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Module6 Old and New.单项填空1.The_of the Itaipu Dam took 30 000 people seven years.A.constructionB.structureC.destructionD.instruction答案:Aconstruction 建造,建筑物; structure 构造,建筑物; destruction 破坏,毁灭; instruction 讲授,教育。只有A项符合题意。2.Being a teacher,she dreamed_turning a deaf-blind creature into a useful human being.A.atB.ofC.onD.from答案:Bdream of意为“梦想”,为固定短语。3.Ive always longed to visit China,and now my dream has_.A.came trueB.realizedC.come trueD.realizing答案:Ccome true 实现。B项语态错误。4.Finding a job in such a big company has always been_his wild dreams.A.underB.aboveC.overD.beyond答案:Dbeyond的意思是“(范围,限度)超出”。例如:beyond compare 无可比拟的; beyond control 无法控制的;beyond description 无法描绘的。 本题句意为“在这样一个大公司找工作一直是他不敢想的”。5.Operations which left patients_and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.A.exhaustedB.injuredC.ridiculousD.delighted答案:Aexhausted“极度疲劳的,筋疲力尽的”,符合题意。本题句意为“手术曾使病人非常疲惫并需要很长的恢复时间,可现在病人感到轻松和舒适”。6.The power station we visited_half the provinces energy.A.generalsB.gentlesC.generatesD.generations答案:Cgenerate意为“使发生,使产生(电气、热等能量)”,符合题意。其他选项为词类错误,而且句意不通。7.Have you heard of the town_when they built the dam?A.submergeB.submergingC.being submergedD.submerged答案:Dsubmerged when they built the dam作town的定语。城镇已被洪水淹没,而不是正在发生,故B项错误。8.China has made great progress in_the suns rays as a source of energy.A.harnessB.harnessingC.harvestD.harvesting答案:Bharness “控制、利用(能源)”; harvest“收获、收割(农作物等)”。介词in后应接动名词作宾语,故B项为正确答案。9.It is suggested that a doctor _immediately.A.be sent forB.send forC.is sent forD.should send for答案:AIt is suggested that.结构中,主语从句应用虚拟语气,即用动词原形或“should + 动词原形”。句中的send for和a doctor之间为被动关系,因此应用被动形式。10.He doesnt seem_meeting our demands.A.equalB.equalsC.equal toD.equaling答案:Cequal to为固定搭配,意为“等于,胜任”。11.He is quite sure that its_impossible for him to finish the task within two days.A.extremelyB.absolutelyC.veryD.particularly答案:Babsolutely impossible “绝对不可能”,符合题意。另外三个词不可与impossible搭配使用。12.The Browns lived_in the old society.A.miserable lifeB.miserable liveC.a miserable lifeD.miserable lives答案:Clive a . life “过着的生活”,冠词a 不可省略。13.Luckily,wed brought a road map without_we would have lost our way.A.itB.thatC.thisD.which答案:D本题题意是“很幸运,我们带着一张地图;如果没有此图的话,我们就已经迷路了”。根据题意可知,map 后是一个由“介词 + which”引出的定语从句,故答案为D。从句中使用了虚拟语气。14.He made another wonderful discovery,_of great importance to science.A.which I think isB.which I think it isC.which I think itD.I think which is答案:A根据句意可知,discovery后是定语从句,且先行词discovery在从句中充当主语,故用which引导。I think为插入语。15.Nancy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,_,of course,made the others unhappy.A.whoB.whichC.thisD.what答案:B本题也是考查定语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,故选用which。this和what不是定语从句的引导词。.用关系代词或关系副词完成下列句子16.The scientist_speech I went to was a man named Pierre.答案:whose17.The rays_Marie studied were called “radioactive rays”.答案:(that)18.There was a time_all scientists were willing to share their results.答案:when19.Out of many people_succeed,few are remembered.答案:who/that20.I remember the place_you left your overcoat.答案:where21.The person_left the lights on was very careless.答案:who22.There was one speaker_speech was very disappointing.答案:whose23.The person_I have always admired for her courage is Marie Curie.答案:(whom)24.The school_I studied had very little equipment.答案:where25.The person_you saw at the house was her elder brother.答案:(whom).汉译英26.三峡大坝仍在建设之中。(construction)答案:The Three Gorges Dam is still under construction.27.他昨晚做了一个怪梦。(dream)答案:He dreamed a strange dream last night.28.这个水力发电站的发电量占巴西全国发电量的26%。(generate)答案:The hydro-electric power station generates 26% of Brazils electricity.29.三峡大坝利用长江来发电。(harness)答案:The Three Gorges Dam harnesses the Yangtze River to produce electricity.30.这个城市在他们建造大坝时被淹没了。(submerge)答案:The city was submerged when they built the dam.31.我们一块去看电影,你认为我这个建议怎么样?(suggestion)答案:What do you think of my suggestion that we(should) go to the cinema together?32.这是一个通向山区的羊肠小道。(narrow)答案:This is a narrow path leading to the mountainous area.33.我最期望的(fond)理想最终实现了。(come true)答案:My fondest dreams have come true at last.34.她认为她能胜任该工作。(equal to)答案:She feels equal to the job.35.在党的领导下我们过着幸福的生活。(live a.life)答案:Under the correct leadership of the Party,we are living a happy life.36.登山者筋疲力尽,最终放弃了。(exhausted)答案:The climbers were exhausted and gave up at last.阅读理解The best advice young men and women can hear these days is not“Get Rich”but“Go West”.Those who hope to make their fortunes or,at the very least,find good jobs or lifelong careers(事业)have a better chance of doing so in Chinas western provinces than in the increasingly c
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