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教材版本:PEP小学英语四年级下册第二单元课题Unit 2 What time is it?课型对话课内容Part B Lets talk & Lets play主备人复备教师一、课程标准1. 能根据录音模仿说话。2. 能做简单的角色表演。二、教材解析本课时学习的核心句型是:Its time to/for 教材通过Mike早上起床去上学的情景,使学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。三、目标预设1. 能理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 2. 能在具体情境中熟练运用句型Its time to/for 描述到该做某事的时候了。四、重难点预设1. 重点:在理解文本的基础上,熟练、有感情地进行朗读。2. 难点:该重点句型Its time to/for 在具体情景中的使用。五、评价设计1. 通过听录音读、跟教师读、齐读、分角色朗读和Role play活动检测目标1的达成情况。2. 通过Lets play及Pair work活动检测目标2的达成情况。六、教学设计第4课时教学环节教学预设热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)Warm upSing the song “Round the clock” together.Lead in 通过呈现三幅不同的情景图片,提高学生运用核心句型 “What time is it? Its oclock. Its time to/for ”的能力。并由此总结Its time to 和Its time for 的区别:Its time for + 名词.Its time to + 动词.呈现新课(Presentation)Guess and say猜一猜,说一说。When does Mike get up?When does he go to school?Watch and answer看视频,回答问题。When does Mike have English class? At 8 oclock. Listen and imitate听音,仿读。1. Listen to the radio and read after it.2. Read after the teacher.3. Read together.4. Read in roles.Watch and say听一听,说一说。Watch the video. Suppose you are one of the roles and try to respond the others questions.趣味操练(Practice)PracticeRole play角色扮演Group work: Act out the dialogue.Show timeThree levels: Good, Great, Wonderful。学生可选择三种形式中的任意一种,完成任务。(此项活动和Listen and imitate部分共同检测目标1的达成情况)Pair work 两人一组,运用本课时所学句型就下图所示时间创编对话吧!可增添适当的活动安排哦! 小结(Summary)师生共同总结本课时要点:如何询问时间并回答:What time is it? Its (oclock). 如何描述到该做某事的时候了:Its time for/to 作业设计(Homework)1. Listen to the dialogue and read it.听录音,跟读课文。 2. Make a new dialogue using main sentence patterns with your partner and write it down.和同伴运用本课时核心句型创编新对话,并规范书写下来。 七、板书设计: Unit 2 What time is it?B Lets talk & Lets playIts time to/for go to schoolget up八、课前预习作业1. 听Unit2 B Lets talk录音,跟读对话3遍,圈出读不准的单词或者句子。2. 自主完成导学案相关习题。
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