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必修4 Unit3课时作业(十八)A taste of English humour感受英语的幽默.单项填空1By the time he realizes he_into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it.AwalksBwalkedChas walked Dhad walked2As a businessman he was a success,but as a husband he was_failure,so their marriage ended in_failure.A/;/ B/;aCa;a Da;/3Im green at everything.Dont worry._you get older,you will get more experience.AAs BTillCUnless DSince4You are late again,Tom?Sorry,but I got_a heavy traffic jam.Acaught in Btaken inCput off Dheld by5The whole area was_by the snow,and the government had to send food there by helicopter.Acut away Bcut upCcut off Dcut down6I wonder how to_to him when I get a present from my foreign friend Jack.Of course say “Thank you”Ainvite BanswerCmanage Dreact7Our teacher looked here and there on our playground_ looking for something.Aeven though Beven ifCas if Donly if8Why are the two students standing at the gate of the teachersoffice?They_to each other in class and_.Ahave whispered;are punishingBhad whispered;were punishedCwhispered;are being punishedDare whispering;were being punished9Your daughter looks too thin for her height.Yes.She is too_about food.There is no way of making her fat.Aspecial BparticularCunusual Despecial10My friend Bob just bought an apartment in a suburb of Beijing last week,which is much smaller than ours but is three times_expensive.Avery BsoCtoo Das11Tommy,do the dishes.Mum,its a girls job.I would rather_the floor.Ato sweep BsweepCsweeping Dswept12With the electricity_because of the road repairs,the whole building was completely dark.Acut up Bcut offCcut out Dcut down13All that this young man dreams of is to make_and live_.Aa big fortune;an easy lifeBa big money;an easy lifeCbig fortune;easy lifeDbig money;easy life14Oil prices have risen_32 percent since last year,_a record $84.65 a barrel on Nov.9.Aby;reached Bby;reachingCby;to reach Dto;reaching15He hurried to the booking office only_that all the tickets had been sold out.Ato tell Bto be toldCtelling Dtold.完形填空(2020年湖北重点中学第二次联考)“Its my own fault.” Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind.“The rest of the family is home,where its_1_.”Just another one of his_2_ideasa big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonights Christmas Eve service at the churchand look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas?But they_3_,as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning._4_to bring home tamales,Carl tried one last shop,an old favorite out in Canutillo.When he arrived,a fresh batch (一炉) was_5_off the steamer in 45 minutes._6_at the end of the snaking line of tamaleseekers,he watched the woman in front of him_7_her jacket to cover her shivering youngster.It wasnt long before she,too,_8_in the biting wind.After only a moments_9_,Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the_10_mother.Together,they_11_when the line slowly moved forward at last,and smiling people exited the shop carrying steamy bags._12_,Carl got inside the door and_13_closer to the counter,the woman now first in line.“Sorry folks,” the clerk announced,“thats the last of the tamales.”“_14_!” Carl groaned (抱怨) with everyone else_15_behind him.“_16_,”stressed the man at the counter,“well have a final batch ready_17_,oh,about two hours.”Defeated,Carl backed away,but the young mother grabbed his arm.“Youre leaving?”“I_18_,”Carl glanced at his watch.“I promised to put up luminarias (传统圣诞灯) at my church.”“Ill get your order of tamales and bring them to your house.”Carls brow furrowed “I couldnt ask you to do that.”“But its_19_I can do.You lent me your coat.” Her smile overrode (推翻) his objections.“Just give me your address.” She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.And at_20_noon on Christmas Eve,they delivered four dozen fragrant tamalesalong with Carls brown jacketto his home.1.A.harmonious BwarmChappy Dpleasant2A.brilliant BbadCstupid Dcommon3A.were BdidCcould Dhad4A.Decided BDeterminedCWanted D.Expected5A.ready BpreparedCsoon Ddue6A.Finding his wayBTaking his roadCTaking his placeDFinding his place7.A.move BrejectCabandon Dremove8A.waved BfrozeCshook Dshocked9
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