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请配套英语四级听力第三套1.W:Simon,couldyoureturnthetoolsIlentyouforbuildingthebookshelflastmonth?M:Oh,well,Ihatetotellyouthis,butIcantseemtofindthem.Q:Whatdowelearnfromtheconversation?2.W:IamgoingtoMarthashouse.Ihaveapapertocomplete.AndIneedtousehercomputer.M:Whydontyoubuyoneyourself?Thinkhowmuchtimeyoucouldsave.Q:Whatdoesthemansuggestthewomando?3.W:Daddy,Ivedecidedtogiveupscienceandgotobusinessschool.M:Well,itisyourchoiceaslongasyoupayyourownway,butIshouldwarnyouthatnoteveryonewithabusinessdegreewillmakeasuccessfulmanager.Q:Whatdowelearnfromtheconversation?4.W:IjustreadinthenewspaperthatTheLordoftheRingsisthisyearsgreatesthit.WhydontwegoandseeitattheGrandCinema?M:Dontyouthinkthatcinemaisalittleoutoftheway?Q:Whatdoesthemanmean?5.W:BobsaidthatSeattleisagreatplaceforconferences.M:Heiscertainlyinthepositiontomakethatcomment.Hehasbeentheresooften.Q:WhatdoesthemansayaboutBob?6.W:Mr.Watson,Iwonderwhetheritspossibleformetotakeavacationearlynextmonth?M:Didyoufilloutarequestform?Q:Whatistheprobablerelationshipbetweenthetwospeakers?7.M:Doyouwanttogotothelecturethisweekend?Ihearthattheguywhoisgoingtodeliverthelecturespentayearlivingintherainforest.W:Great,Iamdoingareportontherainforest.MaybeIcangetsomenewinformationtoaddtoit.Q:Whatdoesthewomanmean?8.M:Thisarticleisnothingbutadvertisingforhousingdevelopers.Idontthinkthehousesforsalearehalfthatgood.W:Comeon,David.Whysonegative?Wearethinkingofbuyingahome,arentwe?Justatriptolookattheplacewontcostusmuch.Q:Whatcanbeinferredfromtheconversation?【05分15秒】Conversation OneM: OK. Now wed better make sure you enjoyyour studies. We offer a wide range ofoptions onthe foundation course, but you can only take fivecourses. What haveyou selected?W:Physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design CAD.M: Oh, right.CAD and English. Thats quite strange. Dont you want to do maths,orcomputer programming, for example? Why did you choose art and design?W: Well,Im interested in electronics and in writing computer games. Id like toproduceeducational software and educational games. Ive taught myself a lot ofprogramming. So I dontthink Id benefit much from a foundation level course.M: Oh,no. I see that. Go on, please.W: So, Iwant the basics-the physical science and electronics. I was hopeless at physicsinschool and we didnt have electronics. But I was good at maths. I dontthink I need that.M: Thenwhat about the art and design?W: Thatwill be good for my graphics. I need that to produce games,and CAD too-Ivenever done CAD before.M: Right.Theyve got some powerful packages in the computer graphics and CAD offices.Youllenjoy that. Then English. I know your English is very good, but why did youtake it?W: Infact, I dont have any problem in speaking, but my writing is terrible.M: Then I suggest you join the study skills class. Theyll have lectures on reportwriting andthat may help you with how to structure your essays and so on.W: Right. That sounds good.9. Whatare the two speakers talking about?10. Whatis the womans favorite course?11. Why did the woman takean English course?【08分05秒】Conversation TwoW: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Im Diana Huston.M: Good morning. What can I do for you?W: Im acollege student. Im taking a business course which needs three weeksworkexperience. My lecturer, Mr. Armstrong, suggested I contact you as youveallowedstudents before to practice in your company. Ive brought a letter ofreference from Mr.Armstrong for you.M:Thanks. Yes, our company has a good relationship with the university. Weve hadmanystudents here over the past years. We usually take students who are in thesecond half of theircourses. What about you?W: Imalmost at the halfway mark. Ive got some exams in two weeks. Then Ill beready tostart before the beginning of the second semester. But I thought Idget this organized beforethe exams start.M: Thatsa very responsible way of thinking. Its a good idea to get in early. Im suretherewill be many students soon.W: Icould start in three weeks if you like.M: Do youunderstand whats involved in the practice?W: Ithink so. Mr. Armstrong explained the procedures to us. I have to work regularhours,and write a comprehensive report on what Ive learnt as an assignmentfor Mr. Armstrong andthe personnel department of the company as well. And youwill send a report about my work toMr. Armstrong and that will also be part ofmy assessment.M: Thatsright. But Ill have to discuss this application with the personneldepartment.And I will let you know as soon as possible if youve been accepted.W: Yes, please. If Im not accepted, Ill ha
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