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高考攻略 黄冈第二轮复习新思维英语第二轮 语法和词汇知识【此材料为2020高考前材料】Ex. 11. Swan Lake is a famous ballet in four acts, on a German fairy tale. ( )A. basing B. based C. bases D. to base2. He had made a mistake, but when he realized it, he took measures against the possibleloss it was too late. ( )A. until B. when C. before D. as3. Throughout _ history man has had to accept fact that all living things must die. ( )A. the; the B. a; aC.不填;the D. 不填;不填4. He wrote to me, he would drop in on me the next week while he was out onbusiness. ( )A. to say B. and sayingC. said D. saying5. Beijing its best air quality in the first six months of last year. ( )A. saw B. seesC. had seen D. was seeing6. My face pale immediately I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked me, Are you feeling all right? ( )A. must be B. could have beenC.must have been D. had to be7. Every year many students go to America, to make further study there. ( )A. to hope B. hopingC. in hope of D. for hope of8. Make sure that the electricity doesnt while we are working on thecomputer. ( )A. cut off B. go offC. turn off D. shut off9. Did you lose the match?Yes. We lost the match one goal. ( )A. by B. at C. with D. only10. of the two boys is my brother, who ishardworking student. ( )A. A taller; a most B. The tallest; the mostC. The taller; the most D. The taller; a most11. What does his father do?Im not sure. I only know he an important position in the city government. ( )A. gets B. holds C. wins D. is12. How are you today? Oh, I as ill as I do now for a long time. ( )A. didnt feel B. wasnt feelingC. dont feel D. havent felt.13. Does this novel give you good for your money?I think so. ( )A. worth B. cost C. value D. price14. Do you have a big library?No, we dont, at least yours. ( )A. not bigger than B. as big asC. bigger than D. not smaller than15. The more you practice, the better you get listening to speeches in a foreign language. ( )A. at B. to C. for D. inEx. 21. The disease she suffers is not easy to cure. I know, but is she better? ( )A; much B. rather C. little D. any2. Anyway, that evening I will tell you more about later, I ended up staying atRaehels place.( )A. when B. where C. what D. which3. The captain was the first person the hole in the side of the ship torn by a coral bed, so he had all the things away the boat in the water. ( )A. finding; thrown; to raiseB. to find; to throw; to raiseC. to find; thrown; to raiseD. to find; thrown; raised4. Did all of them go to the theater?No. They went to the concert instead.( )A. almost B. mostly C. most D. nearly5. What he says is often different from whathe does. ( )A. very B. much C. quite D. fairly6. In most places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men to walk along the top. ( )A. hand in hand B. side by sideC. face to face D. one by one7. In the five years time, they on the pro-ject. ( )A. have worked B. will workC. worked D. had worked8. It is said that the old man is in repairingall kinds of cars. ( )A. fond B. well C. good D. expert9. The study of the natural world may help to make theworld easier ( )A. understand B. understoodC. understanding D. to understand10. She felt sorry you didnt like it, because she had made it for you. ( )A. especially; specially B. specially; especiallyC. especially; special D. special; especially11. Your shoes easily but they well. ( )A. wear; havent wornB. are worn; havent wornC. wear; havent been wornD. are worn; havent been worn12. The accident was caused by the drive
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