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高三英语一轮复习课文内容汇编 第五册 3 4 模块 快拼熟记单词 biography fantasy detective solve murderer account companion raft resemble create exception memory abolish magnificent beard pilot magic freedom terrified trunk outline disturb comedy fiction romantic review pretend firearm empire master tie rope force elegant origin fright establish reputation carnival ghost costume hide confusion extend mark transport landowner import curious adolescent determined wander unite crawl calendar ingredient relaxing whistle tasty parade multicultural pour shelter paddle panic warn shallow revive council book celebration vivid 常用短语 have connection with run away play a trick on make up be feel in the mood set in make one s fortune set off lead live a life pour down board a sinking ship by the light of put into prison date back to go wild more or less wash down walk off by force make fun of up to two years for weeks on end in one s blood to one s astonishment origins of carnival originate from be in a panic pretend to de sth take over the former the latter think much of be determined to do sth come to an end dress up persuade sb to do sth make one s way consist of in secret 重点回顾与拓展 1 companion The doctor recommended hiring a companion for the elderly man accompany sb to do sth accompany sb to sp be accompanied by keep sb company 2 lie 躺 位于lie lay lain lying vi 撒谎lie lied lied lying vi 放置 产卵lay laid laid laying vi lie to sb tell a lie lies a white lie lie on one s back side stomach lay a table lay an egg 3 resemble vt 不用进行时和被动语态 She resembles he sister in appearance So many hotels resembles each other 4 determined determine to do sth 表动作 be determind to do sth 表状态 与时间段连用 He was determined to do it for a long time There was a determined look on his face 5 warn warn sb of sth warn sb not to do sth warn sb against doing sth warn sb that Villagers are warned of the possible flood He warned me not to swim in the river He warned me against swimming in the river He warned me that there were pickpockets in the crowd 6 only to do 作结果状语表示出人意料的结果 doing 作结果状语表示自然结果 He hurried to the airport only to find that he plane had taken off He dropped the cup breaking it into pieces 7 suggest The doctor suggested that she should not smoke I suggest that the work should be started at once She suggest going together in one car suggest sth to sb What did you suggest to the manager I suggested to him that we should solve the problem at once His expression suggested that he didn t agree with you 8 as if She treats the boy as if he were her own son He talked about Paris as if he had been there before He opened hid mouth as if to say something 9 pretend pretend sth 伪称某物 pretend to be n adj 假装是 pretend to do pretend to be doing pretend to have doing pretend to have dine He pretended a headache yesterday He pretended to be dead when he met a bear She pretended not to see me when I passed by They pretended to be working hard at their machines when the boss came in He pretended not to have heard about it 10 mark She got a good poor full mark in maths I put a mark in the margin Students shouldn t mark the desk with their names Food marked with a red star is included in the recipe section His speech marks the end of the meeting 11 dress up dress sb up as be dressed in Guan zhilin purple clothes at the party Children lone a hero pirate and fairy 12 祈使句 and 陈述句 将来时 Come early and you ll catch the first bus Use your head or you won t find a way this cake you ll need two eggs 175g sugar and 175g flour A Having B Make C To make D Making 13 There is a great no need for sb to do sth There is no doubt that There is no point in doing sth There is no possibility to do sth It is no good no use doing sth It is no wonder that 14 come to an end bring sth to an end on end The party came to an end at 10 last night This was the final battle that brought the war to an end She waited outside for hours on end We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door 15 consist of be made up of be composed of 强化练习 1 The man on the ground said that he had his bicycle behind that big tree A lie lay B lying lay C lying laid D lay laid 2 In the spring of 2020 when SARS spread all over the country people a panic A came into B were at C got into D were into 3 in her best clothes the girl tried to make herself at the party A Dressed noticed B Dressing to be noticed C Get dressed noticed D Dressing noticing 4 Jane s pale face suggested that she ill and her parents suggested that a medical examination A be should B was have C should be had D was had 5 I found the naughty boy behind the door to frighten his sister A hide B to hide C hiding D hidden 6 nice and delicious the fried chicken was soon sold out A Tasted B Being tasted C Tasting D To taste 7 Will 200 the cost of the damage I m afraid not I need at least 100 more A resemble B include C cover D afford 8 You d better some money for special use A pick up B set aside C put off D give away 9 The Chinese film Tang Dynasty is well received by many foreign 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