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2020届高考英语顶尖学案:外研版Module 4Which English?哪种英语?核心词汇1In a library,books and magazines are usually c_ by subjects.2Finally the Red Army finished the worldfamous Long March by o_ countless difficulties.3There is no doubt that the 17th National Congress of CPC is of great s_ to China s future.4His words c_ an unfriendly attitude made the people present annoyed.5She often c_ to her boss about her being paid badly.6He is expected to _(阐明) his position at the conference.7Her style of writing is rather _(独特的)8There have been many _(冲突) though the world is in peace generally.9Nobody found the ending of the film very _ though the director tried to _ the audience,however,we werent _.(convince)10Most schools would have a good _ of these books in their libraries because it is difficult to _ proper books for students though we are not so _.(select)1.classified2.overcoming3.significance4.conveying 5.complains6.clarify7.unique8.conflicts9.convincing;convince;convinced10.selection;select;selective高频短语1_区分开2_ 总之3_ 开始做某事4_ 把看作5_ 对达成共识6_ 只要,假使7_ 使某人失望8_ 在于9_ 更精确地说10_ 对抱怨11_ 特别地;尤其12_ 与相关1.tell.apart2.in conclusion3.get down to sth. 4.regard.as.5.agree on6.as/so long as7.let sb.down8.lie in9.or rather10.complain about 11.in particular12.be relevant to重点句式1Perhaps correctness doesnt matter_ speakers can understand each otherits communication that counts.也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。2_ 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050.据估计,到2050年为止将有13亿人会把英语用作第一或第二语言。3English has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions which _.英语中有大量丰富的、极好的、也可能难懂的短语。4For example,_ suggests you should adapt to local conditions.例如,“When in Rome,do as the Romans do”就是建议你入乡随俗。5_ have been common for many years.并非所有的习语很多年都常见。1.as long as2.It is estimated that3.may be difficult to understand4.When in Rome;do as the Romans do 5.Not all idioms知识详解 opposevt.反对,阻碍;与对抗(回归课本P53).meaning we will oppose prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.它的意思是:我们将反对对黑人的歧视并将阻止美国人民之间的冲突。【归纳总结】【例句探源】Father does not oppose the idea at all.父亲丝毫不反对这个想法。The planned new airport will be strongly opposed by the residents.修建新机场的计划将会遭到当地居民的强烈反对。(牛津P1400)I would oppose changing the law.我将反对改变这个法规。Students talk about the pop stars private life as opposed to their public life after class.学生们课后谈论明星们的私生活而非他们的社会生活。【易混辨析】resist,object,oppose三者都含有“反抗”的意思(1)resist指“积极的反抗、对抗”,“用武力阻止前进”。后跟doing sth.。(2)object常指“用言论或论据等表示抗议或反对。”后跟to (doing) sth.。(3)oppose为常用词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动,尤指反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。She objects to being scolded in public.I was unable to resist laughing.A local group oppose the plan for environmental reasons.【即境活用】1.Members of the council _ the building of the luxury houses in the centre of the city.Aimposed BposedCcomposed Dopposed解析:选D。oppose“反对”,符合题意。impose“欺骗;施加影响,强加”;pose“姿势”;compose“写作”。2(2020年温州模拟)She was on a diet,but she couldnt _ eating sweet food.Consequently,her weight was gained again.Aremove BresistCreject Dobject解析:选B。句意为“她在减肥,但是抵抗不住吃甜食。因此体重又增加了。”cant resist doing sth.情不自禁地做某事。convincedadj.确信的;相信的(回归课本P51)Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future.专家们确信这在未来会发生的【归纳总结】【例句探源】Ive been trying to convince Jean to come with me.我一直设法说服吉恩跟我一起来。Im convinced of his honesty.我相信他是诚实的。Im not convinced that your idea will work.我不相信你的意见是可行的。【即境活用】3.Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health.Aof;atBby;inCof;on Don;at解析:选C。convince意为“说服,确信”,与介词of连用,意为“使(人)承认或信服”;effect意为“作用,功效”,与介词on连用,意为“对有影响”。4(2020年湖北天门中学模拟)Whatever he explained,he couldnt _ the policeman that he was innocent.Aconfirm BpresentCconvince Dadmit解析:选C。本题考查动词辨析。句意为“无论他说什么,他都无法让警察确信他是无辜的。”acquirevt.得到,获得(回归课本P51)New dialects acquire their own complex features until they become real languages in their own right.新的方言不断获取自身复杂的特征,直到他们成为不再依赖(英语)的真正的语言。【归纳总结】【例句探源】Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work.我们逐步获得了做这项工作的经验。She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.她在没有老师指导的情况下,掌握了英语语法,学到了大量词汇。【易混辨析】acquire,gain,obtain(1)acquire 多指经过一段时间的艰苦努
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