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1 Section Introduction from It is necessary to use a short wave radio to pick up the programmes 必须有一台短波收音机才能收听到这些节目 I ll pick you up at your home tomorrow 明天我会开车到你家接你 A lifeboat picked up survivors 救生艇救起了幸存者 归纳 拓展 pick oneself up 跌倒后起来 pick off 摘掉 pick out 挑选出 辨认出 拣出 I could pick out my friend in the crowd 9 我能在人群中认出我朋友 Pick yourself up Courage is doing what you re afraid to do 振作起来 勇气就是去做你害怕去做的事情 即景活用 A 单句语法填空 1 Buses have routes They pick and drop off people at different places on the routes B pick up的意义较多 试写出其在下列句中的含义 2 He picked up a pen on the road 3 He picked up French while he was staying in Paris 4 She picked up the story where she had left it the day before 5 He picked up some bad habits in that club 6 The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite 7 You ll pick up soon 答案 1 up 2 拾起 3 无意中学会 4 继续 故事 谈话等 5 染上 6 接收 7 恢复 掌握 难句解析 The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats P72 这次登陆行动异常危险 很多士兵还没来得及下船就牺牲了 连词 before的基本含义是 在 之前 又可以根据不同语境灵活翻译成 才 还 没来得及就 趁 等 My parents have promised to come to see me before I leave for Africa 我父母答应在我动身去非洲前来看我 归纳 拓展 before you we etc know it 不知不觉就 It was not long before 过去 没过多久就 It was long before 过了很久才 It will not be long before 要不了多久就 It will be long before 要过很久才 Time passed quickly and three months went by before I knew it 时间过得很快 不知不觉已经度过了三个月 名师点津 before从句中谓语一般不用否定式 It will be 一段时间 before 要过多久之后 10 才 Will it be years before he goes to school 要过好几年他才能上学吗 即景活用 A 单句语法填空 1 The meaning of the word nice changed a few times it finally came to include the sense pleasant B 单句写作 2 尼古拉斯不知不觉地就迷路了 Nicholas was lost 答案 1 before 2 Before he knew it 课堂 总结演练 单句改错 1 The hot weather was lasted until the end of September 答案 去掉 was 2 Occupying with routine work she had no time to attend her children 答案 Occupying Occupied 3 He stood on the top of the hill overlooked the whole village below 答案 overlooked overlooking或 overlooked前加 and 4 He rescued a child from drown 答案 drown drowning 5 The abandoning disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society 答案 abandoning abandoned 单句写作 1 他们很晚才回到家 又渴又饿 They returned home very late 答案 thirsty and hungry 2 我正感到尴尬 你为我解围了 11 You me an embarrassing situation 答案 rescued from 3 她用空着的一只手拿起一本新杂志 She with her free hand 答案 picked up a new magazine 4 别人忙于工作时不要去打扰他们 这是一种礼节 It is good manners not to disturb others when they their work 答案 occupy themselves are occupied with 演练通关提升 夯实 基础知识 单词拼写 1 The manager strongly 谴责 empty talk instead of hard work 答案 condemned 2 He went to rescue a 溺水的 child regardless of his personal safety 答案 drowning 3 The heartless man 抛弃 his disabled wife and ran away with all their money 答案 abandoned 4 It is our duty to defend our country when she is 侵略 答案 invaded 5 He has taught men and women of all ages and of various 国籍 答案 nationalities 6 He r three children from the burning building 答案 rescued 7 I felt very s at the news that an earthquake hit Ya an 答案 shocked 8 Her time is fully o with her three children 答案 occupied 9 Though w the soldier managed to get to the village safely 答案 wounded 10 Our garden is o from the neighbor s balcony 答案 overlooked 单句语法填空 1 Her interest in painting the big house kept her occupy for a whole 12 week 答案 occupied 2 It s not safe to travel by standing at the roadside hoping to be picked by passing cars 答案 up 3 He worked so hard that eventual he made himself ill 答案 eventually 4 I can judge that they overlook the enormous risks involved 答案 overlooked 5 It was not long his name became a household word 答案 before 6 After sitting in the train for more than twenty hours I returned home exhaust but happy 答案 exhausted 7 My car was stolen last year and it was found abandon in a village months later 答案 abandoned 8 You can hardly imagine the trouble they had rescue those injured in the Ya an earthquake 答案 rescuing 9 He acted like a drown man trying to catch at a straw 答案 drowning 10 When the terrible flood happened in the south the government declare a state of emergency and general mobilization 答案 declared 单句写作 1 要过很久他才出国 he goes abroad 答案 It will be long before 2 工人们正忙碌着修建体育馆 The workers the new gymnasium 答案 are occupied in building 3 政府决定是否向另一方宣战是件很困难的事情 It s difficult for the government to determine whether to the 13 other or not 答案 declare war on 4 这台设备接收到了卫星发出的信号 The equipment the signal from the satellite 答案 picked up 5 这位父亲正努力阻止他的儿子沉迷于网络 The father is trying his best to prevent his son from the Internet 答案 abandoning himself to 提升 实战能力 完形填空 When I was a small child during the war we were very poor and we lived in a faraway village One day on the road I found some 1 pieces of a mirror There was a German motorcycle accident I tried to find all the pieces and put them 2 but it was not possible so I kept only the 3 piece and I made it round I began to 4 with it as a toy and became greatly attracted by the 5 that I could reflect light to dark places where the sun would never shine in 6 holes and some other dark places It became a 7 for me t
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