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.单词拼写1She agreed to employ me for a t_period.【答案】trial2We have finished all the a_for the party.【答案】arrangements3Hes a work a_.He puts all his heart into his work.【答案】addict4The city is developing_(迅速),resulting in the fact that the houses in the center are becoming more expensive.【答案】rapidly5Anyone with an_(每年的) income of over 8,000 may lead a comfortable life.【答案】annual6The beautiful girl listened with_(愉快) to the beautiful music.【答案】pleasure7The manager received more than twenty_(申请) for the post.【答案】applications8This kind of product is cheap to produce in large_(数量)【答案】quantities9The high cost prohibits the_(广泛的) use of the drug.【答案】widespread10He devoted his whole life to the study of_(当代的) art.【答案】contemporary.完成句子1直到他进了大学之后,他才意识到时间的重要性。It was_ _ _ _the university that he realized the importance of time.【答案】not until he entered2她建议在她生日那天做些特别的事。She recommended_ _ _on her birthday.【答案】doing something special3我们不仅在网上找到朋友,而且提高了英语。_ _ _we made friends online,but we also have improved our English.【答案】Not only have4对这事不仅他而且我也有责任。_ _ _ _ _ _ _responsible for the matter.【答案】Not only he but also I am5警察指出了酒后驾车的危险。The policeman_ _the dangers of driving after drinking.【答案】pointed out.单项填空1Dickens was_with Thackeray.AmodernBcontemporaryCtemporary Dterrified【解析】句意为:Dickens 和Thackeray是同时期的人。contemporary与with连用, 意为“与同时代”。【答案】B2John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to_all his trousers to his measure.Alet out Bgive awayCbring in Dmake up【解析】句意为:约翰最近长胖了不少,他妈妈不得不把他的裤子放大。let out把衣服放大。【答案】A3Arabic is written in the opposite direction to English,_from right to left.Athat is Bthat is to sayCto name Dnamely【解析】句意为:阿拉伯语与英语书写方向相反,即从右至左。namely即,那就是。that is to say也可表示“那就是说”,但其后需加逗号。【答案】D4Unfortunately,not everyone has realized the important part the balance of nature _their daily life.Aplays in BplayingCplays of Dto play in【解析】句意为:很不幸的是,不是每个人都已经意识到大自然的平衡在他们生活中所起的作用”。这里考查定语从句和play a part in固定词组。【答案】A5A youngster ought to have some practical experience in a library before he or she_for a place at a library school.Asuggests BproposeCapplies Dcares【解析】句意为:年轻人在学校图书馆申请工作前应当有实际的图书馆工作经验。apply for a place申请一个职位。【答案】C6_the survivors in the traffic accident appreciated the police before they left for their homes.AThe most BMostCA most of DA majority of【解析】句意为:在那场事故中大多数的幸存者在回家以前对警察表达了感激。 D意为“大多数”,a majority of people most people,所以A、C两项都不对;另外如果表示范围,应该这样表示,如:a majority of the people most of the people,所以B项不对。【答案】D7(2020 年山东卷) Were just trying to reach a point_both sides will sit down together and talk.Awhere BthatCwhen Dwhich【解析】句意为:我们正努力做到让双方坐下来谈判的地步。a point是先行词。where引导定语从句,表示“到地步”。【答案】A8He glanced over her,_that though she was tiny,she seemed very well put together.Anoting BnotedCto note Dhaving noted【解析】句意为:他打量了一下她,发现虽然她个子小,但好像很匀称。现在分词作伴随状语,表示与glance over her同时发生的动作。【答案】A9The data shows the ups and downs of the world economy in the 1990s_careful observation and detailed studies.Ain the name of Bon the basis ofCat the cost of Din charge of【解析】句意为:在认真关注和细致研究的基础上,这份数据显示了九十年代世界经济的起伏。in the name of以的名义;on the basis of在基础上;at the cost of以为代价;in charge of负责。【答案】B10How come a simple meal like this costs so much?We have_in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just now.Aadded BincludedCobtained Dcharged【解析】答句句意:在你的账单中我们已经包括了你刚才打破的那只茶壶的费用。只有B 项符合。【答案】B.易错模块1The companys headquarters are_Shenzhen,a special economical development zone.Abased of Bbased onCbased in Dbased off【解析】句意为:那家公司的总部在深圳,一个经济发展特区”。本题易误选B,但be based on 意思是“以为依据”;而这里的be based in意为“把总部设在”。【答案】C2(2020年江苏百校联考)Across the Yangtze River_more than one bridge,the Nanjing Changjiang Bridge being the first one.Alay BlieClies Dlaid【解析】句意为:长江上有不止一座跨江大桥,南京长江大桥是第一座。本题考查了完全倒装句。主语是more than one bridge,应视为单数。根据句意,谓语用一般现在时单数。【答案】C3It is the ability to do the job_matters not where you come from or what you are.Ait BthatCone Dthis【解析】句意为:做这项工作最重要的是你的能力,而不是你的出身或身份。若去掉It is后,剩余的部分仍是一个完整的句子,故是强调句型,强调主语。【答案】B4The situation is hard to_,because he isnt a man easy to_.Abe dealt,communicateBbe dealt with,be communicatedCdeal with,communicate withDdeal,be communicated with【解析】句意为:那个情况难于处理,因为他不是一个容易交流的人”。be hard to deal with意为“难于处理”, be hard等词的不定式后要用主动表示被动;communicate with意为“与交流”。【答案】C5_is no possibility_Bob can win the first prize in the match.ATher
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