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牛津高中英语 模块七 高二下学期 AdvancewithEnglish 板块 教学设计 课件 Unit 3 Grammarandusage Auxiliaryverb Auxiliaryverbsareusedinformingtenses moodsandvoicesofotherverbs Theverbsusedforthispurposeincludebe do haveandmodals Whatareauxiliaryverbs 1 HelikeEnglish 2 Hesinging 3 Hemarried 4 HesenttoEngland 5 youlikecollegelife 6 youstudyEnglishlastyear etothepartytomorrowevening 8 Heknowthat doesn t Auxiliaryverbs is hasgot was Do Did Do did be am is are was were been do does did have has had modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Aphrasalauxiliaryverb have got to hadbetter wouldsooner rather than cannot help but be not to besupposedto oughtto usedto beaboutto beableto Auxiliaryverbs Auxiliaryverbs Thesmallanimalsarekeptinthecages Heisgivingalecture TheInternethastoomuchinformationthathasnotbeenevaluatedforaccuracy Yourhouseisbiggerandnicerthanmine Iamtogoabroadonbusinesstomorrow 1 be am is are was were been Auxiliaryverbs Tip be作为本动词表示状态或客观存在等意思 be 不定词连用 表示约定 义务 命令等未来的动作或状态 be 现在分词构成各种进行时态 be 过去分词构成被动语态 be用于have has had后构成完成时 1 be am is are was were been Auxiliaryverbs Hedidn tfindanyusefulinformationontheInternet Thesekindsoferrorsdonotoccurasoftenwhenpeopleusetraditionalreferencematerials Then whydoeshecomehere Youdoknowalotaboutcomputers NeverdidIseesuchastrangeman 2 do does did Auxiliaryverbs Tip do作为助动词时的时态 人称和数的变化有do does did三种形式 do 主词 原形动词构成疑问句 do not 原形动词构成否定句 do not 主词用于附带问句 do 原形动词用于加强语气句 Never Only 等 do 主词 原形动词用于倒装句 2 do does did Auxiliaryverbs Ihaveneverseensuchastrangeman CanIhavemyhaircutnow Ioftenhavemyassistanthelpmedoit 3 have has had Tip 助动词have 过去分词构成完成时态 have 受词 过去分词表示请或让别人做某事 have 受词 原形不定词表示请或让某人做某事 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs Ok Ishalldowhatyousaid Ishallneverdosuchathing Youshallgivemeacigarette orIshalltelltheboss WhereshallImeetyou Youshouldworkharder Youmustputonmoreclothesincaseyoushouldcatchacold Auxiliaryverbs Willyougivemeacigarette Thiswillbewhatyouneed Shewouldstandtheresleepingforhours Ok Iwilldoit 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs CanIhelpyou sir Iamcheckingout Couldyougivemethebill Ofcoursewecanwait Coulditbethechargeforthefruit Ican thelpthinkingofit 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare MustIgowithyou No youneedn t Youmustn tforgetyourmedicalcard Oh itiswetoutside Itmusthaverainedyesterday Soitmustbeslipperyoutside Dobecareful Youneedn thavetoldmethatmuch Auxiliaryverbs 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs Idarenotsayitisugly Howdareyousayso 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs Tip shall表示发言者的意志 包括诺言 决心 强制等 shall用于询问对方的意向 should表示义务 责任等 will用于第二人称疑问句中 询问对方意志或请求 will 原形动词用于所有人称 表意愿 would 原形动词表示过去一段时间的习惯 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs Tip 4 can could在口语中相当于may might 表示许可 can could表示能力 相当于beableto can could表示怀疑 推测 一般用于疑问句或否定句 can could用于惯用语 can thelp或couldn thelp 动名词表示不得不 忍不住 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs Tip 5 must表示必须 义务等 强调主观因素 haveto 强调客观因素 need可以对must引导的一般疑问句作否定回答 must的否定式表示不准 禁止等意思 must have 过去分词表示对过去情况的推断 must 原形动词表示对现在情况的推断 needn t have 过去分词表示过去不必做却已经做了的事 4 modals shall should will would can could may might must need dare Auxiliaryverbs Tip 6 dare作为情态助动词 一般只能用于疑问句或否定句中 5 Aphrasalauxiliaryverb have got to hadbetter wouldsooner rather than cannot help but be not to besupposedto oughtto usedto beaboutto beableto Auxiliaryverbs 5 Aphrasalauxiliaryverb Auxiliaryverbs It sgettinglate I ve got togonow Youdon thavetotakeoffyourshoes Manycountrieswouldratherbecautiouswiththisnewtechnology Theticketshadbeensoldout soIcouldnot help butgobackhome Thechildrenaresupposedtobeatschoolbefore8a m 5 Aphrasalauxiliaryverb Auxiliaryverbs Iusedtolovecatsbutnotnow becauseIwasonceattackedbyabigblackcat Hedidn tusetosmokewhenhewasyounger Didheusetocomeasoftenashedoesnow AnswerstoPartA p41 1 have2 haven t3 don t4 didn t5 was6 did7 did8 didn t9 wouldn thave10 will AnswerstoPartB p41 1 wasaboutto2 usedto3 wasn tableto4 wassupposedto5 couldnothelpbut6 wouldrather 1 Reviewwhatwehavelearnedinclass 2 Goovertheexercisesinclass 3 Finishtheworkbookexercises P120 Homework
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