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Unit 3 Word Pretest: For each italicized word or phrase, choose the best meaning below. 1. The collection is characterized by a mlange of bold graphics, statements and exotic Indian motifs that are both classic and contemporary. A. style B. feature C. mixture D. separation 2. The weather is one variable to be considered. A. something that is subject to change B. something of great importance C. key point D. necessity 3. Youll be biased to put extra weight on the cases that support your theory and diminish the cases that refute it. A. prove B. disapprove C. violate D. maintain4. Last week the government unveiled a media sector review intended to spawn a bit more competition. A. abolish B. destroy C. go beyond D. engender 5. Their latest computer outstrips all its rivals.A. surpasses B. defeats C. follows D. modifies 6. All the children are lumped together in one class, regardless of their ability. A. taken care of B. watched over C. put together D. brought up 7. As a journalist, she refuses to gloss over their faults or silence their critics.A. set up B. take over C. cover up D. get over 8. We can foresee a new paradigm in the global market in the 21st century.A. pattern B. problem C. scenario D. prospect 9. This kind of sedentary lifestyle costs you in more ways than you might think.A. tending to follow fashion B. tending to do much exercise C. tending to sit D. tending to move about 10. Lack of time precludes any further discussion. A. speeds up B. slows down C. includes D. excludesGlobal MlangeGlobalization and culture is not an innocent theme. The intervening variable in most accounts is modernity. Three vectorsglobalization, modernity, culturecome together in a package with modernization as the deciding variable. Modernity is also a polite, sociological way of saying capitalism. The sociologists Axford and Tomlinson, among others, struggle with this question and in the end tiptoe over to the side of modernity shaping cultural dynamics. Its difficult to argue with the combined power of modernity and capitalism, with technology and economics on their side, and therefore, it seems, global wins out from local culture. Yet one wonders whether these accounts are actually about culture or about power. My reading of trends past and current runs quite differently. First, the conventional account that the rise of the West spawned an integrated world economy, modernity, and capitalism has been refuted by radically different accounts. An integrated world economyit may be termed an Afro-Eurasian economypredates the rise of the West by several centuries. At the core of this world economy were China and India, with Europe at the outer rim. In the core regions, sprawling outward to West Asia, the Ottoman Empire, and Persia, rates of population growth, urbanization, industrial and agricultural productivity, infrastructures, and institutions of commerce, all outstripped those that existed in Europe at the time, and continued to do so until the early nineteenth century. Accordingly, the groundwork for modernity and capitalism lies in these regions, not in Europe. Anthony King argues, with ample irony, that in colonial cities postmodern identities preceded the development of modernity in Europe. We can add that modern conditions prevailed in the urban centers of India and China before they emerged in Europe. This makes dead wood of the usual occidental stories of Marx (Asian mode of production), Weber (Protestant ethic), and Wallerstein (modern world system). As a late-comer Europe was an importer of cultural and other goods, which shows in the mlange character of early European culture. Second, both modernity and capitalism are lumping concepts that need to be unpacked. Modern sociology is gradually giving way to sociology of modernity and next to anthropology of modernity. In the process, modernity yields to modernities and by the same token, anthropological angles on modernization come into their own in interpreting local changes. Modernity viewed through the prism of the local yields unexpected outcomes. Development as modernization=westernization is a passed station. Now countries with a decade and more of growth rates higher than in the West have been spawning new modernities. What is the character and outlook of these new, mlange modernities? Globalization, increased communication, and mobility generally create opportunities for new combinations between traditional and modern practices, for instance novel forms of cooperation between local and international NGOs and traditional organizations. Likewise capitalism yields unexpected faces when viewed through an ethnographic lens. Its not just that capitalism shapes culture but capitalism is embedded in culture: capitalism is a cultural rendezvous. Capitalisms plural, for various reasons, then, is a more productive angle than capitalism singular. It is against this backdrop that hybridity has gra
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