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合同协议股权转让合同术语中英对照ENGLISH中文SINO-FOREIGN EQUITY JOINT VENTURE CONTRACT中外合资经营合同relating to关于DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION定义与解释CONDITIONALITY条件限制ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMPANY公司的设立PURPOSE AND BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY公司的宗旨和业务TOTAL INVESTMENT 投资总额REGISTERED CAPITAL注册资本RESERVED MATTERS保留事项DEADLOCK RESOLUTION僵局的解决BOARD OF DIRECTORS董事会PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD董事会的程序MANAGEMENT管理SUPERVISORS监事LABOUR MANAGEMENT劳动管理ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND ACCOUNTS获得资料和账目BUSINESS PLANS经营计划SALES OF PRODUCTS 产品销售PURCHASE OF RAW MATERIALS原料采购TAX, FINANCIALS AND ACCOUNTING税务、财务和会计DIVIDEND POLICY红利政策INSURANCE保险OPERATION OF BANK ACCOUNTS银行账户的操作RESTRICTIONS ON DEALING WITH EQUITY INTEREST对股权交易的限制PERMITTED TRANSFERS允许的转让TRANSFER OF EQUITY INTEREST ON DEFAULT违约转让股权POST-LISTING CHANGE OF CONTROL上市后控制权变更COMPLETION OF EQUITY INTEREST TRANSFERS完成股权转让CONSENT TO TRANSFER FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION同意为章程目的进行的转让EFFECT OF DEED OF ADHERENCE守约契据的效力SHAREHOLDER UNDERTAKINGS股东承诺UNDERTAKINGS BY THE COMPANY公司的承诺PROTECTIVE COVENANTS保障约定CONFIDENTIALITY保密ANNOUNCEMENTS公告TERMINATION终止WINDING-UP清算LANGUAGE语言ASSIGNMENT转让ENTIRE AGREEMENT完整协议NOTICES通知REMEDIES AND WAIVERS救济和弃权NO PARTNERSHIP不合伙COSTS AND EXPENSES费用和花费COUNTERPARTS文本CHOICE OF GOVERNING LAW适用法律选择ARBITRATION AGREEMENT仲裁约定schedule附件Articles of Association公司章程Services Agreement服务协议Trade Mark Licence Agreement商标许可协议Know-How Licence Agreement专利知识许可协议Personal Undertakings个人承诺 Shareholder Loan Contract股东贷款合同Code of Business Conduct商业行为规范Parent Company Guarantee母公司保证Foreign Shareholder Opinion外国股东意见First Shareholder第一股东Second Shareholder第二股东WHEREAS鉴于high pressure diesel common rails高压柴油共轨系统On the basis of the principles of equality and mutual benefit根据平等互利的原则 after friendly negotiations经友好协商 implementing rules实施细则 other relevant laws and regulations of the PRC以及其他相关的中国法律法规have agreed to enter into this contract for the purpose of 已同意签订本合同以IT IS AGREED as follows兹协议如下In this contract:本合同中Accounting Period会计期Acquiring Company收购方公司clause第Change of Control控制权变化Affiliate关联企业body corporate法人团体issued equity interest已发行股权share capital股本voting rights投票权Agreed Form约定形式Ancillary Agreements附属协议Articles of Association章程set out in所列are amended or replaced经修订或替代in accordance with根据Associated Person关联人officers, employees, agents官员、雇员、代理人any member of its Group其集团的任何成员any subcontractor任何分包商performs services for or on behalf of为 或代 提供服务board of directors of the Company from time to time公司不时的董事会Business业务as so altered如变更所指Business Day营业日other than a Saturday or Sunday星期六或星期天之外的other than solely for trading and settlement in euro仅进行欧元交易与结算的除外on which banks are open for business银行开张营业Chairman董事长has the meaning in具有 的含义 bribery and corruption policy贿赂与腐败政策 to the extent permitted by PRC laws applicable to the Company中国法律允许并适用于公司 total equity interest of the relevant company有关公司股权总额and/or及/或individually or collectively单独地或共同地to ensure that the activities and business of the relevant company are conducted in accordance with their wishes有关公司的活动与业务按照他们的意愿进行的能力Deadlock Memoranda僵局备忘录Deadlock Notice僵局通知Deadlock Option Notice僵局选择权通知Defaulting Shareholder违约股东Default Notice违约通知Disposal处置in relation to an Equity Interest includes, without limitation就某股权而言,包括但不限于sale, assignment or transfer出售、让渡或转让creating or permitting to subsist创设或允许其存在any pledge, charge, mortgage, lien or other security interest or encumbrance质押、抵押、留置或其他担保权益或者负担creating any trust or conferring any interest创设任何信托或授予任何权益any agreement, arrangement or understanding 协议、安排或者谅解the right to receive dividends股息收取权renunciation or assignment放弃或让渡subscribe or receive认购或收取Equity Interest 股权any agreement to do any of the above进行任何上述行为的任何协议 is conditional on compliance with the terms of this contract以遵守本协议为条件by operation of law以法律规定pursuant to PRC law根据中国法律规定including all rights and benefits包括全部权利与利益Event of Default违约事件General Manager总经理vice-General Manager副总经理wholly-owned subsidiary全资附属公司at the relevant time在相关时间点including, without limitation包括但不限于Group Transferee集团受让人as amended from time to time经不时修订Listing上市stock exchange证券交易Long Stop Date最后期限日MOFCOM商务部Ministry of Commerce of the PRC and/or any of its local branches中国的商务部及/或其任何地方机构Original Examination and Approval Authority原审批机关Original Holder原持有人Pre-contractual Statement前合同声明Prescribed Value规定价值the official currency of the PRC中国的法定流通货币SAIC国家工商总局 State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the PRC and/or its local branches中国的国家工商行政管理总局及/或其地方机构Sh
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