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Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house 同步练习 一 请把下列单词补充完整 并写出其汉语意思 1 l f 2 televi 3 l dy 4 g 5 diff nt 6 an 7 gr dmoth 8 s 二 写出下列动词的过去式 1 do 2 is 3 are 4 live 5 have 6 watch 三 单项选择 1 There weren t buses A someB anyC one 2 We lived a small house A atB inC on 3 Yesterday I watched TV my grandchildren A andB withC to 4 Thank you for talking me A withB toC and 5 She TV every day A watchingB watchedC watches 6 It s a programme monkeys A forB inC about 7 There three books on the desk one hour ago A wasB wereC are 8 Now there lots of buses A wasB areC is 9 Many years ago there any televisions A wasn t B weren t C aren t 10 Many year age we have enough food A areB didC didn t 四 请选择下列句子的正确译文 1 It s a programme about China A 大约是中国的节目 B 它是一个关于中国的节目 2 We have got lots of food A 我们有许多食物 B 我们想要许多食物 3 Life was very different in China many years ago A 多年前中国的生活和现在差别很大 B 生活有了一些不同 4 China is changing A 中国已经变了 B 中国在变化 5 There weren t any buses A 过去没有一辆公共汽车 B 过去没有一些公共汽车 五 选词填空 seasons daysweeksmonths 1 There are seven in a week 2 There are fifty two in a year 3 There are twelve in a year 4 There are four in a year didn t weren t lived Many years ago There any buses and cars Tim in a small house He have enough food 六 看图片 仿照例句写句子 图见第六册书第三页第三题图 There was a small house four years ago Now there is a big house There a small tree four years ago Now there a big tree There four years ago Now there 七 阅读理解 根据短文 判断正误 正确的写T 错误的写 F There are two pictures about our city One is now the other one is before Look There was a small park but now there is a big and beautiful park And there is a pond with some ducks on it There wasn t a pond before In our city there were some old houses small trees But now there are some new and high buildings The trees are very tall and the flowers are very beautiful There are some supermarkets and some cars now I love my city Do you want to visit here 1 There was a park in our city before 2 There was a pond in the park 3 There aren t some ducks on the pond now 4 There weren t any tall trees before 5 There were some cars in he city before
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