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1 Section Pre reading Warming Up Reading 基础题 单词拼写 1 My wife is a n 本地的 New Yorker but I m from Japan 答案 native 2 Production in the factories stopped because of 频 繁 的 power failures 答案 frequent 3 A good decision is 以 为基础 on one s knowledge and experience 答案 based 4 2017 江苏高考 Cinemas have 逐渐地 given way to the rise of the Internet and cellphones 答案 gradually 5 The police asked him to show his 身份 card before he entered the room 答案 identity 6 Both English and French are o languages in Canada 答案 official 7 At the age of 29 Dave was living in a small a near Boston and wondering what to do about his future 答案 apartment 8 Having studied Chinese for two years now she can speak Chinese f 答案 fluently 9 After an about 10 days v on the stormy sea they arrived at a lonely island 答案 voyage 10 By the age of two a child will have a v of about two hundred words 答案 vocabulary 单句语法填空 1 He looked calm but actual he was very nervous 答案 actually 2 base on a novel by Lewis the film is popular with people around 2 the country 答案 Based 3 The question will come at the meeting 答案 up 4 We thoroughly understand each other even we don t always agree 答案 if though 5 As we all know the panda is native China 答案 to 6 Your spare time should be made full use of make up for your missed lessons 答案 to make 能力题 完形填空 Eight years ago I went to a wonderful school West Catholic High School in the United States I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to study as a n 1 student from Ukraine when I was fourteen years old I remember my first day at that school 2 it was yesterday I was very 3 as if there had been many butterflies in my stomach My main 4 was that I would not be able to 5 myself due to the language barrier 障碍 I was trying to have as little 6 as I possibly could And I almost 7 until we had to introduce 8 in front of the class And the moment the word international flew out of my 9 I was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after another It 10 to be the opposite of less communication but it was so much fun During the first three months I 11 experienced a little bit of cultural shock I think Americans are the 12 people I have ever met in my entire life They always smile and say Hi how are you One day I 13 the students looking at me with doubt Finally one classmate 14 to my locker 寄物柜 and whispered Is that true that you are a princess and that you came to study here so that nobody would 15 you At one point I even had an image of myself 16 a crown and gracefully waving at the crowd People do have a wild 17 I think it was a 18 one year experience I saw a totally new world experienced great culture met a lot of incredible 极好的 people and 19 my 3 language This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages That is one of the reasons 20 I speak five different languages today 篇章导读 本文是一篇记叙文 作者是一位在美国留过学的乌克兰人 虽然一开始因为 语言问题作者想逃避与他人交流 但是在做自我介绍之后 作者发现与人交流很有趣 1 A international B common C friendly D clever 答案 A 由本句中的 Ukraine 可知 作者是一名国际学生 第三段第一句中的 the word international flew out of my 9 也是提示 international 国际的 2 A even though B as though C now that D in case 答案 B 首段谈到作者是八年前到美国留学的 本句中的 yesterday 比喻在那个学 校的第一天就像昨天一样 此处用as though来引导状语从句 意为 好像 似乎 3 A sad B comfortable C excited D nervous 答案 D 由下文中的 as if there had been many butterflies in my stomach 可 知 作者当时的内心是紧张的 4 A point B goal C fear D reason 答案 C 由上文中的 as if there had been many butterflies in my stomach 以 及本句末的 the language barrier 障碍 可知 作者害怕自己因为语言障碍不能表达 自己的意思 5 A help B express C control D relax 答案 B 由于语言障碍 作者主要害怕不能表达出自己的意思 express oneself 表 达自己的意思 6 A communication B connection C emotion D attention 答案 A 由上文中的 the language barrier 障碍 可知 作者尽可能不与别人交 流 7 A failed B succeeded C forgot D won 答案 B 上文谈到作者尽可能避免与他人交流 因此这里指作者几乎成功避免与他人交 流这件事 8 A myself B themselves 4 C ourselves D himself 答案 C 下文作者介绍自己是一名国际学生 故此处是说 直到我们不得不在全班同学 面前介绍自己 句中的 we 暗示着用ourselves 9 A eye B mouth C heart D mind 答案 B 国际的 这个词一从作者的嘴里说出来 作者就被30 个人围起来 一个接 一个问问题 只有mouth 符合语境 10 A turned out B figured out C pointed out D made out 答案 A 结果证明交流得更多了 turn out 证明是 结果是 没有被动语态 figure out 弄懂 弄清楚 弄明白 point out 向某人 指出 make out 看透 辨认 清楚 11 A hardly B certainly C suddenly D finally 答案 B 因为初到美国 作者肯定会经历文化冲击 certainly 无疑 确定 12 A funniest B nicest C smartest D worst 答案 B 下文中的 smile 和 Hi how are you 表明 作者认为美国人是她见过的 最友好的人 13 A caught B noticed C considered D kept 答案 B 有一天 作者注意到学生们疑惑地看着她 notice 注意 察觉 14 A turned up B sent up C came up D picked up 答案 C 上文提到学生们只是看着作者 最后 一个同班同学走上前来询问 come up 走 近 为攀谈而 走到跟前 turn up 偶然出现 send up 使 价值 上升 pick up 拿起 举起 提起 15 A recognize B harm C accept D blame 答案 A 作者的同学问她来这里学习是不是为了没有人会认出她 recognize 辨别出 认出 16 A holding B carrying C wearing D dressing 答案 C 有那么一刻 作者甚至想到一幅自己戴着皇冠 优雅地朝众人挥手的景象 wear 5 表示 穿 戴 佩戴 句中的crown 表示 王冠 皇冠 17 A imagination B suggestion C request D desire 答案 A 人们猜想作者是来自乌克兰的一位公主 因此这里指人们有丰富的想象力 18 A valueless B priceless C terrible D similar 答案 B 下文中的 experienced great culture met a lot of incredible 极好的 people 表明 作者认为在美国学习的一年经历极其珍贵 priceless 无价的 极珍贵的 19 A practised B shared C improved D spread 答案 C 作者通过在美国的学习提高了她的英语水
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