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Unit 3 Safety单词闯关1. 安全;平安(n.) _(adj.) _(反义词) _(adj.)_2小心的;仔细的(adj.) _(adv.)_(v.&n. )_(反义词)_(adv.)_3悬挂;垂下_(过去式)_(过去分词)_4平躺;躺_(过去式)_5. 严重的;严肃的_6必需的_7decorate_8ambulance_短语互译1. 跳起来_ 2在上面_3climb onto _ 4cry for help_句型在线1.它难道不漂亮吗?_ _ beautiful?2让我给你拿把梯子。Let me_ the ladder _ you.3. 我想我足够高。I think Im _ _.4.我的尾巴有点疼,但不严重。My tail _ _ _, but its not _. 5我想我的胳膊没有折断。I _ _ my arm is broken.1safety n. 安全;平安观察 Dont worry about his safety. 不要担心他的安全。探究 safety 是_词,意为“安全;平安”。其反义词为danger,意为“危险”。拓展 safety的形容词是_, 意为“安全的” ,其反义词是_, 意为“危险的”。The traffic here is very dangerous for kids. 这里的交通对孩子们来说很危险。1(1)2017新疆建设兵团The glasses can keep the workers eyes _ (安全的)(2)2017上海For your_(safe), smoking is not allowed during the whole flight. 2careful adj. 小心的;仔细的观察 Be careful, Danny!当心,丹尼!The accident taught him to be more careful.这起事故的教训使他变得更小心。探究 careful 是_词,意为“小心的;仔细的”,其反义词是_,意为“粗心的;大意的”。be careful 意为“小心,当心”, 可以在祈使句中单独使用,也可以接不定式或从句,相当于词组take care/look out。 He is a careful man with his words.他是一个说话严谨的人。 辨析 careful, care, careless与carefullycareful形容词,意为“小心的;仔细的”。care名词和动词,意为“关心;在乎”。careless形容词,意为“粗心的;大意的”。carefully副词,意为“小心的;仔细地”。2(1)2017枣庄Of the two boys, who do you think is more _(仔细的)(2)2017兰州He is always _ (care)about his schoolwork, so he keeps making the same mistakes.(3)2017临沂There are ways to stay healthy when seasons change. You should wash your hands_(careful), exercise, eat and sleep well.3hang v. 悬挂;垂下观察 I am going to hang it from the ceiling over the desk.我要把它挂在天花板上,让它悬在桌子上方。探究 hang可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或_词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,主动形式含有被动意义。其过去式和过去分词均为hung。常见短语: hang up 挂断电话hang around/about 逗留,闲荡拓展 hang还可译为“绞死”,其过去式和过去分词均为hanged。In the past, a thief could be hanged. Isnt it cruel? 在过去,一个小偷可能会被绞死。这难道不残忍吗?3The picture _ on the wall was painted by my grandfather.AhangedBhangingChangs Dbeing hung4lie v. 平躺;躺;说谎n. 谎言,谎话观察 John lay on the sofa and soon fellasleep. 约翰躺在沙发上,一会儿就睡着了。The man lying there lied that he laid the money on the table. 躺在那里的那个人撒谎说他把钱放在桌子上了。探究 lie, lay的用法如下:原形过去式过去分词现在分词lie vi. 躺;位于lie vi. 说谎lay vt. 放置;下蛋记忆口诀巧记lie, lay众兄弟:规则的撒谎,不规则的躺;躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。注释:规则、不规则是指动词的过去式与过去分词的变化规则,“躺过”指lie作“躺”讲时的过去式lay。4(1)2016大庆Where were you when I called?I _ on the bed.AliedBwas lyingClay Dwas lieing(2)The girl _ on the ground _ to me that she had _ the purse on the desk.Alying; lay; laidBlying; lied; laidClie; lied; layDlay; lied; lain 5serious adj. 严重的;严肃的观察 My tail hurts a little, but its not serious. 我的尾巴有点疼,但不严重。I have a headache, but the doctor says its nothing serious.我头痛,但是医生说没什么严重的。We should be serious about food safety. 我们应该对食品安全严肃些。探究 serious是_词,意为“严重的;严肃的”。常用短语:nothing serious没什么严重的be serious about对认真/严肃takeseriously 认真对待拓展 serious的副词形式为seriously,意为“严重地;严肃地”。52017南充 We shouldnt take these game shows too _(serious)6necessary adj. 必需的观察 No, thats not necessary.不,那没有必要。He hopes to provide some necessary service.他希望能提供一些必要的服务。Its necessary for students to do exercise every day.对学生们来说,每天锻炼是有必要的。Its necessary that we do exercise every day.我们每天锻炼是有必要的。 探究 necessary可用作表语、定语和宾语补足语。其作表语时通常用_作形式主语。“It is necessary”后可以接不定式或由_引导的从句。6(1)2017泰州Was it necessary_ John_ some photos before the old man?I think so. In this way, he could protect himself later.Aof; taking Bfor; takingCof; to take Dfor; to take(2)If your best friend tells you his secrets, its_ for you to keep them for him. Aspecial BnecessaryCpossible Dcareful1Isnt it beautiful? 它难道不漂亮吗?探究 这是一个_疑问句。它可以表达说话者惊讶、责难或赞叹的语气,也可以表示建议、邀请、请求或看法等。回答时用简略回答。如果答语是肯定的,就用_; 如果答语是否定的,就用_。但这种答语的汉语译法和英语的回答正好是_的。Dont you know English? 难道你不懂英语吗?Yes, I do.不,我懂。Arent you a student?难道你不是一名学生吗? No, Im not. 是的,我不是。1“难道你没去过北京吗?”“不,我去过。”(翻译句子)_2I dont think my arm is broken. 我想我的胳膊没有折断。探究 当主句的主语是第_人称,谓语动词是think, suppose, believe等时,如果从句是否定句,常常将否定形式转移到_中,即“否定前移”。2我认为他们不会使用这台机器。(翻译句子)_教师详解详析【
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