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第1课时预备级 Module4 七上 第一篇教材考点梳理 children Australian policemen tomatoes photos teeth scientist scientific classes women farmer friendly friendship unfriendly colourful healthy healthily unhealthy unhealthily importance unimportant different similar really listener forget spelled spelt spelled spelt spelling action active activity actress actor manager management thankful taught taught teacher met met meeting went gone saw seen sat sat sitting drew drawn put put putting stood stood wrote written writer helpful helpless knew known knowledge known swam swum swimming swimmer let let drove driven driver got got getting ate eaten bought bought drank drunk shopped shopped shopping ninth ninety ninetieth fifth fifty fiftieth twelfth twenty twentieth eighth eighty eightieth first givenname last familyname thecapitalof atypeof thenumberof amapoftheworld goshopping getfat havegot makealist begood helpfulfor bebadfor inEnglish ontheleft ontheright nextto inthemiddleof between and onthetree inthetree aboveall afterall onceagain 随堂达标小测 closev 合上 关闭 题1 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 Someofthetiredstudentskeeptheireyes close forabreak 题2 根据汉语提示完成句子 IfeltmuchbetterafterItoldtheproblemstomy 亲密的 friend closed close 归纳拓展 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 helpv 援助 题3 根据汉语提示完成句子 在 的帮助下 myteachers IhavemadegreatprogressinEnglishlearning 题4 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 Judy ifyouwantanotherdrink justhelp you 2 Peoplesometimescan thelp buy somethingunnecessarywhenshopping 3 Ican thelp make themodelplane becauseit sgettingdarkandIhavetoleavenow Withthehelpof yourself buying to make 归纳拓展 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 rememberv 记住 记起 题5 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 Jackremembered lock thedoorwhenleavinghome Butwhenhecameback hefounditopen 2 I msorry MissGreen Ileftmymathsbookathome Itdoesn tmatter Pleaseremember bring itheretomorrow 3 TheTVinyourroomisstillon Oh Iforgot turn itoff locking tobring toturn 随堂达标小测 4 Thechildiscrying Pleasedosomethingtomakehimstop cry 5 Iregret tell himthebadnews Nowheissosad 6 Iregret tell youthatyouhaven tpassedtheexam Really Ican tbelieveit crying telling totell 归纳拓展 1 remember为动词 意为 记住 记起 后常跟名词或代词等作宾语 其常用结构为 随堂达标小测 2 其他与remember用法相同的词 注意 这类动词后跟todo表示不定式所表示的行为还没有发生 强调的是要发生 后跟doing表示v ing形式所表示的行为已经发生过了 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 buyv 购买 买 题6 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 Myfatheralways buy beautifulflowersforMumonWomen sDayeveryyear 题7 根据汉语提示完成句子 Theyoungmanboughtanoldcar 从 hisfriendTomyesterday buys from 随堂达标小测 题8 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 音乐会的票卖光了 我们今天看不成了 Theticketsfortheconcert Wecan twatchittoday 2 你不能把这样的苹果卖给别人 Youcan tsuchapplesothers havebeensoldout sell to 归纳拓展 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 infrontof inthefrontof 题9 选词组填空 infrontofinthefrontof 1 Thereisablackboardtheclassroom 2 Therearemanytreestheteachingbuilding inthefrontof infrontof 随堂达标小测 注意 短语中有无定冠词的区别 inhospital生病住院inthehospital在医院里gotoschool去上学gototheschool到学校去attable在吃饭atthetable在桌子旁边 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 see watch look read notice 题10 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 每词限用一次 watchseenoticereadlook 1 Tonywasinterestedinstorybookswhenhewasfiveyearsold 2 Bettyhadafever We dbettertakehertoadoctorrightnow 3 Tony smumyoungandbeautiful Itishardtobelievesheisalreadyinherfifties 4 Iwasthefootballmatchwhenmymothercamein 5 Hewalkedsofastthathedidn thiswife reading see looks watching notice 随堂达标小测 续表 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 muchtoo toomuch toomany 题11 选词组填空 muchtootoomuchtoomany 1 Mysisterisbusyeveryday whichpreventsherfromlookingafterherbaby 2 Eatingjunkfoodisbadforourhealth 3 peoplevisittheGreatWallinBeijingeveryyear muchtoo toomuch Toomany 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 Therearethirtystudentsinmyclass 我的班上有30名学生 题12 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1 There be anEnglisheveningpartytonight 2 Thereareseveralcleaners sweep thestreetnow 3 Thereislotsofwork do willbe isgoingtobe sweeping todo 归纳拓展 1 therebe句型表示 有 其谓语动词遵循 就近一致原则 即be动词与离其最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致 Thereisadeskandtwochairsintheclassroom 教室里有一张桌子和两把椅子 2 therebe句型的一般将来时结构为 therewillbe或thereis aregoingtobe 意为 将有 Thereisgoingtobeameetingtomorrow 明天将有个会议 随堂达标小测 3 therebesb doingsth 意为 有人正在做某事 therebesth todo意为 有某事要做 4 therebe与have has got 的区别 therebe表示 某处有某物 侧重于客观存在 不强调所属关系 have has got 表示主观上 拥有 强调所属关系 随堂达标小测 Howmanybuildingsarethereintheschool 在这所学校里有多少座建筑物 题13 选词组填空 howoftenhowsoonhowoldhowmanyhowlong 1 studentsarethereinyourclass 2 willyoufinishyourhomework John Infiveminutes Howmany Howsoon 随堂达标小测 3 doyougotoyourhometown Onceayear 4 isyourfather Mike Forty 5 It snotbuthowwellwelive Howoften Howold howlong 随堂达标小测 随堂达标小测 根据所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式 1 Thereareaboutfifty 妇女 doctorsinthehospital 2 ZhouXunisafamous 女演员 fromQuzhou Zhejiang 3 Tokeep 健康 you dbetternotstayup 4 Where smybasketball Mum Ican tseeit It s 在 后面 thedoor 5 Nowadaysmoreandmorepeopleknowthe 重要性 ofreading women actress healthy 核心考点聚焦 behind importance 用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空 每词或短语限用一次 buyhomeninecloseinfrontof1 Look MrsLinisenjoyingthemusicwithhereyes 2 Who sthemanyou Heismyuncle 3 It sabout15kilometresfrommyschooltomy 4 Septemberisthemonthoftheyear 5 You dbetternotsomanyscarves It sreallyawasteofmoney closed infrontof home 核心考点聚焦 ninth buy 语法填空阅读下面短文 在空白处填入一个适当的词 或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式 InBeijing thereisdeliciousstreetfoodeverywhere SoIdon tneed1 go toarestaura
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