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英语口语自学教材,一片通美语初级口语单词1200个,第47课。so副词 如此地, 一般地, 那样地.She is working so hard.她是那麼地努力工作.连接词 所以, 因此.She has to take care of her children, so she gave up her job.她因為必须照顾她的小孩子们, 所以放弃了工作.口语 多麼, 非常, 哦!table名词 桌子, 餐桌, 檯子, 表格.Each student has his own table and chair.每个学生有他自己的桌子和椅子.动词 把 放在桌上, 提交讨论, 把 製成表格.We need to table the results in the paper.我们必须把结果製成表格放进论文 (报告) 裡.take动词 取, 拿, 採用, 带着.Dont forget to take your book when you leave.你离去的时候别忘了带你的书.The doctor gave me some medicine to take after meals.医生给了我一些饭后服用的药.taken动词 取, 拿, 採用, 带着. (take 的过去分词)Excuse me, Is this seat taken?对不起, 请问这个位置有人坐吗?That notice was taken down last week.那个公告一星期前拿下来了.tape名词 带子, 线状物, 胶布, (录音或录影)磁带.We listened to the tape of her songs.我们听了她唱歌的录音带.动词 用带子捆扎, 用胶布把 黏牢.After we put the things in boxes, we tape them up.我们把东西放进箱子裡后用胶带封起来.3
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