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2017年云南省昆明市中考英语真题题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. -Hello,mayIspeak Mike? -ThisisMikespeaking()A. atB. toC. inD. on2. -Couldyoupleasecleanyourroom? 一_!()A. Me,tooB. WhatapityC. SeeyouD. Noproblem3. 一Excuseme,whatsyourname? 一_nameisBetty()A. MyB. HisC. HerD. Your4. -DidyoudoanythinginterestinglastSunday? -NatreallyIjust athome()A. stayB. stayedC. willstayD. amstaying5. Nowadays,itsconvenientandcheapforus ashared-bicycle()A. rideB. torideC. flyingD. tofly6. Many_areplayinganactivepartinmakingKunmingacivilizedcity(文明城市)()A. manB. womanC. volunteerD. volunteers7. -Alan,_? -Imsorry,Imnotavailable ()A. didyoulikemyhousewarmingpartyB. whenisyourhousewarmingpartyC. canyoucometomypartytomorrowD. whowillgotothepartywithyou8. -HaveyouwatchedtheTVprogramnamedChinesePoetryCompetition? -YesItsmeaningfuland _()A. IloveitverymuchB. IdontlikeitC. shecantstanditD. hedoesntmindit9. -_? -Twiceaweek()A. HowoldareyouB. HowfarisitfromyourhometoschoolC. HowdoyougettoschoolD. Howoftendoyouexercise10. Aswe_onournewjourney,weshouldntforgetwherewecamefrom()A. takeoutB. setoutC. cutoutD. blowout11. AllthestudentsinourclassareoverfifteenexceptNickHeis inourclass()A. youngerB. olderC. theyoungestD. theoldest12. TheBeltandRoadinitiative(一带一路)is agoodchancetoletmoreandmoreforeignstudentsstudyinourcountry()A. unluckilyB. neverC. reallyD. hardly13. -Couldyoupleasetellme_? 一Thepeopleandthefood()A. HowdoesTomlikeChinaB. ifTomlikesChinaC. whatdoesTomlikeaboutChinaD. whatTomlikesaboutChina14. He wasdowninthemouthbecausehemissedhisplane()A. unhappyB. happyC. gladD. relaxed15. Tellmeyourstory,please Imallears()A. .IhavemanyearsB. .IlikeallkindsofearsC. .ImlisteningtoyoucarefullyD. ,Idontwanttolistentoyou二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分)A teacher decided to let her class play a gameShe told each child in the class to bring along a bag with (16)tomatoesEach tomato would (17)a name of a person that the child hatedSo the number of tomatoes in his or her bag would depend on the number of people the child hatedWhen the day came,every child brought some tomatoes with the names of the people he or she hatedSome had two tomatoes (18)had three tomatoesSome even had five tomatoesThe teacher then told the children to carry the tomatoes with them wherever they went for a weekDays passed and the children started to complain (抱怨) (19)the rotten (腐烂的)tomatoes let out terrible smellBesides,those having five tomatoes,also had to carry (20)bagsAfter one week,the children were very happy because the game had (21)endedThe teacher asked,How did you feel?The children started complaining of the trouble that they had to go through when carrying the heavy and smelly tomatoesThen the teacher told them the (22)behind the gameThe teacher saidThis is the same situation when you carry your hatred (憎恨)for somebody (23)your heartThe terrible smell of hatred will (24)your heart,and you will carry it with you wherever you goIf you cannot stand the smell of the rotten tomatoes for just (25)week,can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?16. A. muchB. a littleC. a few17. A. callB. be givenC. have written18. A. AnyB. SomeC. Every19. A. becauseB. butC. so20. A. lowerB. lighterC. heavier21. A. oftenB. finallyC. always22. A. meaningB. timeC. way23. A. outsideB. insideC. beside24. A. cleanB. washC. pollute25. A. one.B. twoC. five.三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AA re you still doing theVfor victory sign?Its out The latest popular hand gesture (手势) is putting both your hands together to make a heart shapeIt is called ahand heart Many young pop stars in the USA do this in their photosThehand heart,gesture means something betweenI love youandthank yousaid Taylor Swift,the country singerYou can send a sweet and simple message without saving aSwift often does it at her concertsAnd some people think she makes this gesture popular Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did thehand heart and put the photos onlineThey did it to help out three children,whose parents died from a car accident In some Asian countries,thehand hearis popular toobut in a different wayPeople there put their hands above their heads and make a bigger heart shape with their armsIt meansI love you 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)26. Its out to do theVfor victory sign _ 27. Thehand heartgesture meansI dont love you _ 28. No one ca
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