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考点跟踪突破3七年级(下)Units 14一、单项选择。1David plays _A_ football but he doesnt play _ piano.(2016,桂林)A/;the Bthe;/ Ca;the 2_B_ get off the bus before it stops.(2016,河北模拟)ADo BDont CCan DCant3Do you know who taught _C_ French?Nobody.He learned it by _.(2016,荆门)Ahis;himself Bhim;himChim;himself Dhis;him4When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety _A_ is to keep calm.(导学号:38122013)(2016,温州)Arule Bdoubt Ccondition Dproblem5Many parents have to _A_ early to make breakfast for their kids.(2016,吉林)Aget up Bstay up Cgive up6Bruce practices _C_ basketball every day so that he can be a better player.(2016,海南)Aplay Bto play Cplaying7There are a lot of people talking and laughing in the room and its very _B_(2017,预测)Aquiet Bnoisy Csoft Dlonely8Could you tell me _B_ it takes to walk to the Disneyland?About 20 minutes.(导学号:38122014)(2016,陕西)Ahow far Bhow longChow often Dhow soon9As long as all the Chinese people pull together,our China Dream will _A_(2016,云南)Acome true Bcome outCcome up Dcome down10What does the sign mean?It tells us _C_ in public.(2016,咸宁)Adidnt smoke Bdont smokeCnot to smoke Dnot smoke11Kate,how do you like being a doctor?I think it is a serious and important _A_Ajob Bdream Chabit Dhobby12How did you spend your _D_ holiday?Athree days Bthree dayCthreedays Dthreeday13Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?Sorry,I cant.I _A_ visit my sick grandmother in hospital.Ahave to BmayCcan Dam able to14I cant remember it clearly.I left the set of keys _B_ on the sofa _ on the bed.Aboth;and Beither;orCneither;nor Dnot only;but also15Its sunny today.What about going out for a bike riding along the Binhe Road?_D_ Lets ask Fred to go with us!ABest wishes! BThats too bad!CWhy? DSounds great!二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。16Its not dark in the room.Please dont turn on the light too early (早)17I am afraid (害怕) of being alone in the dark place.18My grandfather is over ninety (九十),but he is still healthy.19Jenny likes listening to music in her spare time.20Stop talking and keep quietOur teacher is going to tell us something.三、情景交际:根据实际情况回答问题,完成对话。(2016,永州)Reporter:Hello!I am a reporter.Can I ask you some questions?You:Sure,please.Reporter:Are you a student?You:21._Reporter:How do you go to school?You:22._Reporter:Where do you have lunch?You:23._Reporter:What do you usually do after school?You:24._Reporter:When do you go to bed in the evening?You:25._Reporter:Thats all for my questions.Thank you.You:Youre welcome.四、完形填空。(导学号:38122015)(2016,成都)How do you get to school every day?For most students in cities,its _26_ for them to get to school.They can walk or ride a bike to school.They can get to school by bus or even by subway.It wont _27_ them too long to get to school and back home.But for some students in faraway villages,things are quite _28_Life for them is hard.Its difficult for them to get to school every day.Usually they will spend a few _29_ on the way.In one small village,there is a big river _30_ the school and the village.The students cant get to school by boat because the river _31_ too quickly.They have to go on a ropeway to _32_ the big river.Though its dangerous,they are used to it and are not afraid.In their mind,going out to study is their _33_ thing.Because of this,many villagers _34_ leave their village.How they are looking forward to having a _35_!I do hope one day their dream can come true.(B26.A.good Beasy Cdangerous(A)27.A.take Bcost Cspend(C)28.A.common Bimportant Cdifferent(B)29.A.minutes Bhours Cdays(B)30.A.beside Bbetween Cbehind(C)31.A.changes Bturns Cruns(A)32.A.cross Bgo through Cwalk across(C)33.A.hardest Bworst Chappiest(A)34.A.never Boften Csometimes(B)35.A.boat Bbridge Croad五、阅读理解。(导学号:38122016)(2016,厦门)Everyone has a beautiful memory about school which is hard to forget.Among many things,relationships are the hardest to leave behind.Some schools try to stop students puppy love in different ways.Anything about “love” relationship is not allowed.For example,a middle school in Fuan,Fujian Province forbids (禁止) boys and girls to sit together for meals and forbids boys to look at girls for a long time;a middle school in Luohe,Henan Province sets rules that boys and girls should meet in bright places with at least 5 other classmates,and if they meet in private they will be asked to go home with parents for more than a week and even advised to leave school;a middle school in Jinan,Shandong Province forbids everyone to send food and gifts to or receive th
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