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Unit3Atthezoo 人教PEP三年级下册 ALet stalkADrawandsay Warmup Showyourstory Leadin duck It sthin dog It sfat pig It sfat Leadin 0 Review fat thin tall short Review Presentation Todaywehaveanewfriend Whoisit 0 Presentation giraffe Presentation It sshort It stall Wow It ssotall Presentation Whoistall Whoisshortandfat Thegiraffeistall Thebearisshortandfat 0 Presentation Wow 表示 惊叹 惊讶 Ha 是 好笑 的意思 MissWhite Lookatthatgiraffe ZhangPeng Wow It ssotall Amy Abear ZhangPeng Ha It sshortandfat 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音频 0 Presentation Practice Readitbyyourselvesforoneminute 自己读对话一分钟 10 20 30 一分钟倒计时 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice 三人一组 练习对话并表演 其他同学评价 B A C 0 Practice Wow It sso Abear It s and Lookatthat Practice Drawandsay Lookatmygiraffe It stall Practice Showusyourpicture 0 Lookatthat It s Practice 传球游戏 1 Lookatthegiraffe Itis 高的 tall 2 Lookatthepig Itis 矮的 and 胖的 short fat Practice Lookandfillintheblanks 打开Unit3ALet stalk句子互动训练 即学即练 检测当堂学习情况 Practice Summary 单词 长颈鹿如此句型 giraffe Lookatthatbear It sshortandfat so 1 Listentothedialoguethreetimes 听ALet stalk录音三遍 2 Recitethedialogue 背诵对话 3 Withthehelpofthesentenceparttens makeanewdialogue 用所学句型创编一个新对话 Homework 谢谢观赏
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