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2019中考英语阅读理解选习题(3)及答案Passage A(2019中考日常生活类训练)Its so beautiful outside that spending the day in the office would be very boring. So why not take the vacations(假期)off? A new survey(调查)found that 31of U.S workers dont always take all of their vacation days. Americans have 12 vacation days on average(平均)each year, but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year.So why dont they use up their vacation days? Some say they would rather get money back for their unused days; some busy workers say they just cant leave their work. Americans have fewer vacation days than workers in any other country surveyed.The French take their vacations seriously. French workers get an average of 39 vacation days, and 40 plan to take at least one there-to-four-week vacation.Workers in Sweden receive an average of 25 vacation days a year,but they cant find time to use them all. More workers there return vacation days than any other country surveyed.British workers have the longest working week in Europe(欧洲),with 23 vacation days -the shortest vacation. So they feel overworked.75 say their weekends or vacations are too short and 40 would sacrifice a days pay(工资)for one more vacation day.1. How many vacation days do Americans have on average each year in fact?A.9 B.12 C.15 D.23 2. Which country has the most workers working during the vacation days?A. America. B. France. C. Sweden. D. Great Britain.3. What does the word“sacrifice”mean in the last sentence?A. Use up. B. Put up. C. Take up. D. Give up.4. Which of the following is true?A. Some American workers are too busy to leave their work.B. French workers can take one Three-to-four week days.C. Swedish workers can enjoy all of their vacation days.D. British workers have the shortest vacation days of all the countries surveyed.参考答案1A 2C 3D 4APassage B中考英语阅读理解分类练习:健康保健类If you are lucky enough, you may find the hummingbird (蜂鸟), the smallest bird of the animal world, in a south American forest. Though the hummingbird is no bigger than a bee and weighs only 2 to 3 grams, it can fly as fast as 50 meters in a second. It can fly forwards (向前) as most birds do, and it can fly backwards as well. The strangest thing about it, however, is that it can stay still in the air, just like a helicopter. Whenever a hummingbird needs food, it will fly slowly towards a flower. It wont stand on the flower, as bees do, but just hangs to the flower and then begins to sunk (吸吮) the honey from inside the flower with its needle-like beak.The hummingbird is very particular in building its nest (巢). It takes great trouble to choose materials. It likes soft ones better than hard ones. Its eggs are so small that a common match box can hold as many as one hundred of them.【小题1】Most of the hummingbirds live in a(n) _ forest. Anorth AmericanBsouth AsianCnorth AsianDsouth American【小题2】A hummingbird can fly as fast as _ meters in a second. AfiftyBfive hundredCfifteenDone hundred and fifty【小题3】The underlined word “helicopter” most probably means _. A轮船B公共汽车C火车D直升飞机【小题4】When a hummingbird builds a nest, it likes better. Asoft materialsBhard materialsCan materialDboth【小题5】Which of the sentences is NOT true? AA hummingbird can even fly backwards.BYou cannot see the wings of a hummingbird move.CA hummingbird will fly quickly towards a flower when its hungry.DA common match box can hold as many as one hundred hummingbird eggs.Passage CFebruary 14th, Valentines Day, is a complicated but interesting occasion. First of all, Valentines Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off. In many countries it is observed by sending cards to your friends and candy or flowers to your husband or wife if youre married, or to your boy friend or girl friend if youre not married. In Japan, some girls even give their fathers chocolates.Why is this holiday for people in love called Valentines Day?One explanation comes from a Christian man whose name was something like“Valentine”. He lived at a time when the Roman Emperor refused to allow any Roman soldiers to get married for any reason. Many couples came to Valentine to be married. So he would secretly marry them in a Christian ceremony. He was discovered and put in prison by the Emperor. One tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by marking on leaves and then throwing them out of the window of his prison. The leaves were shaped like a heart. Valentine was killed on February 14th and Valentines Day recalls his tragic death.On Valentines Day, American elementary school children make or buy Valentine cards, write the name of a classmate on them, and take them to school and put them in a special Valentines Day box. And then on that day the box is opened, the cards are taken out and given out.1. Which of the following is t
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