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江西财经大学攻读硕士学位研究生学位论文G银行南昌分行私人银行业务营销策略研究Research on the Private BankingMarketing Strategy ofG Commercial Bank Nanchang Branch硕士生姓名学 号学院(所) 专 业 指 导 教 师摘要随着我国经济的快速发展,居民家庭财富的积累不断增加,尤其是高收入群里的数量不断增多,我国已经逐渐形成了富裕阶层,他们成为各银行争相争夺的目标客户。高净值人群逐年递增为国内私银业务的发展打下了坚实的基础。与此同时,金融服务行业正在被国家大力发展,同时,我国正逐步放开的银行业涉足其他行业的限制也创造着良好的外部环境。国内外银行势力争相抢占高端市场,国内私银业务也已从最初小范围的开展发展成了特色、专业、深度,同时探寻客户核心需求和价值实现的综合私银体系。南昌是江西省省会,作为政治、文化、经济、科技的中心,具有连接东西、贯通南北的特殊战略地位及枢纽作用。同时,南昌是华中地区最大经济中心之一。南昌同时也是沿海商业贸易与中西部地区的中转要地。南昌的银行中,私银业务尚处于起步时期,营销及维护客户的水平还暂时处于较低水平,且业务的开展也较北上广深等一线城市、及沿海地区国有银行、股份制银行的私人银行部门相对落后。在日渐竞争激烈的私人银行业务市场上,G银行南昌分行能否分得一杯羹,并进一步发展,是一个亟待研究解决的问题。因此本文选取目前南昌地区银行零售业务排名前三的G银行南昌分行作为主研究对象,通过本文的研究,探讨私人银行产品营销策略,突破业务开展瓶颈,提升业务层次,同时能够以点及面,为国内其他地区的私银业务开展的提供借鉴意义。本文主要采用举例法、比较法,通过对其他国有银行、股份制银行的私人银行产品营销策略进行较详细的研究对比,同时对G银行南昌分行的私银业务外部及内部环境,和运营发展中存在的原因和问题进行探索。以此为基本,再进行SWOT分析,归纳并整理出一套切实可行并符合实际的营销策略,力图提高我行在同业激烈竞争局面中的竞争力。作为一名长期从事私人银行业务的工作者,希望此篇文章能给从事私人银行业务的相关机构和人员有所启发和帮助。关键词:私人银行业务;营销策略;商业银行AbstractWith the rapid development of Chinas economy, and the increasing accumulation of household wealth, especially the growing high-income groups, China has gradually formed the group of wealthy level. Those people have become all banks favorate target customers. The steadily increasing number of high net-worth individuals has laid a solid foundation for the development of private banking business. In addition, our state strongly support the financial services industry, and gradually decontrol the restrictions in other industries involved in the banking sector,it also makes for the creation of a favorable external environment. Foreign banks and domestic banks are competing for high net-worth client market, and the domestic banks have also been developed from the initial exploratory trial ,in turn to develop the characteristics of professionalism, depth of excavation of the customers needs and the value of private banking system .Nanchang, Jiangxi Province,the political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the province, with the east and west, has a unique strategic position and communication hub of the area,and it is one of the largest economic center in central China. Meanwhile, Nanchang is an important financial center, and commercial central terminal station. However in the banks of Nanchang, the private banking business is still in its infancy, the level of marketing and customer maintenance is still at a lower level than the first-tier cities and coastal areas. In the private banking market , whether G Bank Nanchang Branch can make a chance or even make further development is a problem. Therefore, this article select the G Bank Nanchang Branch which is of the top three as the main research object. To explore private banking product marketing strategy ,to break the bottleneck of business development,and to improve operational level, even for the other banks private banking business to get an enlightenment through the study.This paper uses the example-comparative research methods, with the private banking products marketing strategy of other state-owned banks and joint-stock banks for a more detailed study , and a analysis of G Bank Nanchang Branch Private Banking of external and internal environment , together with the development issues. On this basis, we use SWOT analysis, integrate and develop a feasible and effective marketing strategies in line with the actual operation, in order to improve our competitiveness in the fierce competition.As a long-time private banking worker,I hope this paper will give the relevant institutions and persons engaged in the private banking business some inspiration and help.Key-words: Private Banking; Marketing Strategy; Commercial Bank目录1. 绪论11.1选题的背景和意义11.1.1私人银行的基本概念11.1.2选题研究的学术价值和实践意义11.2国内外文献综述21.2.1国外文献研究21.2.2国内文献研究31.3 G银行南昌分行私人银行介绍41.3.1 G银行南昌分行私人银行发展历程41.3.2 G银行南昌分行私人银行经营体系42. 私人银行业务内外部环境分析52.1外部宏观环境分析52.1.1我国私人银行业务发展概况52.1.2国内银行私人银行业务开展情况62.1.3 G银行南昌分行属地特征72.2外部产业环境分析92.2.1国内外银行私人银行业务优势92.2.2属地同业横向比较102.2.3目标客户特征分析112.3内部环境分析122.3.1私人银行部门内部架构122.3.2私人银行部盈利模式132.3.3金融产品创新特征132.4私人银行业务SWOT分析143. G银行南昌分行私人银行业务STP营销战略153.1市场细分153.2确定目标市场163.3市场定位164. G银行南昌分行私人银行业务营销策略174.1产品策略174.1.1投资类产品策略174.1.2融资类产品策略214.2价格策略224.2.1 “低费率”吸引客户眼球224.2.2改进收费方式224.2.3利用客户的需求定价234.3渠道策略234.3.1多元化客户拓展模式234.3.2寻找“商品市场”和“农村市场”中的隐秘贵族244.3.3新的关系营销理念244.4促销策略244.4.1依附大型活动的产品宣传244.4.2 “费率折扣”作开户噱头254.4.3有礼有节维护客户254.5人员策略254.5.1培育私银专业人才库254.5.2正向激励254.5.3企业文化激励264.6有形展示策略264.6.1私人定制264.6.2用新媒体维系客户264.6.3改善本行服务及产品的形象274.7服务过程策略274.7.1金融服务过程策略274.7.2非金融增值服务过程策略295. 营销策略的实施和保障305.1营销策略的实施305.1.1完善考核机制305.1.2加强内外宣讲315.1.3人员素质要求315.1.4私银市场培育315.2营销策略的保障325.2.1立足客户关注点325.2.2寻找客户融资需求325.2.3提升服务价值335.2.4着眼客户关系管理336. 结论与展望34参考文献36致谢38
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