlike No He like 3 Let s salad Oh no I salad 4 Let s and That good I them Dostrawberries Doespears doesn tpears have bananas don tlike haveice creamhamburgers soundslike SectionAGrammarFocus 3c Let schant Appleround appleredApplejuicy applesweetApple apple IloveyouApplesweetIlovetoeatAppleround appleredApplejuice applesweetApple apple IloveyouApplesweetIlovetoeat Leadin fruit tomatoes oranges strawberries pears ba
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