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1 Thefamousbasketballstar triedtomakeacomeback attractedalotofattention A whereB whenC whichD who解析 本题考察定语从句关联词的选择 从句意可知先行词thefamousbasketballstar 著名的篮球明星 是人 所以应用表示人的关联词who 真题解析 D 2 2006北京 Women drinkmorethantwocupsofcoffeeadayhaveagreaterchanceofhavingheartdiseasethanthose don t A who B whoC who whoD 解析 本题考查两个定语从句 这两个定语从句都缺少主语 在定语从句中 如果是关系代词做定语从句的主语 关系代词不能省略 故答案选C C 3 2006福建 Lookout Don tgettooclosetothehouse roofisunderrepair A whoseB whichC ofwhichD that解析 whose在定语从句中做roof的定语 用于修饰house A Completethefollowingsentenceswiththat which whoorwhose ThentranslatethemintoChineseorally 课本P29原题1 Herearemyneighbours homewasdestroyedbyearthquake 主系表结构 2 Theterribleshakingofthebuildingwokeupallthepeople wereasleep 3 Thenextdaypeopleputupsheltersintheopenairmadewithanything theycouldfind 为什么可以省略 whose who that 省略 注意 括起来的部分是定语从句 4 Severaldayslatermostofthebuildings hadbeendamaged wererepaired 5 Thisfrightenedboy motherwerelostinthedisaster islookingforhernow 6 Wewenttoseeourteacher husbandlosthislifeintheearthquake 7 Isthistheyoungman savedseveralpeopletrappedunderbuildings sheasked 8 Anumberofchildren parentshaddiedinthequake weresenttolivewithfamiliesintheothercities that which whose whose whose who 3 Thehouse theybuiltin1987stayedupintheearthquake Fillintheblankswithwho whom that whichorwhose 1 Theearthquake hitthecityin1906wasthebiggestinAmericanhistory 2 Wedon tknowthenumberofpeople losttheirhomesin1906earthquake that which that who which that 6 Harryistheboy motherisourmathsteacher 4 Ahouse isbuiltonsandmayfalldowninanearthquake 5 Luckilynoneofthepeople Iknowwerekilledintheearthquake which that who whom that whose 7 Lookatthatlady nameisRose 8 Heisateacher Ilikeverymuch 9 Thosepictures weredrawnbyTomarenice 10 Those willgototheparkstayhere 11 Thatwasallthemoney Ihad whose whom who that which that who that 12 Isthereanyonehere nameisTom 13 Theytalkedforaboutanhourofthingsandpersons theyrememberedintheschool 14 Who hascommonsensewilldosuchathing 避免重复 15 Idon tknowtheway heworkedout 16 Thepersonto youjusttalkedisMr Li whose that that that inwhich whom 1 Itisreportedthattwoschools arebeingbuiltinmyhometown willopennextyear 2007四川 A theybothB whichbothC bothofthemD bothofwhich2 Weshouldn tspentourmoneytestingsomanypeople mostof arehealthy 2007北京 A thatB whichC whatD whom 高考链接 D D 3 Hewaseducatedatthelocalhighschool hewentontoBeijingUniversity 2007江苏 A afterwhichB afterthatC inwhichD inthat5 Chan srestaurantonBakerStreet B usedtobepoorlyrun isnowasuccessfulbusiness 2007浙江 A thatB whichC whoD where A 程度偏难7 Lastweek onlytwopeoplecametolookatthehouse wantedtobuyit 2007安徽 A noneofthemB bothofthemC noneofwhomD neitherofwhom8 Ericreceivedtrainingincomputerforoneyear hefoundajobinabigcompany 2007辽宁 A afterthatB afterwhichC afteritD afterthis D B 9 Yesterdayshesoldhercar sheboughtamonthago 2008浙江 A whomB whereC thatD which D Underthebigtreeare34students manyofthemcomefromclasstwo 2 Mymotherhasagoodbook whichcoverlooksterrible 3 Whoaretheyounggirlswhoarehavingdinnerintherestaurant 改错 whom whose that 4 Sheisoneofthegirlswhoisveryinterestedinmaths 5 Tomistheonlyoneoftheboyswholikeplayingfootball 6 Whoisthegirlthatyoutalkedtoherjustnow 7 Thereisanoldwoman thatisholdingastick are who likes 1 Thebooktellsstoriesoftheearthquakethroughtheeyesofthose liveswereaffected whoseB thatC whoD which 2013福建 高考链接 答案 A 解析 考查定语从句 Affect意思是影响 其中those作为先行词 定语从句中缺少lives的定语 故用whose 2 Happinessandsuccessoftencometothose aregoodatrecognizingtheirownstrengths A whomB whoC whatD which 2013湖南 答案 B 解析 考查定语从句 先行词为those 指人 定语从句中缺少主语 故使用关系代词who 4 Johninvitedabout40peopletohiswedding mostofarefamilymembers AthemB thatC whichD whom 2013重庆 答案 D 解析 考查定语从句 先行词为40people 定语从句中缺少主语 故使用whom 介词之后不能用that 应予以排除 which指先行词为物 them为人称代词 应用于并列句中 5 Thechildren hadplayedthewholedaylong werewornout A allofwhatB allofwhichC allofthemD allofwhom 2013浙江 答案 D 解析 考查定语从句 先判断为定语从句 先行词为children 故答案为D
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